dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep2

Doctor Who, S9 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the nintth series of Doctor Who ! Without further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Witch's Familiar

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- Davros : SERIOUSLY what a good acting you're doing there, sir. But the Doctor is more intelligent than you. Anyways, the return of the archenemy (that doesn't seem to be true for Missy since she believes she's the archenemy) is promptly finished by the Doctor killing every Dalek on Skaro (for now, since they have to come back every series). And in the end, everybody leaves (except for Missy, but she has her own way of doing things) and everything goes back to normal.

- Clara inside a Dalek : Anyways, that scene was SO intense I just wanted to kill Missy for ten trillion hours. WHY THE F*CK IS SHE DOING THAT ??? I was like, yeah, I can ship this... I guess it's because she wanted the Doctor to see "the friend in the enemy" or something like that. Maybe she was referring to herself since "she wants her friend back". I still ship Missy and Clara though. (I've talked about that on Tumblr if you don't follow me there.) Anyways. Very cute scene when the Doctor tells Clara how to get out of the Dalek.

- Saving A Friend : In the end of the episode, the Doctor goes to save Davros anyways (that's the cliffhanger where we were left at the end of the last episode actually.), and in the end, the Doctor "saw the friend in the enemy". Then, they walk away until Davros goes back to his home. I guess the only reason he's still alive is to keep the Daleks in the show. Because if everything and anything could happen, I would have killed Davros A LONG TIME AGO. But there wouldn't be fun in that, am I right ?

Overall impression : Really cringed during the part where the Doctor almost killed Clara. I was like, "yeah, this is it. this is going to be the stupid end of Clara. Much angst from the Doctor.". I'm glad she survived though.

Anyways, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

My Enneagram Type - Number 4 : The Individualist

My Enneagram Type - Number 4 : The Individualist

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's to another personality test I've taken to know more about myself ! I didn't know about it, but I found out this test and I decided to take it !

Basically, there are nine types. Three of them are linked to the body : 8 (the protector), 9 (the mediator), and 1 (the perfectionist), three to the heart : 2 (the giver), 3 (the performer), and 4 (the individualistic), and three to the head : 5 (the observer), 6 (the loyal skeptic), and 7 (the epicure).

And I found out that I was number four.

"There a hole inside my soul and I don't know what could fill it up..."
     Fours are quite centered on the longing. They are looking for something they can't achieve, or they can't find. Sometimes it's something too far away. They are NEVER satistifed with what they have. This may cause very harsh emotional reponses, a deep sense of abandonment, and a feeling that they don't belong anywhere AT ALL. Fours also tend to be very jealous and tend to envy what others have (e.g. : company, friends, partners) when they don't.

"If there's no one like me, then how can be like the rest of the crowd ?"
     Fours also tend to feel like their internal and emotional suffering causes them to feel different from the rest. They feel like they are distant from others, that they are looking at things from behind a veil, They long for closeness and friendship, they are looking for someone to take away their pain. But they don't, so they keep their struggles to themselves and cry in silence. If they don't talk about their feelings, they may burst out at people one day.

"I live life in the moment because no other time will be like this one."
     Last but not least, Fours are looking for deep and meaningful experiences. They often try to cope with their very intense feelings by creation, through art, and other creative supports. They are very imaginative and they use their emotional sensitivity to try to be authentic and convey their feelings through passion and what they enjoy doing. Fours mostly live for their hobbies and tend to follow their heart more than their head.

Here are a couple of links to read and deepen your knowledge about my type !

P.S. : Have you seen that this type is also called The Romantic ? Yeah, I know, I feel VERY romantic, that must be why.
P.P.S. : There are not only types but also wings, mine is 5, and here's the definition I found in one of the links : "If you are the Enneagram Type 4 with the 5 Wing, you desire to be avant-garde. You see yourself as original, sincere, mysterious, subtle, artistic and independent."
P.P.P.S : If you've done the test, please tell me what you've got ! Or plan on doing it ! You'll see, you'll learn SO MUCH about yourself !

Anyways, that's it for today, I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Why I Don't Especially Like These « Letter To My Younger Self » videos...

Why I Don't Especially Like These « Letter To My Younger Self » videos...

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, once again I'm very late in this trends thing, so I'll be brief with my whining now. This has been a trend a while ago and I totally understand the point of these, it's to make their subscribers making themselves better anout themselves by telling « their younger selves » what was wrong with them and how, in the end, it didn't really matter. By telling their younger selves that their problems could have been solved with a simple solution, by saying what could have been, basically, they are adressing their audiences by telling them that they can solve their own problems if they believe in themselves hard enough.

But this isn't what I'd like to talk about today.

No, it's more about the fact that these people talking to their younger selves are trying, in a sort of way, to « communicate » with them, to make them understand what they can change to avoid bad things happening. They are, actually, regretting stuff from their pasts. They are trying to, either, make a big joke out of it and make fun of that and try to laugh at that, or to make something very artsy-esque and very angsty and stuff like that.

And THAT's what making me very sad about this.

Because you know what ? You can NOT change the past. What's been done has been done now. You can't go in the past using time-travel with a TARDIS or talk with your younger self like in the All My Pretty Selves universe. (P.S. : it's a short story written by me that you can read right here : http://theuncannystories.tumblr.com/search/all+my+pretty+selves) The only thing you can do once you've made a mistake is try to fix what can be and let go what can't. After all, in the end, we are all time-travellers. We're just bound to move forwards, one step at a time.

Stop looking at the past for once. You are NOT defined by your mistakes. What defines you, however, is how you coped with them and how you tried to solve your own problems. Or, when you can't do that, how you reached for help and comfort to make things easier. It's not that hard in the end. So, I am just asking myself a question :

Why not make a letter to your older self ? With things you would like to achieve in your life. Like a time capsule, you would put your heart in these, your dreams, your hopes, your expectations, your fears, your worries, your anxieties. Make this a promise to yourself. Promise yourself that no matter what's going to happen next, you'll be there to make the most out of it. Take your time. Breathe. Little steps sometimes lead farther than big jumps, and it's often safer.

And remember : even if you're not okay right now, I promise, you'll be okay at a certain point. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But one day, I swear, there'll be the sunlight shining on your face. The storm will be gone. And you will smile for no damn reason.

And remember : sometimes, it just takes a little blow to make the clouds go away.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this little post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mardi 22 septembre 2015

Why faith is my #1 value

Why faith is my #1 value

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's another sh*tty yet very personal post by yours truly. So, in one of my lessons at my business school, we were asked « But what's your most important value ? ». And then, I thought about faith. Yes, even if I'm an atheist, I am still convinced that faith is my #1 value.

Wanna hear why ?

Well, it's because faith is SO MUCH MORE than just religion (and by that I mean the cultural and spiritual practice done by people believing in superior entities and who follow rules dictated by them). See, I don't believe in nothing : I believe in myself, in my friends, my family, my loved ones... Faith is what make people hope for better things to come, trust new people to change their loves for good, and it makes them believe.

It also means that you have to be faithful : share things with people, don't stay in your little corner when you need help. People are here and they will stay for you. Being faithful is staying during times of danger, hurt, loneliness, sadness. It's showing affection to those in need. It means charity, it means being generous, it means being kind.

It also means being tolerant and open-minded. Accept diversity, embrace it. Treating your neighbour the way you want to be treated. And in the end, it also means accepting yourself. Being different is not a flaw ; it's a personality. It's called being YOU. If you can accept things when it comes to others, you can accept the same thing when it comes to you, am I right ?

So, in the end ? I may be an atheist, but I'm not faithless. I believe in you. YES, you, reading this post at this very moment. It's time to believe in yourself as well, don't you think ?

Anyways, that's it for today, I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

How to explain asexuality : the apple pie case

How to explain asexuality : the apple pie case

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's a new post about me rambling about the fact that there's still SO MUCH ignorance about asexuality and stuff. Anyways, since people don't really understand the concept of asexuality, I'm going to explain it to you with something else : an apple pie. Yes, a MOTHER-F*CKING apple pie. Don't care about whether you like this sh*t or not, this is our case today.

So, you see people going into a bakery selling different shapes of apple pies. The allosexual person has money and likes apple pie, so they buy some and leave to eat them at home with their partner, who has also brought some apple pie.

The demi-sexual will be like : yes, I have money, but... I want THIS type of apple pie since that's the one I'm used to. And then they only take the apple pies they've smelt and trust the most before buying them and eating them with their partner as well.

And then, there's the asexual. Unfortunately, they don't have money, so they can't buy the apple pie. BUT, there's a catch : there are THREE kinds of asexual (well, to generalise a little bit).

The first one is the sex-positive one : the one who doesn't experience sexual attraction but likes sex, watches porn, and masturbates. Even if they don't have money and doesn't buy the apple pie at the bakery, they go back home and see that their partner has bought some apple pie for them. So, since they LOVE the apple pie, made for two, and they and their partner share and have fun eating that apple pie, am I right ?

The second one is the sex-neutral one : the one who doesn't experience sexual attraction but doesn't matter if their partner asked for sex. They would please their partner. So, these ones don't have the money, they don't buy at the bakery, and when they go home to their partner bringing an apple pie for two, they are like « alright, if that makes you happy »... and then both of them share this apple pie and, even if the asexual doesn't really like the apple pie, it makes their partner happy, so in the end... why not ?

And then, there's the sex-repulsed one : the one who is completely and utterly DISGUSTED by sex or even the idea of if. They don't have the money, they don't buy at the bakery, and when they come home to their partner and their GIGANTIC apple pie made for two, they are like « but you know I HATE apple pies !!! Ewwwww !!! Get that sh*t off me !!! ». Either they are angry about it, or they are afraid of their partner shoving apple pie down their throats.

P.S. : this is my case and I'm still thinking about this EVERY SINGLE DAY, about the fact that one day, if I get along with a non-asexual, they WILL ask for sex, and that scares the SH*T out of me.

And so, their partner is left alone with the apple pie made for two. They'll have to eat alone/ have a sex life on their own without their asexual partner. They'll have to find a way to cope with that, by masturbating, watching pornos alone, and stuff like that. And sometimes, it can be hard. I mean, man, eating an apple pie for two on your own ? You're going to be SO sick and throw up, man !!! And usually, THAT'S when sh*t happens. Either the partner agrees with eating more apple pie than they possibly can, or they leave.

And oh, man, I won't eat that apple pie. Don't make me. Forcing someone to eat something they don't like/forcing sex on sex-repulsed asexuals is called ACEPHOBIA. Also, RAPE, obviously.

So, what I meant is that this big cliché about asexual = sex-repulsed is totally and utterly WRONG. I mean, there are some allosexual/demi-sexual people who ARE sex-repulsed. In the apple pie case, they have the money, but they HATE the apple pie. They won't buy it at the bakery, and they won't eat it with their partner at home. That's IT. It's not complicated, ffs.

Anyways... That's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this little post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep1

Doctor Who, S9 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the beginning of the long awaited ninth series of Doctor Who ! Here's the review for the first episode ! Let's get started, shall we ?

The Magician's Apprentice

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Rock and Roll : I found that quite funny to see the Doctor doing a rock concert right in the Middle Ages, so let's talk about that. Actually, this is quite different from the casual "Time Lord ceremonial before death" thingy where they are supposed to be silent and meditate on the absence of their existence and stuff. Also talking with "futuristic" words for this time, like "dude", was very funny. But it's only to show that he's about to die. Maybe it's from his rebel side, he doesn't want to show his emotions so he's making a lot of noise to avoid thinking about it. Even when he says "There's still today !", he's denying the fact that he's about to die. Or so he thinks.

- Shame : As we can see, the Doctor is quite ashamed of something in this episode, and it's letting Davros survive a war against dead hands in the ground with eyes that kill people and stuff (it may sound funny right now but they do NOT look funny in the episode, believe me). And that led Davros to create the Daleks, him to believe that he's going to die, and everything that happened in this episode (like Clara and Missy dying too). So, he decides to go and kill Davros when he was a kid, but will he make it ??? (supposedly not since the Daleks must continue existing, will of the original creator. I think it was just some bluff and then he'll save the day with a miracle and everything will go back to normal !!!)

- Confession : What makes Clara very angry is that the Doctor sent his will to Missy and not to her. Just like in the series 8 finale, when Missy said she's the Doctor's friend, and that despite all the fights they had aginst each other, it was just "friendship stuff" (well I don't know what she means by that but it's not a casual friendship), and Clara, who thought she was the Doctor's best friend as much as he's her best friend, is quite upset about that. Anyways, now we know how the Time Lords prepare themselves to die ! *I wanted to be funny about death but it looks like it's a fail hahaha*

Overall impression : It was a brilliant episode, a great opening and it's bugging me SO MUCH that we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how this story will be concluded ! ARGH !!!

Anyways, that's it for today, I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Tide High, Tide Low

Tide High, Tide Low | How I can't regulate my emotions

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's another shitty post about my personal problems but I've found something interesting while reading Misery from Stephen King (review coming up as soon as I finished it btw) : the main character, Paul Sheldon, describes his mental state as a « tide high, tide low » situation, and he's alright when it's high because it hides things in the water and he's not when it's low because there are menacing things coming outside of the sand (if I remember correctly, it's a mettalic object that looks like a jaw or something like that).

But I would like to use that image for a personal problem : my emotional regulation.

What I mean by that is that when the tide is high, there are SO MANY emotions going through my mind, joy and sadness, anger and guilt, hopes and fears, expectations and disappointments, illusions and delusions, and so on. I am drowning in those emotions because they are represented by the water around me, and I'm suffocating in them. And it feels just like a whirlwind of things that I can't escape. The main consequence is that I care too much when the tide is high, and I tend to have too much empathy and hurt myself to help others during these moments.

But when the tide is low, the only thing left is the dry sand. I am numb, emotionless, I don't feel anything AT ALL. My mind just becomes a blank page where nothing is written. The water has left me, I can breathe and, unlike when the tide is high, actually function in society. But I've lost my empathy and I just don't care anymore. Here, the main consequence is that I put myself first and people notice that my empathy has gone away, so they think I'm just a very whiny self-centered selfish little b*tch and then they leave me behind.

But the main problem isn't my total inability to control my own emotions : the main issue, in my opinion, is that in EVERY case, whatever the tide is high or low, I ALWAYS feel guilty for the state I'm in. If the tide is low, I'll blame myself for not feeling anything at all and being a heartless and emotionless little living corpse. If the tide is high, I'll feel SO MUCH PAIN that I'll just want it to go away and I'll blame myself for being unable to cope with these feelings.

Alright, I think that's it. Oh, and last thing : just like the tides in the ocean, it changes MULTIPLE times everyday. And it doesn't show on my face, so people talking to me NEVER know if the tide is high or low when they come up to me.

Anyone else has this problem ?

Anyways, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

lundi 14 septembre 2015

My song was stolen

My song was stolen

Or “I had a song with my dad but he doesn't know the true meaning of why we were listening to it on repeat in the car”

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's a little more personal story that I wanted to get out there, because I wanted to vent. I am going to be pretty open about the fact that my parents divorced when I was only two years old and that I had a pretty hectic relationship with my dad until the age of twelve when I stopped seeing him altogether.

But here's a little story about us that I wanted to share today. When I was a kid, my dad and I used to listen to this song called J'ai demandé à la lune from the French rock band Indochine, when we would go back from his house to my mother's one, in his car. I don't really think my father understood why. Maybe he just thought it was a nice song to listen to. And he must be really dumb to think that way because the song is in French and we are too. Because even if I was just a kid (I think I gave myself the meaning of the lyrics when I was eight or nine so it means a lot), I really wanted to get my message through this song.
(here is the link if you want to watch the clip)

So, this song is the story of a man who's alone, hurt and who is searching for help. The moon, according to him, is laughing at him and telling him that no one will help him. But he says things along the lines of “me and you, we'll get it through, we'll see the end of the tunnel one day, it's just a little adventure, we have to carry on”. And then you see that he has a baby in his hands. That's the first part. The second part is the now-father and his daughter singing together the same verse from the first part... you know what I mean, “it's just a little problem, but we'll see the light one day”.

But the most important part is the bridge when the girl is growing up and here's my translation of the lyrics :
I don't have much to tell you
Or much to make you laugh
Because I always imagine the worst
And the best makes me suffer”.

(yes it doesn't rhyme anymore now that it's in English but it rhymes in French I can assure you.)

So, to me, the singer was my dad and I was the little girl. I wanted to tell my father that no matter what was happening between us, it was okay and I wanted things to get better in life, as we were having problems and I was seeing a psychologist between the ages of six/eight and fourteen, for that and other problems that were going on in my life at the time. I also wanted to hear that from my father, that he could make everything okay, that he always loved me no matter what and that he would never give up on me. (p.s. : it never happened and that's why I don't see him anymore.)
p.s. : another great lyric is at the beginning of the second verse, where it says “i asked to the moon/if you still wanted me”. Me asking my dad if he still wants me or hearing that from him ? Guess we'll never know...

But I guess my dad never understood that.

And now, not only my two little sisters are the ones singing along with my dad on repeat in his car without even knowing why, but it's also a version where the lyrics in the bridge (so the MOST IMPORTANT LYRICS EVER IN MY OPINION) have been cut. And EVEN MY OWN DAD DOESN'T KNOW why he's still singing that song.

Conclusion : it was my song and I was singing along to it and now you only have people who don't know why they are singing it that are doing it. Seriously, when it happened (my little sisters + my dad singing along to the song), I couldn't even move my lips, but I wanted to turn the radio off, or just cry and yell at them THIS IS MY SONG!!! HOW DARE YOU SING IT!!! IT WAS MINE AND HERE'S THE MEANING!!! SO SHUT THE F*CK UP NOW!!!

But I didn't do any of that stuff. Guess I should tell him about my interpretation of the song... don't you think ?

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

The Tea Cup

The Tea Cup

Or “how NBC's Hannibal's idea of the 'tea cup' made me understand something about my depression and my recovery”

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, if you don't watch NBC's Hannibal, maybe you won't get it. But in one episode of season two, when ***SPOILER ALERT*** Abigail Hobbes “dies”, Hannibal and Will talk about it in Hannibal's office. ***END OF SPOILER ALERT*** Then, Hannibal tells Will the story of the tea cup. When a tea cup is let down and breaks on the ground, and only pieces are shattered on the floor, you just can't fix it, now that it's broken. You wish that you could turn back time to save it, to prevent it from falling down, but it's too late now.

And how is it related to depression, you might ask ? Well, it's very simple : sometimes, I (and, I think, other people do that too) think about who I was before my depression. You know, sometimes, my mom keeps bugging me with this image of a cheerful, outgoing, full of life, ray of sunhine of a girl that according to her, I used to be. But I've been depressed for the last five years now. The little girl is gone. She's dead, at the age of fourteen, killed by the harsh reality of making something with your life (I am working on that point now, thanks for asking, by the way).

And I am not going to cry about it anymore. I cried enough, you know. And you see, that tea cup ? It was my identity before my depression. It broke. The pieces are on the floor, scattered and it's impossible to reassemble them. People are walking on it and it hurts. It hurts SO BADLY.

But you know what ? You can't fix what has been broken beyond repair. The old tea cup you used to have ? It's unusable right now. You can't glue the pieces and hope that you can drink hot tea in this mess you now have. And even if you could fix this old tea cup, it would be so fragile, so vulnerable, so weak that it wouldn't even survive the first tea drop.

So, what do you do ? You just build another tea cup. I know that it's going to be hard, because the first tea cup, your first identity, you were given it by your family, your parents, your friends. You just had to glue sticks on them to make it more personal, more you. You were never asked to build your own tea cup. And now that it's broken by the events of life, you have to build it. Put your hands in the ceramic, forge the new shape you want to give to it, use brushes to paint it. You don't know how to build a tea cup, there is no guideline to do it. But you just do it, because you really like tea (and drinking it).

I know that the first tea cup you make will break down. And then, the second one, the third one too. Unless you're a genius at making a tea cup, it will take you time, and patience, and efforts, before you finally get the tea cup you've always wanted. You will try thousands of different tea cups, you will change them, have remissions, have relapses. And it will hurt, and you will be tired. Whine whine moan moan.

But you see, one day, when you have just the perfect tea cup, you'll see that your efforts have been worth it. You'll see the beauty of life, while sipping tea with your loved ones, an existence that you thought you would never see again, and the happiness will come at you. I PROMISE.

But until then ? Just do like me : keep making those tea cups. Drink your tea in usable ones that you can dump in the trash bin whenever you want before making a new one. Keep changing. Your life is not going to stay like that forever. Because now, it's time to give yourself the priority. Not to others.

Also, the most important : DON'T USE THE PIECES FROM THE OLD TEA CUP TO MAKE THE NEW ONE. The result will just don't work, be ugly or break. Start from new ! And ONLY new !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Am I Heartless ?

Am I Heartless ?

Reflections on aromanticism, amatonormativity and the “couple pressure”.

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, as you guys probably know (and I've made a post about it on this blog already), I am a pan demi-romantic asexual. And I know that sometimes, it's just not easy to remind yourself that being who I am is actually... very normal. For the first eighteen years of my life, I've been SO confused about my sexuality, and my sexual orientation, that I didn't know what to think about it.

And even nowadays that I finally have the label that suits me the best, I still struggle to keep it normal. My sexuality and sexual orientation keep fluctuating and what/who I want keeps changing as well. And I've felt romantic attraction only twice in my life, to the point that I almost can relate to the aromantic people out there. I mean, I am still craving for a romantic relationship, but until then, I feel nothing. Towards no one. EVER.

What used to hurt me the most (and it still does sometimes) is some people telling me things along the lines of :
“But... are you in a relationship ?”
“ Do you even have a boyfriend or not ?”
“ Have you ever been in a relationship ?”
“ But isn't there anyone you're interested in right now ?”
“ Don't you just have a crush out there in the world ?”

And then the question popped up in my head. Am I heartless ? For not feeling anything towards anyone ? For being nineteen and still a virgin who's never been in a relationship ? For not having “a romantic relationship (preferably with a boy to please this heteronormative society I live in)” in my priorities ? For being single and proud ? For putting myself first before a relationship that could hurt me, or even destroy me ?

And then, the question stayed. Am I heartless ?
“ How come you're almost twenty and you've never been in a relationship ?”
“ Ding dong two decades of a lonely life...”
“ You're going to end up alone ! You're going to DIE alone !”
are the nagging thoughts in my head right now. And then won't leave me. They just don't want to.

And then the question didn't want to leave my mind. Am I heartless ?

But you know what ? I don't give a single f*ck anymore. First of all, aromantics (and to a certain extent, people on the aro spectrum) are capable of love. Love is more than the romances that I am FED UP with everyday. Platonic love is as strong as any other love out there. This is how I understood the word amatonormativity. The word just means “the assumption that everyone is looking for a monogamous, centered, exclusive and romantic relationship, and that this kind of relationship is preferred to any other relationship type”.

It's just another word to say “romantic bullsh*t you have to live with everyday”, me says. This “couple pressure” that society has put me in ? I don't want to hear it anymore. So, to answer the question: Am I heartless ?, the answer is no. Obviously. I just see things from a different perspective. Maybe that one day, I'll find the one. I'll get in a romantic relationship and things will be amazing. But until then ? Oh my god, PLEASE spare me your romantic bullsh*t. Thank you very much.

Oh, and little addition : I just wanted to add the fact that aromantics don't necessarily end up alone. You know, they have a little something called a “queer-platonic relationship”. Just look it up, you might learn something today.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

vendredi 4 septembre 2015

Hannibal, S3 Ep13

Hannibal, S3 Ep13

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, that's it, sadly. The review for the season finale of Hannibal is right here... and it will HIT YOU IN THE FEELS. Seriously, it was SO Hannigram I was shaking the whole time. Anyways, let's get started for the review, shall we ?

The Wrath Of The Lamb

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Faking : First of all, the Dragon fakes his death to go and get Will and Hannibal. So, Reba was tricked into believing that his body was the one on the floor when she got the key and ran away. I don't think that Francis wanted to hurt Reba (since he said he had shared with her, even just a little), and when he was about to kill Will, he chosed to have a meeting with Hannibal instead because he wants to share with him too. And in the end of the episode, he tried to kill Will and Hannibal. But he was killed, and the blodd spilling from his back made the shape of the wings of the Dragon. Ding Dong the Dragon's dead.

- Deal : In this episode, Francis makes a deal with the FBI and wants to see Hannibal. But as Hannibal himself only wants Will to ask him, he has to go and ask him and he even said pretty please to convince him, in the end. So, Hannibal running away (he even told Alana he would try to do it) with Will was a little bit predictable. The FBI's intention as to kill Francis, Francis' intention was to kill Hannibal, Will's intention was to run away with Hannibal, and Hannibal's intention was to run away in the end. We don't see much of Jack after that and Alana and Margot end up leaving with their child to run away from Hannibal, and the only information we have from Bedelia is the end scene after the credits.

- Hannigram : Obviously, we can't talk about this episode without talking about Hannigram. Well, sounds like it's canon now, right ? I mean, Bryan Fuller always said it would happen, and indeed, it did. We saw them run together. As Will told Hannibal (and I already talked about that previously, so I was right), Hannibal had decided to surrender to let Will know where he is and how he can find him, always. The conclusion of their story (for this season) is that they both jump off a cliff (seriously, this is a serious cliffhanger). But, after the credits, we see Bedelia eating her own leg, while she's scared and trying to hide a fork, and two other plates are dressed up. So... Is she waiting for someone ? Probably Will and Hannibal being the most adorable murder husbands out there.

Overall impression : A BRILLIANT finale ! It was perfect (even if the cliffhanger will probably stay FOR FOREVER on my stomach if it REALLY ends like that). SO HANNIGRAM. Couldn't be better !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !