mardi 14 juillet 2015

Hannibal, S3 Ep6

Hannibal, S3 Ep6

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, sorry if I'm *very* late for these reviews, but my Internet connection hasn't been working lately. Anyway, here's the review for the sixth episode in the third season of Hannibal. Here's to another In Three Words review !


So, here are the three words for this episode :

- Manipulation : as it's been revealed that Bedelia has been manipulated by Hannibal all along with drugs, she's questioned, firstly by Jack and Will, then by the Italian police. But Hannibal has already run away, and he's now fleeing, not only from the police, but also from Chiyoh, who wants to "cage him". Will she get what she wants ? What will happen to Bedelia ? In the end of the episode, as Hannibal and Will are caught by Mason Verger, we can wonder what will happen to them.

- Gayer : FINALLY ! We got the sex scene between Alana and Margot. Personnally, I don't know why this scene (it was probably the case for ALL the scenes, but I was just wondering) was a little bit... odd. But I'm not going to complain : after all, we got it. And if it keeps going this way, and Hannigram happens (because now, it is BOUND to happen), it means that ALL the main characters (I don't know yet for Mason hahaha) are bi/pan. And THIS is just the BEST thing to ever happen in this show. FINALLY, after all the bi/pan erasure in mainstream media, we got something in a show acclaimed by the audience and awarded, even very recently.

- Reunion : ARGH ! The Hannigram reunion ! The feels are very strong with this one. Seriously, we couldn't get closer to a romantic interaction between Hannibal and Will. And even if they are in a bad situation at the moment, they probably have a way to get out. It just needs to happen (and the feels are increasing, honestly, there isn't an episode that does NOT outsand the previous one in terms of Hannigram and the show ALWAYS finds a way to give us more every single time), and I will be the happiest person ever.

Overall impression : A VERY awesome episode, and an overall great time, with a LOT of gay feels, and in my opinion, we can NEVER get enough of these.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

dimanche 5 juillet 2015

Hannibal, S3 Ep5

Hannibal, S3 Ep5

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the fifth episode in the third season of Hannibal. Without any further ado, let's start this another #InThreeWords post, shall we ?


So, here are the three words picked for this episode :

- Chase : with all the characters, Will, Chiyoh, Alana, Mason, Jack and il signor Pazzi hunting for Hannibal, they are coming closer to him as Alana discovers all the purchases made by Bedelia and that Will learns that Hannibal is now in Florence; As he's thrown from the train by Chiyoh herself, it will take him some time before he gets back on his feet. But will they manage to catch him as Hannibal keeps on killing the people that are too close to him ? Anyway, the trap is now closing on him and he's forced to be more vulnerable each day.

- Bounty : Now, there's a real chase, and someone has to pray a price. Mason Verger is eady to hand loads of money to have Hannibal in his hands, and Pazzi is ready to do anything to catch him too. Alana warns him of the dangers that he might encounter, but the policeman is ready to do anythng to gain back his prestige. On the other hand, Jak is not here for Hannibal but for Will, and to mourn his wife's death by liberating her ashes in the river. And now that the plan is set, will they manage to catch Hannibal in time before he keeps on killing ?

- Treason : as Pazzi is killed and betrayed by Hannibal himself, it seems that Chiyoh also betrayed Will and threw him out of a running train. Hopefully, the train wasn't going fast so he survived, by luck, and now he has to go alone to find back Hannibal. Also, we see Jack going back to see Hannibal just a few seconds after Pazzi was killed and goes to beat him up, only to leave him wounded and running away, as a revenge for the episode in Mizumono. We also learn more about Chiyoh's childhood and how she met Hannibal, and Bedelia opens up about her past as well. Anyway, I hope that we'll see more of that soon !

Overall impression : A very great episode, and a delicious treat before the "mid-season finale", even if the show is aired in its entierety in only one take. Great time, for sure !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

samedi 4 juillet 2015

Andréa Chénier

Andréa Chénier

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, I am very sorry if my uploads haven't been regular lately, I am very sick at the moment (goddammit flu, why do you appear in July when I am FINALLY in holidays ?), so Hannibal will be uploaded tomorrow. Anyway, here's today post, with a review of a wonderful opéra, Andréa Chénier from Umberto Giordano. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Andréa Chénier : a revolutionary man killed for his beliefs

The first point that I will talk about is the historical setting of the show : the show is set in France, during the French revolution, and is thrown before, during and after the events that led to the end of the show : Andréa and Maddalena's deaths on the guillotine. We can see the changes in the characters, especially Carlo, the man who was in love with Maddalena but was too poor to do anything, and had accused Andréa of high treason to get rid of him and have Maddalena for himself. As the setting goes from the Ancien Régime to the Terror, we can also see the change of the mentality in this short period of time, and the consequences on the characters.

