samedi 23 mai 2015

Hannibal, S2 Ep 11/12

Hannibal, S2 Ep 11/12

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, as this is the "one-before-the-last" post about #TwoWeeksOfHannibal (seriously, there is only ONE episode remaining for season two and I don't know if I'm prepared or not), here is the review for the two next episodes, Ko No Mono and Tome-Wan. So, without any further ado, let's go, shall we ?

Ko No Mono

"You're going to be having some trouble with your lady parts, Margot. I'm afraid the only person you'll be celebrating Mother's Day with... is me."
     As we can see in this episode, Mason decides to force an abortion on his sister, even if he wants an heir, a male one (he could have had one but he wants his own, and I think he even implied incest with Margot), because his family is full of sexist pigs that only value males as heirs. Not going to ramble about my feminist opinions about this, but I just wanted to show that in these convervative families where "old values" still prevail, there is not a lot of place for females such as Margot, who has to live with her abusive brother because she knows it's her only way to survive. The Vergers are quite isolated from the rest of the world and it doesn't seem abnormal to them...

"So, how was my funeral ?"
     And... this is the point where I lost it. Freddie Lounds isn't dead (I seriously thought she was), this is all a plan, the only murder Will has committed in this season (apart from the Beast) is the man sent by Hannibal to kill him. This had been a plot all along and is still going strong to force Hannibal to show his true nature, and Freddie was a part of it. She seems to enjoy the gossip and participating in a secret stuff (after all, it's Freddie, the one who always looks for stuff she shouldn't look for). And Hannibal seems to believe it and her death, as he doesn't suspect anything... Will that stay the same for long ? I hope so...

"God is beyond measure in wanton malice, and matchless in his irony."
     As we can see here, a lot of people lie to each other. Hannibal loses slowly his influence as Will Graham has now convinced Jack Crawford to join his side to catch Hannibal-the Ripper. It is now only a matter of time before Lecter is finally caught, they just have to find a means to achieve this goal. However, not everybody is in the deal, as Alana is left behind and Will makes her feel at her worst as she is his girlfriend. She's left behind while she was the only person that believed him all along, which makes me feel a little bit sad for her (after all, she knows things and she's not that dumb, she could have participated in the plan), but no, she's left out while she had been Will's only friend when no one else wanted to defend him.

Overall impression : Incredible plot twist (I didn't see it coming, seriously !), and great episode. Jack FINALLY moves, God dammit ! Anyway, great episode !


"You've taunted him long enough. Let him see you as you truly are.
- Jack has become my friend. I suppose I owe him the truth."
     In this episode, Jack and Will keep their plan going, and they want to catch Hannibal committing a crime. They decide to do that on Mason Verger, because Hannibal wants Will to kill him, but Graham thinks that he can turn the tides and make Lecter kill instead. So, he tries to convince him by flattering him and calling his super-big ego to kill him and denounce himself to prove to Jack that he had been the Ripper and the copy-cat all along, to claim the credit for murders he committed like an artist would claim the title of creator of his art. But will Hannibal fall into the trap set for him ?

"Hannibal can get lost in self-congratulation, at his own exquisite taste and cunning. Whimsy. That will be how he will get caught."
     And Bedelia Du Maurier returns to explain what happened to her relationship with Hannibal. She said earlier in the show that she was Hannibal's psychiatrist, not the opposite, but she had been influenced by him and even killed the patient that attacked him (he was probably sent by Hannibal), because she thought it was the only solution (even if, technically, she was in position of self-defense). Everybody is influenced by Hannibal, even Bedelia, which shows his skills. But now, the game seems a little bit more even as Jack finally reacts and stops being a puppet in everybody's hands. Now, if only he could stop Hannibal more efficiently, it would be good, right ?

"Pigs did this to you ?
- Oh, yes. The pigs certainly did."
     And this is how the episode ends. Mason tries to kill Hannibal, fails because of Will that saves his life, and then is drugged. He gives is own face flesh to Will's dogs and eats his own nose in one of the most gore scenes in the show (seriously, the pain killers must have been damn efficient for him to cut is own flesh so easily without any pain), and Hannibal manipulates him too. Jack then sees him at the hospital (I thought Hannibal had killed him, but not really), and Mason says "Oh, it was the pigs" (which is a result from his hallucinations). I don't think that Jack approved of what happened in the end of the episode since he looks a little bit surprised and, in my opinion, that was not his plan. How will he react to that ? We will know that soon...

Overall impression : Great episode that prepares us to the finale (I am seriously scared of it now, I don't think I will be prepared for it EVER), and great time as always !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed that post and see you soon for the finale of Hannibal, season two !

And as usual, our last word... KIDNEYS !

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