The second point that I will talk about is the love story between Maddalena and Andréa : while the man is a poet and a revolutionary who, in the beginning of the show, goes to a nobility party to express his honest opinions in front of roch, powerful people that are discussing the emerging revolution from the poor people who are starving and asked to give more money to the priviledged and have basically nothing for themselves, the woman is a young noble woman who's a little bit educated, but nt too much, ans so is impressed by Andréa's skills and poetry, and thus, that's how they both fall in love, until Andréa is accused of high treason and sent to the death penalty, and dies with Maddalena who had chosen to follow him, even for death.

The third and very last point that I will talk about is the Terror, and what happened : after the Revolution, the people was so afraid of losing the newly established Republic that they basically told that anyone could report ANYBODY as a traitor to the Republic and they would get arrested and judged for high treason. And thus, there was such a bad feeling and atmosphere that Andréa was accused... well, for nothing, and then condemned to death. However, it seems that they don't check the identity of the people that they kill, they just want to kill ANYONE who would be against the Republic, that Maddalena took the place of a noble woman condemned to death on order to die with her lover, since she can't live without him. Oh, and Andréa Chénier DID exist and this opéra is made after the story of his life.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

vendredi 3 juillet 2015

I Due Foscari

I Due Foscari

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here is the fifth article in this second special #TheatreWeek with a review from another beautiful opéra made by Verdi himself ; I Due Foscari. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

I Due Foscari : when justice and love collide in the city of gondolas

The very first point that I would like to raise is about the story itself : the Doge, Francesco Foscari, sees his son Jacopo accused of murder and betrayal of the city of Venice? He's judged by the Council of the Ten and sent to exil, while his wife, Lucrezia, tries to convince the Doge to have a better sentence. But they can't leave with Jacopo, and he has to leave, when a man claims the murder that Jacopo was accused of. But it's too late : Jacopo is dead and the Doge dies (presumably killed), and Loredano, the man who had accused Jacopo of everything, says "Ora, sono pagato !" ("Now, I am paid !"), meaning that he is the successor and new Doge and he's done what he wanted to do.

The second point is about the Doge Foscari : even though he's very old, it's been thirty years since he got the role and is very wise and respected by his pairs. However, there is a conspiracy led by his opponent, Loredano, who wants the power for himself. When he's confronted to his son's jugment, the Doge, by law, can't do many things, so he's forced to see the procedure and just put up his stamp of approval because he can't do otherwise, now that basically everybody is against him for no particular reason. Even Lucrezia's complains don't do anything, and actually, Loredano had accused Jacopo jsut to get rid of him and his father, even when the murder is claimed by an old man who's about to die.

The third and last point that I will talk about is the role of the Doge, when he has to face his son as a convict and as his son at the same time. Nowadays, it would be simply impossible to have this, but in this era, they didn't have any more means. So, when he has to send his own away, and stay in Venice with his wife and kids, it's very heart-breaking. Loredano doesn't even accept Lucrezia's proposal to leave with the children and his husband in exil. In the end, she faints, only to wake up and discover that her husband is dead. Anyway, it's really sad.

Overall impression : A really great opéra, however, I would recommend it only for mature audiences because of strong scenes and things happening.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you liked this post and I will see you very soon with another one, I hope !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

jeudi 2 juillet 2015

L'elisir d'amore

L'elisir d'amore

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here is the fourth post of this second special #TheatreWeek, with the review of an opéra by Gaetano Donzetti, L'elisir d'amore. Without any further ado, let's get started  shall we ?

L'elisir d'amore : is the elixir working to find love ?

The very first point that I will talk about is the love story between Adina, a rich and very well educated farmer and one of the only ones that are able to read, and thus, has "standards" when it comes to men, and knows lot of things about feeling and relationships. In the other hand, there is Nemorino, a young and shy framer with no money. There is also Belcore, a sergeant, who wants to have Adina for her beauty. But in the end, Adina and Nemorino end up together after a very, very long story, including a love elixir, money, and soldiers...

The second point hear I will talk about is the elixir itself : while actually being a bottle of Bordeaux wine, Nemorino believes that it's working, and the man selling it, Dulcamara, uses the ignorance of the population who don't even know how to read or don't know about other places aside from their homeland, and thus can sell his wine with a very high price. But in the end, as Nemorino has bought his first bottle that doesn't really work (you know why...) and then a second one, it's only this to his  uncle dying and giving all his money as a legacy that he's getting hit on by women who want his money, and then see Adina coming back when she learns that he had enrolled himself in army to have enough for money to buy his second bottle of elixir.

The third and last point that I will talk about is how the characters change during the show : at the beginning, Adina just wanted a man for money or fame, and wanted to marry Belcore to make Nemorino jealous, and doesn't really dare about her feelings. She's very caring with all the other farmers in the village, but she doesn't really want to commit in a relationship and makes Nemorino's life a living hell. But in the end, she confesses her love to him and they end up together. Thanks to (a little careful sip peeps !) of wine, Nemorino drops his inhibition and becomes more assured to co fess his love to Adina. Belcore, the man who believes that he's just the best in the entire world, admit his defeat and says that basically, a here are thousands of women like Adina in the world, and that he will find his catch (seriously, it is refreshing to see a "villain" admit his defeat and go away simply without any thought of revenge) one day. And Dulcamara, who used to take money without caring about people in front of him, sees that he's set up a couple and is very happy and leaves as usual for other adventures.

Overall impression : very good love story, for children and adults alike, and a very great story about relationships and how a bottle of wine can change things.... hahaha.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post, and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual. out last word : KIDNEYS !

mercredi 1 juillet 2015

The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here is the third review of this second special #TheatreWeek, with the review of a special opéra (because it's the only one that I've seen in German), called The Flying Dutchman, by Richard Wagner. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Flying Dutchman : a love created in eternity

The first point that I will talk about is the story itself and  the story of the Flying Dutchman : in the original tale, a captain is suddenly facing a raging storm, and doesn't listen to his crew, and even defies the gods and bets that they can't drown his ship. He is then condemned to go forever on the sea and haunt with his crew the others navigators as they go around and aren't able to rest anymore as they can't go on land. In this opéra, which is an adaptation to the classic tale, the Dutchman is allowed to go on land every seven years, and can be saved by the love of a woman that would never betray him ever, or that would lead her to perdition as well.

The second point that I will talk about is the love story between the Dutchman and Senta, the woman supposed to be the one to save his life from his torment. However, as Erik, a hunter, is also in love with Senta and had gotten the promise from her father, Daland, there are a couple of difficulties and in the end, the Dutchman believes that Senta has cheated on him and tired to leave, leading Senta to commit suicide, thus freeing the Dutchman and uniting them in eternity after death. Also, the fact that Daland wanted to sel his daughter for the Dutchman's wealth and treasures accumulated for years and years just show that the poverty of this man led him to crave any resource of wealth or, maybe, has made him greedy and a money-lover.

The third point that I will talk about is how the Dutchman is perceived by people around : for Mary, Senta's nurse, he is just a tale, that Senta has romanticised for her own imagination, and that she will never meet because for the nurse, he doesn't exist. However, dedication, devotion and dedication to the Dutchman's cause will be what saves him when she commits suicide, when they finally confess  their undying love for each other. For Daland, he's just a money provider and someone who wants to marry his daughter, and is ready to sell her when he had made plans with Erik. Last but not least, for work himself, he's just a concurrent for Sents's hand and love, and when he loses the batten he goes to see the Dutchman to tell him his anger, but Senta reminds him that the Dutchman is the man that she loves and that he now has to go away, and that's what he does.

Overall impression : A great tragedy about love and redemption, when the Dutchman was a criminal condemned forever, and had the extreme luck of having a woman like Senta (seriously, I do 't even think that there are THAT many women ready to do the same thing for him) to save him from his curse. I would recommend it for mature audiences though.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you liked it and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !