lundi 31 août 2015

Childhood Story #4

Childhood Story #4

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here it comes ! Another Childhood Story ! As September comes to a beginning tommorow, I wanted to send some good luck to all of those going back to school even if they do not want to go back for some reason, or even for no reason at all, and, since I actually liked September, at times, here is the reason why September should be the month for new starts, new opportunities, and new experiences for your entire life.

Those Times When I Actually Liked September

Actually, this reason is not even related to work, or to Pumpkin Spice Lattes that you can buy at your local Starbucks. It's not because of Halloween because it's in October, and not for winter because it's not cold enough yet. So, what is the reason, you may ask ? Well, it's because of...

MOTHERF*CKING. ALMONDS. Nothing else, really.

Every year, since I was a child, a couple of days before going back to school, we used to go, my mom, my little brother and I, to my uncle's house, to say hello before we would go back to school. My uncle lives in the countryside with his now wife and kids, and he has a big almond tree next to the porch of the house. So, as we would be hungry all the time, my brother and I would climb that tree, pick up some almonds, break the shells with two rocks and eat the almonds. In the end, our mother told us that we should always ask our uncle before taking them as we would sometimes take them every time we went to the countryside, whether he was there or not.

Sometimes, we would be invited in my uncle's house, and with his wife, we would make some cakes with these almonds. We would put them in boxes, leave some for my uncle and his wife, and take the rest with us back home where we would eat them for a snack, and they were delicious. Now, I don't even remember the recipe and I am vegan, so I have to find another recipe (and an oven, since I live alone without one now), but other than that, yes, there were MARVELLOUS. AMAZING. YUM-YUM, me says.

And there would be years when we wouldn't have the time to go there before going back to school, or we would go later than expected because we were busy with life... so I would be a motherf*cking b*tch and keep whining until my mom would tell me if we were going, and if so, when we would go, because these almonds are delicious. Even now, I eat almonds that I buy at the grocery store, but believe me, they are nothing compared to my uncle's almonds. And when we wouldn't go and miss the almond season, and my uncle would tell me that all the almonds are either gone or eaten, I would cry a lot. And now that the tree is sick, I am very worried about it dying, because there would be no almonds. Very sad, me thinks.

So, yes. I ACTUALLY liked September. When all the kids would be stressed to go back to school and have to work again, I would just be patiently waiting for my delicious almonds. Of course I was as stressed as all the other kids to go back to school, if not more than them ; but I would focus on the positive, the almonds, and I was happy to know that there was something good to wait for in September. Even such a little thing as almonds.

In the end, the moral of the story is that if you're stressed about September, going back to school, thinking about it all the time will not solve the problem. What can help you, however, is thinking about something good, even a little thing, that will make September easier for all of you.

And remember : I've read somewhere that the stress and anxiety level of high-school students nowadays is equal to the one experienced by mental asylum patient in the 1950's. So stay healthy, stay motivated, little students out there, because it won't last. I promise.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this little story and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

The Uncanny Fail #4

The Uncanny Fail #4

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's to another Uncanny Fail ! This one is a little bit weird, I know, but... YES, I have never been in a relationship ever in my life. I've had two crushes on close guy friends of mine, but nothing every happened between us. And today, I am here to explain to you why.

I Don't Understand Anything About Love

So, yes, that's the truth. I don't understand anything about love. I mean, first of all, I am an asexual. So, it means that I don't understand when people see someone and say « Hey, I really want to have that one, please. ». I don't understand how people are tempted by others. I don't see how they get wasted to get someone and hump them. It's funny, because I've never talked about my asexuality to people in real life, because I know that they don't understand the fact that I don't experience sexual attraction when they do. I guess that in the end, as an asexual, I don't understand sexual attraction and how people experience it. Maybe I never will as they will never understand asexuality. But hey, that's life, and sexual attraction (or lack thereof) won't ruin mine.

Secondly, I am a demi-romantic. So, I don't understand when someone tells me « I can't stay in a couple for more than a year », or « Wow, it's been three whole years with them now, so I guess it's going to last now ». I don't understand why people feel the need of cheating, sometimes. I don't guess how people fall in and out of love... quite easily, in the end. Why people see romance as big gestures only done once a year ***wink wink to anyone who understands*** and restaurants, roses and expensive stuff (which means that it's very rare to see it often), whereas I see it as daily little things, little reminders. The smell of pancakes (vegan please) in the morning. A little note left in a bag. A bunch of funny pictures taken at the photobooth. I don't ask for many things, in the end. Just the company of a person I love, and who loves me in return. I am a very simple girl, you know ? And I think that people complicate things, in the end.

Last but not least, I am pan. Meaning : OMG that girl is queer she'll try to hump all the ladies out there. What a dike. Seriously. Maybe it's a part of my pan nature, but I don't understand how people can... well, say « I like this gender but not that one. », you know ? It. Is. Impossible. For me, at the very least. But hey, I am not here to judge, everyone's entitled to live their own lives. I am just saying this because I have seen this, about multi-sexual people. Straights/Homos saying but how can you know you're attracted to multiple genders ? how does it feel like, in the end ? Well, I don't understand how you can be attracted to only one gender too ! Weird, am I right ? It's called having different points of view. And EVERYONE should respect the others for theirs while we absolutely can keep our own. Oh, and about those telling us that we have to prove our multi-sexuality : WE. DON'T HAVE. TO. DO. THAT. I am not asking a gay man if he's ever sucked another guy's cock, or a lesbian if she's every licked some other girl's pussy. Heck, I am not even asking a straight man if he's had a girl or a straight girl a boy. Why would we have a history of our relationships and crushes to validate our sexuality or sexual orientation ? After all, WE are the only ones who do that (or more likely, have to do that), am I right ?

So, in the end : I don't understand. Maybe I haven't found the right person yet. Maybe they're right here and I don't even know about it. Maybe I am not looking hard enough. But hey. Life is life and I am the only person to choose when the time is right and the person is too. The pressure of being in a relationship all the time doesn't make me want to have a partner (especially in this hetero-normative world where a queer relationship would be very badly seen. I mean, I don't really care about this anymore, but I'd like some respect, you know ?), but rather run away and save myself before someone tries to pressure me into one I don't want to have. Also, maybe I'm just not mature enough to understand how people fall in love, in the end. But again, last note, this one on the demi-romantic side : I only feel romantic attraction (no sexual one since I am an asexual) once I am a very close friend to the people I know. It only happened twice,with guys since I've always had more guy friends that lady friends. So, I don't feel like it will happen for a while, and sometimes, I think about whether I will actually get in a relationship or not. If I'll find the right person. So, I am still looking for them, if they're here... Anyways. Whatever will happen, will happen, right ?

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this little fail and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep10

Fargo, S1 Ep10

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the episode for the tenth and very last episode of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Morton's Fork

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

The Last Trick : So, in this episode, our serial killer knows that he's going to get caught by the police, so he pulls off a last trick and decides to contact the FBI and have the back-up cancelled by saying that the local police can handle the situation on their own. So, he thinks he's going to walk free out of this story, and even Lester, who tried to set a trap for him, fails as he just wounds him and let's him go away. But, in the end, he's killed by the person we thought wouldn't do anything related to the police at all : our gentleman and father. Surprising, right ?

Hunting Family : Also, in this episode, the policewoman's dad was also a police officer himself for eighteen years, until he got shot and given the pension. He decides to protect his family that he adores (especially his grand-daughter-in-law, his son-in-law's daughter), and he has also a wonderful daughter who's a policewoman. So, when the father's daughter comes in and decides to guard the house with him, he just says « That's my girl. », because he can do with her what he couldn't and still can't with his daughter. Maybe it's a way to tell her that he could do these things, but that they never get the opportunity to do those.

The Truth : So the father kills our serial killer, and his wife, the policewoman, comes in and sees the recordings he had made out of his « clients » during the different « cases » he went through during all of his career. Now, the policewoman has the truth about what happened to Pearl, and what Lester did, and she now has also many informations about many other cases that can now be solved thanks to these tapes. That's why the ex-policeman is going to be awarded for bravoury whereas he just killed the serial killer.

Overall impression : An AMAZING finale, for this season packed with action and suspense. The end of a thrilling story with the death, not only of the serial killer, but also, of Lester... who, in the end, was ALSO guilty. Guess that the sentence ALWAYS shows up in the end, am I right ?

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep9

Fargo, S1 Ep9

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the ninth episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Fox, A Rabbit And A Cabbage

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

FBI : So, these two FBI agents who were in front of the building when the shooting happened, and then they were sent to the file room because they didn't do anything while the massacre was happening ? Well, they still are in the file room, but they want to catch the shooter, hoping that they will get to their former positions in the field. So, they decide to leave the file room, since they were bored (e.g. : the riddle with the man who owns a wolf, a goat and a cabbage that I had solved once but I don't remember the answer, or the existential question about the file room without files or the cemetery without bodies), and then they go to see the policewoman.

Right And Wrong : So, when these two FBI fellas arrive in Bemidji and see the hard-work the policewoman had done, they are quite impressed about that, right ? They even told the chief of police that he should have listened to her. In my opinion, this new chief doesn't really know how to do his job, or he just wanted to close the case as soon as possible to avoid working too much on it, and that's why he doesn't want to listen to the « conspiracy theories » that the policewoman keeps giving to him anyways. Maybe he just wanted to get rid of the case because ot was too complicated anyways. But as the case is re-opened, he'll have to do something or everything will happen without him, in the end...

Yes Or No ? : Last but not least, in this episode, Lester is, again, the witness to some murders. As he went up to see our serial killer, he asked « Is this what you want, Lester ? », and then, he kills his supposed girlfriend he had proposed to, a dentist he was supposedly working with and his wife. Apparently, it was a big contract, it had taken him six months and 100,000 dollars. Anyway, now, he's also killed Linda, Lester's wife, while they were trying to flee to Acapulco for some holidays (also to leave the country since now the police's back after him). Anyway, I think that Lester is now in BIG trouble, and we don't know how he'll get out of this (if he DOES get out of this...).

Overall impression : It was another excellent episode, the one before the finale, so the season is coming to an end ! Can't wait to see how it'll all turn up.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep8

Fargo, S1 Ep8

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here is the review for the eigth episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Heap

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

Giving Up : In this episode, it's the conclusion of the investigation started at the beginning of the season. The case is closed and Lester's brother will go to the trial. Now, it's time to move on and have a new life, and start fresh after the incidents that changed everything in everybody's life. Not only people died, but the survivors have to live and learn to keep their lives without them. Maybe something good will happen to them, in the end...

A Dream Life : Now that it's one year later, and everyone is having a dream life. The father is now a mailman, just like he always wanted to be, and he's married to the policewoman. They now live in a house with his daughter and they seem to be very happy. Also, Lester has married this lady called Linda who works with him and won the 'Best Salesman Of The Year' award given by his company and he's also married. They all seem to have a very 'happy' ending, in the end, and Lester has thrown away everything that belonged to his now dead wife, Pearl.

Ghosts : But, in the end, everyone knows that things will never get back to normal. The policewoman hasn't given up yet on the case and keeps calling the FBI, since our serial killer kept committing crimes here and there, to know what's up and if they have new information. Apparently, since the FBI is busy with the Patriot Act, they can't help her and they tell her that they probably won't call back. Also, as Lester's at a party thrown by his company, he sees our serial killer at a table talking with some of his colleagues, and he knows that he'll get in trouble soon...

Overall impression : Another great episode, that shows that even with time passing, things will never be the same as before.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep7

Fargo, S1 Ep7

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the seventh episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Who Shaves The Barber ?

So, the three words I've chosen for this episode are :

Trial : So, Lester's plan worked. Not only his nephew who was found with the gun in his backpack at school is in trouble, but his brother, who was found with the hammer, some underwear belonging to Pearl and some pictures of her (some being suggestive), he's probably going to jail for a very long time. As the chief of police is Lester's friend, he believes whatever he has to say and he just goes along with it. In the end, Lester is left alone and won't be bothered anymore, but for how long ?

Bullets : So, after the shooting, the deaf guy is left wounded and is very sad to have lost his friend, and also translator. He talks to the policewoman who lost her spleen and will get a transplant one day. The policewoman's father was very worried about her physical injury so he rushed to the hospital even if it means that nobody's at the restaurant to watch it. The policeman's also brought some flowers to cheer her up and says he definitely will tell the truth as soon as possible, since he's the one who shot her.

Hard-work : Even after Lester's brother was arrested, the policewoman is still convinced that Lester got something to do with the murders, and just after she got out of the hospital, she goes immediately to the police station where she works to have a little briefing of what happened recently. When she learns about the new situation, she freaks out because it means that the case will be closed and Lester will get away with what he did. But will this happen ? We'll see more of that soon, I think.

Overall impression : A very interesting episode that keeps the flow of the story going. The end is near and we still have to learn what will happen next !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep6

Fargo, S1 Ep6

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the sixth episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Buridan's Ass

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

Accusing : So, first of all, in this episode, Lester goes away from the hospital, steals a car from a man who was in the same room as him and decides to go back to his house to move the hammer he used to kill Pearl to move it to his brother's house. Also, he moved a gun to his son's backpack (I thought that he was looking at the picture and then re-opening the closet to take back the hammer because he would have realised that it's very bad to see a father separated from his son and a husband from his wife, but NOPE, Lester is now a definite criminal) to accuse him too. Lester isn't morally acceptable anymore. Will he ever get caught like our serial killer ?

Money : So, the rich man who had been blackmailed for a couple of days already believes he's being punished by God for having « found », and thus stolen, some money on the side of road, and that's what made him famous in the first place, because he could create his own business thanks to that money. So he gives back the money where he found it and even replaces the little shovel at its place, but the curse doesn't end here : there is now fish everywhere on the road he's taken and his son, who was supposed to go away for his safety, died in a car accident with his driver.

Shooting : Last but not least, the blackmailer now is in our serial killer's trap, and he's duct-taped to a gun before there's a shooting, and then, the police intervenes and kills him before they realise that he was duct-taped, and thus, he couldn't be the shooter. But now, it's too late, and the friend of the deaf man dies killed by the serial killer too. Last but not least, the father shoots the policewoman and we still have to know if she's dead or not.

Overall impression : A very good episode indeed, and another turn-point for our show. We'll see more of that soon.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep5

Fargo, S1 Ep5

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the fifth episode in the first season of Fargo. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Six Ungraspables

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

Baby : First of all, the baby has arrived ! You know, the chief of police who was killed, his baby is now born and it's a little girl. Now, the wife is under the care of her family while she's raising that little baby and everybody around her is very happy, the cops come to see her and such, and they probably told her that her husband's will be caught. But now, she will have to raise that little child on her own, and that makes me very sad.

Reconstitution : The policewoman finally takes all the pieces in the puzzle and starts re-building the path that led from the serial killer to Lester and Sam Hess, and she wants to talk to Lester about it, but since he's in custody, she goes to see him, only to see the infection and then he's rushed to the hospital, so he's under sedatives and can't answer questions, but when she goes to see him he's not sleeping, just pretending, because he knows that if he talks, he'll get caught.

Neighbours : Last but not least, there is in the end the father's neighbour talking to him, and then when the killer comes to their place, he makes him go away, but he still manages to manipulate him with the alarm or something like that... What's the plan for our serial killer after that ? Will he try to get in the policeman's flat via his neighbour's ? Stalk the police with the stalker and the talkie-walkie, with which he can also listen to the daughter's conversations with her friends ? We'll see more of that soon...

Overall impression : An excellent episode which packs a little action and speeds it a little bit. The trap around Lester is tightening and he's about to get caught with our serial killer !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep4

Fargo, S1 Ep4

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the fourth episode in the first season of Fargo ! So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Eating The Blame

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

Signing : So, in this episode, we hear more about the guys who are after Sam Hess' murderer, and they kill everyone in their way. One of them wears a cow-boy jacket and is deaf. It's a little bit rejoicing to see some deaf people in T.V. Shows, after all, we don't see some people signing ASL very often. I started learning ASL myself quite a few months ago, but my level wasn't high enough to catch the signs, except for a few « basic » ones. Anyway, now they are after Lester because they believe that he killed Sam and they're about to make some trouble...

Infection : The second thing is that Lester now has a little problem with his hand, since it seems to be infected by a little piece of the bullet the killer has used to shoot down the policeman when he was about to arrest him for his wife's murder. He seems to have a problem taking the little piece of metal lodged in his hand so he's just holding on to the pain, hoping that it won't get worse. (Spoiler : it actually does, it's freaky-freaky to be honest.) Anyway, I think that he doesn't want to go to the hospital because the police will know about it, but will it last for long ?

Bounty hunter : Last but not least, about the guys who are after the murderer (our serial killer then) : they get phone calls from people, maybe some peeps who hired them to do the job of finding the murderer and then killing them. And in the process, they kill everyone disturbing them or « suspect » to them and also they have arguments all the time, they even create one to get in the custody to see Lester and keep doing what they were doing before, when they were about to kill him anyways. I think they're doing a bounty hunter job, but we'll see more soon.

Overall impression : Another brilliant episode, packed with a lot of suspense and that's leaving us with a little cliff-hanger ! We'll see more of that soon.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep3

Fargo, S1 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the third episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Muddy Road

So, the three words I've picked for this episode are :

Family : In this episode, the father from Duluth goes up to the policewoman in Bemidji to tell her about the car he had pulled over during his shift at night. Then, he realises that the car was attributed to Lester, which means that he used his identity to get a car and Lester never gor informed about that. Either he doesn't want to talk about it or this is identity theft. So the dad and the daughter go to have dinner with the policewoman at her dad's bar before they go back to Duluth. I hope that these families will stay together for very long.

Money : Sam's widowed wife is only interested in the money as she was a stripper who left Las Vegas to marry a rich man, Sam Hess. She doesn't even actually care about her children who are beating up all the other kids and even adults around them, since their dad was a big bully and so are the kids. Anyways, I HATE this Hess family, but apparently, we'll get more of them in this season. We even get the policewoman going to see Lester (officially for an insurance, unofficially to show him the picture of the killer, and since Lester had a reaction when he saw that, she knows he knows him and she will keep talking to him even if the chief of the police doesn't want her do to that) for money problems about her and her dad, since she's his only family and she's a policewoman.

Crime : The killer keeps committing crimes and being scary all over the place, asking for mail without showing up his ID and such. But as his face got caught on tape from a security camera, he'll probably got recognised as soon as the news are told about this and people will start looking for the man. But I feel like the police between the citites in this country aren't very communicative with each other and the informations aren't very fast to go from a place to another... If they want to catch him, they'll have to be quicker, in my opinion.

Overall impression : Another great episode that shows the true nature of the human condition. Also the Bible references were plain BRILLIANT. This super-market giant will also probably die soon.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep2

Fargo, S1 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Rooster Prince

So, here are the three words I've chosen to describe this episode :

Suspicion : The investigation from the policewoman keeps going as she finds the link between the killer who has an injured head and his talk with Lester before his wife is killed. A man killing someone before leaving the car, kills Sam Hess after he talked about him with Lester, and then, Lester's wife dies ? That's not a coincidence for the policewoman who was supposed to be promoted chief of the police before another man is instead of her. And she won't give up on him that soon after her friend died because of the serial killer...

High-school : In such a little town that is Duluth, in Minnesota, there was a high probability that people went to the same high-school when they were younger. What saved Lester's ass is that the policeman gave up on questioning him because they were all in the same high-school together, and thus, he believes (or makes Lester believe) that he's his friend and that he won't hurt him. Maybe he wants the policewoman to give up on him to catch him easier, I don't know. We'll see that later.

Saving : Last but not least, there is a discussion between the policeman who let the killer go away and his daughter, he says that he wouldn't arrest a man if his life was in danger to keep his daughter safe. She says that's a part of his job, that he has to do it anyway, even if he had to die for that, and her father just nods in silence, because he is remembering what the killer had told him and now he's afraid for her safety. She'll see when she has kids that sometimes, between bad choices, there is still the better and the worse, after all.

Overall impression : A very great episode once again. Hadn't noticed the change of accent in Martin Freeman's voice, now, I chuckle every time he says 'ouh ya'. We should have a drinking game where we take a sip every time he does this, right ?

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Fargo, S1 Ep1

Fargo, S1 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, now I have started watching Fargo, the 2014 series ! So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Crocodile's Dilemma

So, the three words I've picked for this episode are :

Manipulation : In this episode, we can see a man manipulating people and tricking them into doing illegal things, like the guy at the motel who pissed in the gas tank or Mike Hess who beat up his little brother Moe because he thought all of their dad's possession would go to the youngest child. Also, he managed to convince Lester, our main character, into killing his own wife, and then personnally came to help, killing an expecting father working for the police in the process. But why does this man do it and what will he do next ? We will see quite soon...

Murder : Also, we can see in this episode multiple murders, not only Pearl, Lester's wife, but also Sam Hess, the man owning a truck company but who was also having some affairs with prostitutes. Since Lester said ''yes'' to the woman taking him onto care at the hospital, the killer thought it was for him, since Lester hadn't said no, he took that for a yes and killed Sam. His family will surely miss him, but I think that's IT. Then, there's the policeman, killed because he was about to arrest Lester who had called him for ''a little bit of help''. Then, they faked it so that Lester was presented as the victim, but will he get caught ?

Relationships : Finally, we can also see some working, but also some broken relationships between the characters of this show. The policeman was having a very good relationship with his wife as they were about to have a baby, and there's this policewoman (sorry about the names by the way, I haven't learnt them quite well) and her father who's a bartender. He wants her to go fishing with him, but she decides to go back to work. And then, there's the Hess family, that we don't know a lot about, Lester's brother and his wife who are happy because of mister's promotion that gives him more money, which made Pearl jealous and her relationship with her husband was indeed broken, because telling your significant other that you shouldn't have married them, that they aren't half a human and that they are just incompetent brats is heart-breaking.

Overall impression : A very good series premiere, an excellent first episode, that makes me more interested to watch the rest of the series !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

jeudi 27 août 2015

Childhood Story #3

Childhood Story #3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's to another Childhood Story, when I talk about my very silly childhood full of stories ! ***realises what she's done and laughs*** Anyway. This one is called That Time When I Was A PokéNerd. Because when I was a kid, like all the « cool kids » at school, I was obsessed with Pokémon. (if you hadn't noticed from the last Childhood Story)

That Time When I Was A PokéNerd

(and I gambled on it)

So, between the ages of seven and ten, this is what we would do : play a game of cards and marbles. There were two sides, the « keeper » with the cards and the « shooter » with the marbles. The keeper was against a little wall in our playground, waiting for some people to duel them. The shooter arrives with the marbles and asks the deal. The keeper tells the number of shots (one, two or three) and the distance (we had some lines near the place where we would run to tell us some distances of whatever) from where they would shoot.

The shooter shoots the marbles until one of these two exits : the first one is, the card agains the wall is down. The shooter takes back their marbles and take the card(s), and then leave. The second one is, the shooter misses all of their shots and then, the keeper not only keep their cards, but they also win the marbles. Once a kid feels like they have either enough cards or enough marbles, they change their roles from keeper to shooter and vice-versa.

To be honest, I was quite good at this game. (I had many legendary and other rare cards given to my little brother since, but I had more marbles.) One year, when my little brother was at our elementary school, the game had been banned because of some kids complaining about it to their parents, who thought it was dangerous. (Also, there had been some stealing among the kids so the cards and marbles were banned altogether.) But then, the game came back as soon as the situation came back to normal. And to be even more honest, when my little brother came up with the story of the ban, I was maybe a little bit more upset than him because, after all, it's a GAME. A game where you can win... or lose. I know I'm talking about kids and I was maybe a little bit too mature for my age, but when I was playing, I knew the consequences of playing. Winning, losing. Kids should be taught this these days.

Anyway. It was a fun game, like a child version of poker in my mind. We also had a trading cards corner where we would sort-of deal cards and it was also fun. Last but not least, as I am French, only the French cards would be « legal » for trade. Some people bringing English cards would be designated as « fakers » and having « illegal » cards when they were just English. Guess we should have taken some English classes to understand that, right ? But we were just kids having fun and that was the most important thing of all.

Anyway, that's it for this Childhood Story ! I hope that you enjoyed it and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

The Uncanny Fail #3

The Uncanny Fail #3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, it's been a long time since I hadn't done this, but it's time for another Uncanny Fail ! Without any further ado, it's time to introduce another failure of mine. Well, this one is not properly a failure, but a handicap I lived with all my life without anyone knowing.

And this handicap is called dyspraxia.


No, it's not like dyslexia, when you have trouble reading. Dyspraxia is when you have problems with the coordination between the brain and the body. Most times, the neurons aren't properly affected with this, and the body isn't either ; it's the connection between the two who gets a problem. Here is the link to the Wikipedia page for more info : LINK.

In real life, it means that I can't do two things at the same time, I take more time than usual to understand things, and for a big part of my childhood, it wasn't understood, because people had no idea that I had dyspraxia. I was diagnosed at the age of eleven. Before that, people thought I was just lazy, uncapable of doing anything because of that handicap. One day, my mom, while doing some researches, found out this term and thought that I could relate to it.

So there's a test. I spend an entire morning doing some stuff. There is nothing wrong with my brain, as I said, nothing wrong with my neurons. But I have dyspraxia. The diagnosis falls. I am a handicapped person. In the same afternoon, I go back to class and people ask me where I was. I don't want to tell them, so I just awkwardly say that I was at the hospital for some tests. They don't ask for any more information. They leave me and go back to their normal lives, as if nothing had happened.

But I can't go back to my normal life. My mom, who had spent my entire childood cursing at me and yelling because I couldn't do some task with my two own hands, now feels « relieved » to know that the thing she called that was « inside of my head » now has a name. Now, she can explain my behaviour towards some physical stuff that I can't do. I mean, I almost burnt my own hand while trying to lit up the gas with a match last year (long story short, I want to cook. Mom gives me a match to light up the gaz, shows me how to turn the button, put up the match, the fire is on, I can leave the hand from the button and start cooking. I do eveything right, even if it took me four matches to light up one. But as the fire opens up, I realise I had forgotten the burning match in my hand, and I burn my fingers. Almost. I spend the next ten minutes under some cold running water while the water for the pasta is heating up. Wow I'm such a fail, right?). Anyways.

Anyways, that's it for this new Uncanny Fail ! I hope that you enjoyed it and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

samedi 22 août 2015

Hannibal, S3 Ep12

Hannibal, S3 Ep12

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the twelfth (and the one just before the finale !) episode in the third season of Hannibal. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Number Of The Beast Is 666

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- Hunger : In the movies, there's a man (I don't remember who), who said that Hannibal would have "a stab of hunger" in Clarice (since it was the main couple over there) and that he would "find nourishment in the very sight of her". Then, still in the movies, Hannibal and Clarice ended up together, am I right ? Well, in the TV show, Bedelia Du Maurier says that Hannibal still "has a stab of hunger" and "finds nourishment in the very sight of you"... about Will. If you still don't ship Hannigram by now, it's time to admit that you need better glasses (or a better gay-dar, in my very honest opinion). It was kind of silly to see the EXACT SAME quote used in the movies for Clarice and in the TV show for Will... Ah, Bryan Fuller, you know how to tease your gay.

- Dragon : Also, in this episode, there is more Red Dragon action as he torturs and then burns Chilton (I don't know why, but I never liked him anyways, he seems only interested in money and fame instead of the story he's actually trying to write, even if he has to lie for this), before threatening Reba, his... girlfriend ? Ex-girlfriend ? I mean, she still likes him and she wants to be friends with him, but Francis refuses anyways. I think his ego was hurt too much because of the lies spread by Will in the Tattle Crime (Freddie Lounds' newspaper that now is even available in paper format and not only online). Anyways, now he's after Will, but who will win this chess game ? We'll see in the finale next week...

- Alliances : Finally, in this episode, since Hannibal is the one in contact with the Dragon, Jack, Alana and Will have to get some help from him since he was the one recieving body parts from Chilton just as a reminder of what he's capable of doing. Now that all of the FBI works depends on the consent of a convict and ex-serial killer, the action is about to come and the finale seems quite promising as everyone seems to be in danger, in some way.

Overall impression : Very great episode, but the only thing that I will keep in mind is the quote from the movie used in the TV show that is BRILLIANT and just shows the gay. Will still hasn't answer the question about what if Hannibal's feelings for him were returned, but... wouldn't it be just SO great to have the first kiss in the last episode ? COME ON, Fuller ! You can do this !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mardi 18 août 2015

Sherlock, S3 Ep3

Sherlock, S3 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here it is, the review for the third and very last episode in the third series of Sherlock. *silently sobs because it only means one thing : WAITING UNTIL 2017 TO HAVE THE FOURTH SERIES !* So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

His Last Vow

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

Blackmail : In this episode, the nemesis is Charles Augustus Magnussen, a man who pretends to have a lot of secret informations about influent people, not only in the United Kingdom but also in the entire Western World, if not ahead. He enters people's proprieties and act as if he was in his own, peeing in Sherlock's mantelpiece, flick John's face or lick a Lady's face, just because he knows, and the knowledge he has in his ''Appledore'' is what could bring the security of the nation down if he wanted to. But then, since it's all in his head, Sherlock kills him, and thus, sets everyone free from his manipulation.

Liar : Also, we learn in this episode that Mary isn't what she said she was. She is a former CIA agent, also a trained assassin, and John didn't see that coming before it was too late. So, Sherlock had her confess that she indeed shot himand got Magnussen free because he had informations on her that could have compromised her entire security. Then, there is a big conversation, on whether Sherlock and John will take her as a client, they do, and then, Maey gives the USB key containing all of her infos and real identity. But what is really heart-warming is that not only John didn't read it, but he just decides to forget his past, and to know her only as Mary Watson, his wife. She's very happy and they have a happy life, the end.

Miss Me ? : This is just the end of the episode, the five last minutes, but since it's quite linked to the next series, I had to discuss it. Moriarty, apparently, has made his return, just like Sherlock, the only difference between them being that Sherlock jumped and did his ''magic trick'' to stay alive while Moriarty shot himself in the face. So, now we are facing a new enigma : is Moriarty really back or is it an impostor ? How could he have survived a fatal wound in the head, a shot like that ? Well, I only have one thing to say, since this is the only thing we have to do until MOTHERF*CKING 2017 (I will have Moffat killed one day or another) : The game is on !

Overall impression : A great finale, also a heart-warming moment between John and Sherlock where EVERYONE believed Sherlock was about to confess his love to John (knives thrown at Moffat once again). The end.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Sherlock, S3 Ep2

Sherlock, S3 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the third series of Sherlock. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Sign Of Three

So, the three words I've picked for this episode are :

Wedding : In this episode, John and Mary are going to their wedding, and John has asked Sherlock to be his best man, and thus, to make a speech for the married couple. Even though it's very easy for Sherlock to do his deductions and solve crimes, it's much harder to write a speech he will actually pull off in front of an audience. Also, John and Sherlock do a little party (with Sherlock measuring things, as usual, but that won't prevent them from getting drunk and vomiting on a crime scene) before John gets married. Eventually, Sherlock delivers the best man speech and it's quite great, I mean, honest and very sincere, but also very emotional, which made the entire audience tear up.

Military : Also, in this episode, a royal guard is almost killed while he was in his bathroom taking a shower, with the stall being completely closed. Sherlock has to investigate on this case as he realises that it will happen again (the Mayfly Man, taking the identity of the dead and going around because of an unhappy marriage and hooking up with some ladies, is at the wedding because one of the women knows John's middle name that was only shown on the wedding invitations). Then, he saves major Sholto's life since the killer used the same method for the two attempted murders.

A New Chapter : Now that John is married, Mary believes that Sherlock will lose his best friend and that they won't be seeing each other as much as before the wedding, also, Mrs. Hudson says that ''marriage changes everybody'', and that when her best friend married, they stopped seeing each other. She says that after the marriage, people have new friends and forget about the old ones. Mycroft himself tells Sherlock to ''not being involved'' in this new life between John and Mary (he wanted to take the picture reserved to the bride and groom). They go on an investigation to stop being stressed all the time, also for John to reassure Sherlock and tell him that it's just the beginning of a new chapter and that they will still be visiting each other and working on cases.

Overall impression : Another great episode, really, I have nothing much to say about the perfection that is this show.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Sherlock, S3 Ep1

Sherlock, S3 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the first episode in the third series of Sherlock. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Empty Hearse

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

Return : In this episode, Sherlock makes his great comeback after his two year leave, after having left only people grieveing like John Watson and people making theories like his fans. (And us, in the same time, since we've also been waiting for two years for him to come back !) They try to make theories, the Sherlolly one including a kiss with Molly and the Sheriarty one including an almost-kiss with Moriarty (it was also said to be a little fan service, and we know Moffat too much to know that it's true, in a way, but it's comic, isn't it ?). Even when Sherlock gives his version, we still can't know if he's telling the truth or not, and we're left with our own wondering... *quietely whispers in the dark : Moffat will kill us one day with all his f*cking mysterious things*

Underground : As soon as he is called back to work in London, Sherlock has solve a new case, an underground network who's trying to blow up the Parliament, and also, to kill John. (I still think these things are related in a way.) And then, they have to turn off a bomb before it blows up everything, and Sherlock pretends to not know just to have John apologise, which I think is quite rude, even coming from him. And in the end of the episode, we can see a man watching something including the scene when Sherlock saved John, and we'll know more about him very soon...

Change : Last but not least, two years have passed, John tried to keep this silly moustache that indeed ages him before getting rid of it (''I'm not shaving for Sherlock Holmes !'', he says before Sherlock himself says ''I prefer my doctors clean shaved.'', which is another super-blalantly obvious gay subtext that I always find funny.). Even when he says he's moved on with Mary, Mrs Hudson believed that he was about to marry a man, and that Sherlock was his boyfriend. Anyways, Sherlock now has to adapt himself to the change and learn about the new London...

Overall impression : A great start to the third series that I still find the best among all three of them. Seriously, Sherlock keeps improving and that's great.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

samedi 15 août 2015

Sherlock, S2 Ep3

Sherlock, S2 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the final episode in the second series ! Who's ready for the feels ? I AM ! So let's get started, shall we ?

The Reichenbach Falls

So, here are the three words I have chosen for this episode :

Reichenbach : Or, as Moriarty's alibi, Richard Brooks. In this episode, everything is related to Reichenbach, as the case of the painting is the first one that got Sherlock noticed (even if he had a little publicity before with the picture while he was wearing a deer-stalker). He then starts a little game with Sherlock and does his own little advertising by breaching the security in three of the most secure places in the country. He quickly gets out of the trial by threatening the jury and hurting their families if they don't acquit him, and then, gets with his job.

Fairy Tale : In this episode, we have multiple references to farity tales, including Hansel and Gretel, or an Arthurian myth of the knight who was so breave that people started doubting his prowesses and got him out of the Round Table. The bread, the book, and the story told in the cab are just a way to ''play a little game'', once again, to discredit Sherlock and make everyone believe he's just a fraud, a fake, who invented the crimes just to impress people by solving them. And many people believed it, to the point where they went to arrest him. He just had the time to run away with John before they could get caught.

Suicide : In the end of the episode, as Moriarty had promised in The Great Game and in the beginning of the episode, he made Sherlock ''burn'', and indeed, the Fall happened, quite to the word, since he jumped off a building. But, as we can see in the end of the episode, he's still alive, so how ? Unless you have seen series three, just like me already, I won't tell you. But just one fact that was in the episode : it's related to Molly Hooper and the hospital being the spot where Sherlock decided to ''die'' is not an accident.

Overall impression : A great finale for a very action-y series, and we'll see more of it quite soon, in the next series !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Sherlock, S2 Ep2

Sherlock, S2 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the second series of Sherlock. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Hound Of Baskerville

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

Hound : In this episode, which is all about a hound that has been seen around the fields of Baskerville, an important and very well-defended military base, we can see Sherlock investing on this gigantic hound, and also on a rabbit, and the two cases seem to be linked to the same place, Baskerville. They decide to investigate and discover many government secrets while being there, and eventually learn the truth about the hound... which is not quite what they thought it would be.

Drug : In the end, the project H.O.U.N.D. is just about a drug they had experimented twenty years ago, and the tests weren't not concluant, so the participants who had given their initials to form the word ''hound'' decided to leave this project they had worked on in Liberty, Indiana, behind them, and decide to move on. However, one of them decided that it had to work, so he kept using this drug that make people hallucinate and very suggestible, paranoid and afraid, and also, to keep Henry Knight silent about how he had killed his father who had learnt about it in front of him when he was just a child.

Influence : To get into Baskerville, Sherlock used his brother Mycroft's I.D. and tried to stay as long as possible inside, before being caught. Only the scientist (sorry don't remember his name) claimed to recognise him to get him out of trouble. Really, even if Mycrofts claims to have a minor position in the government, he as quite a big influence that can open him many doors closed to the general public. He even had to call him back to have his therory proved by some ''testing'' he's done on John (I think it's an act of revenge because John, in my opinion, pointed out a little too much how Sherlock was afraid of the hound, so he wanted to make fun of him as well. Quite good, this Sherlock, better not mess with him unless you want to lose.) In conclusion, influence means power, and power means everything, since it can do everything for you.

Overall impression : Another really great episode, and you know what's the next one ! The conclusion of the second series ! Who's in for a lot of feels ?

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Sherlock, S2 Ep1

Sherlock, S2 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the first episode in the second series of Sherlock. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Scandal In Belgravia

Here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

Woman : Obviously, this episode is all about Irene Adler, or professionnaly known as The Woman. She also calls herself and offers some intimate services to her clients. She also identifies as gay, which I think is more leaning towards the pan side. After all, she's having an affair with her maid, am I right ? She also has some compromising pictures of herself and a young woman in the royal family, and a ton of other top-secret things she keeps for her own protection. Her only weakness was on the password leaning to her phone, which revealed her attraction for Sherlock. Then, she is said to be killed, before we see Sherlock « save her ». The only thing is, is this in her mind and Sherlock is laughing because he thinks she's in America or is it because he actually saved her ? We won't know for now !

Government : Sherlock, in this episode, is called by Mycroft to do this little job for the British government, and the royal family, and goes to the royal palace to get the job. After all, they lost these compromising files and want to get them back as soon as possible, without any problems. They end up trusting Sherlock to the maximum to get the code to Irene's phone, and when they learn about the missile being discovered and a bomb in the plane transporting it, they have to blow it up before they get to the said missile, which is why not only the British were involved, but also the Americans.

Caring : In this episode, Sherlock talks about love as « a chemical defect found in the losing side », and even Mycroft comments about a mourning family with these words : « All people die. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage, Sherlock. », which for me, is a little bit sad. When John asks Ms. Hudson if Sherlock had ever gotten in a relationship, she answers that no, she's never seen in a couple. After all, it was love who put Irene in danger and blew up her only protection, her phone, since she didn't have doubles of the said pictures and informations. In the end, all ends well, for Mycroft and the British government. But for how long before Moriarty, who had learnt about the missile, goes back in the front of the stage ?

Overall impression : Another very great episode, I realised that the funny ringtone was in the beginning of this episode, and I'm excited to see more about it soon !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Hannibal, S3 Ep11

Hannibal, S3 Ep11

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the eleventh episode in the third season of Hannibal. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

And The Beast From The Sea

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- Break-up : In this episode, Francis tells about himself to Reba, the blind lady, and decides to leave her, even if she says that she enjoyed his company (I think that most of the time, she lives alone, so...). When he announces that to Hannibal, they keep talking about the Red Dragon, and Francis admits that he had to leave her before the Dragon attacks her (which means that maybe, the Dragon and Francis are split personnalities, which confirms his madness). And now that Hannibal, and even Will, Jack and Alana know that the Dragon is now ready to do anything, and Francis will execute any of his orders, they have to catch him before he kills again.

- Hospital : After a phone call with Hannibal telling him that he can kill them, Francis tried to kill Will's wife and her son. Hopefully, they had enough time and ressources to get away from that, which led him to hurt himself (well, in his mind, the Red Dragon hurting Francis, the human being acting for it.) This also led Will to explain himself to the son, an eleven-year-old already asking him if he's going to kill the serial killer. Will says he won't, that he will just be caught and sent to a mental hospital, but Will feels guilty for leaving his family because of his work and the hunt for Francis and he tells Jack that he won't stop until the killer is caught.

- Toilet : In the end of the episode, when the conversation between Francis and Hannibal is discovered, as she promised, Alana takes away all of his furniture, including the toilet, only leaving him with an empty room and nothing inside it. (I hope that they still keep a bucket for his excrements because I don't see Hannibal doing that in a corner, on the floor, like an animal, even if Alana, in my opinion, is capable of letting this happen.) Anyway, what's next in Hannibal's plan, since according to Jack, even when imprisoned, he is still playing with people from the outside ?

Overall impression : A great episode, that brings us close to the season finale ! We'll see more of that next week in the next episode !

Okay, that's it for now, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mardi 11 août 2015

Sherlock, S1 Ep3

Sherlock, S1 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the third and last episode in the first series of Sherlock. Then, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Great Game

The three words I've picked for this episode are :

Game : In this episode, Sherlock is confronted to a game where he has to solve crimes in a very short amount of time before someone in the city is killed by a bomb. Once he solved the crimes, he can free the hostage from the bomb they are linked to, and go on with their lives (with a lifelong trauma, that is). Sherlock then realises that there must be a man, as bored as him, who just wants to play with him and watch him ''dance around'' to see his reactions, and see the disappointment in his eyes when the bomb exploses and kills 12 people, even if he had solved the crime.

Police : First of all, I hate this lady called Sally who keeps calling Sherlock ''Freak'', I just want to punch her in the face for that. Secondly, the policemen don't really like Sherlock, even if he's doing most work at Scotland Yard and basically, Lestrade owes him a lot of the solved crimes recently. For someone who works for free and helps the police without asking for anything in return, he should get some credit for his hard work, and yet, people really hate his power of deduction and just keep telling him to ''piss off'', as he said himself in the first episode.

Moriarty : Finally, we meet the great villain, Jim Moriarty. (By the way, I watched another version than the first I had seen because I don't remember having seen the first time around. The gay scene and the reminder of it in the end of the episode is quite funny, actually. But I just wanted to say that Sherlock shouldn't have said that Jim is gay just because he acts feminine, but just because he left his phone number to be called back, which is what people do when they want to be ''hit up''. Don't assume, Sherlock ! You have a brain, use it wisely...) And then, he talks, a lot. (The version I watched didn't have the funny ringtone, what a pity...) And then, he claims to be a criminal consultant, just like Sherlock is a detective consultant, just before leaving us... on a cliffhanger.

Overall impression : Another very fast-paced episode, full of action, which is what I appreciate in this kind of detective show. We'll see more in the next series !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Sherlock, S1 Ep2

Sherlock, S1 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the first series of Sherlock, the episode called The Blind Banker. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Blind Banker

For this episode, those were the three words that I had in mind :

China : Well it's very obvious that this episode is centered around China and very precious objects from this country. But it's also the story of a gang of smugglers, The Black Lotus, who steals art pieces in China to sell it to auction in the Western world. Even in the end of the episode, when Sherlock and John dismantle the little group they were confronted to, Sherlock had to admit that it's just a little speck of the total gang and that they would never manage to catch the whole group, who will continue to smuggle. But after all, it's not their job : it's up to the police to dismantle the criminal gangs around the world.

Bank : The smugglers use rich bankers from the City to transport their valuable merchandise to be sold in the Western world. After all, as the leader says in the episode, ''in the West, everything has a price''. But then, two of them are killed because of a hair pin that has been lost, and is very important to the smugglers because its worth is nine million pounds. NINE. MILLION. POUNDS. It's later found in the hair of the secretary, and when Sherlock tells her the worth of what she had in her hair for all this time, she freaks out. I mean, imagine if you had nine million pounds on your head ?

Interrupted : Sherlock, as he does his job with Scotland Yard for free, doesn't get much money (that's why he was looking for a flatmate in the first place, like John because of his amry pension), and they have to find a job. (Seriously, getting five hundred pounds as an ''incentive'' and TWENTY THOUSANDS at the end of the job is seriously a lot of money, for them, but not for the millionnaire bankers they work for.) John tries to be a doctor downtown, but his work with Sherlock takes up all his time and he is often late or missing, which pisses off the other doctors working for him and taking his patients. Then, he tries to get a date, but he is interrupted by the circus, and Sherlock, then he is captured with his date, and he's mistaken for Sherlock Holmes. I think this young woman won't be coming back...

Overall impression : A very great episode, once again, a great story with a lot of action, and I can't wait to re-watch more of it !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Sherlock, S1 Ep1

Sherlock : S1 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review (so expected since I had promised you since July, but I didn't have the time because of Camp NaNoWriMo and then moving into my little studio) of the first episode in the first series of Sherlock. Anyways, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Study In Pink

So, I am going to do a #InThreeWords review series for Sherlock... let's get started with the three words I have picked for this episode !

Introduction : Since this is the very first episode, we get introduced to the characters that everybody knows if they have read a little bit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works. There is Sherlock Holmes, the consultant detective, and John Watson, an army doctor coming back from Afghanistan. Together, they move in with Miss Hudson, the landlady, and investigate on crimes with Detective Inspector Lestrade. Sherlock and John are very soon having stuff together and, as Mycroft said, at this rate, ''there could be a happy announcement by the end of the week''. Anyways, the dynamics between them is starting and I'm willing to go through it all once again to get the feels !

Warning : In this episode, we can see Mycroft, Sherlock's brother, picking up John and asking him to give some information to have some money, since he doesn't have much because of his army pension. John refuses (even if Sherlock says that he should have accepted just for the money, but I feel like Watson had a strong core of values that he wouldn't change for), and then, Mycroft warns John about Sherlock, as much as Sally, who thinks he's a psychopath and that he will kill someday, just for the fun of it. But in the end, John stays with Sherock, and compliments him on his deductions, which no one else does. After all, he's just a sociopath, not a psychopath, right ?

Cabbie : In this episode, the serial killer is a taxi driver who picks up with people and talk to them into a choice, between two identical pills, one of which is good and the other one bad. Basically, a fifty-fifty medical roulette that four people have already lost. In the end of the episode, Sherlock had to do the same, but he is interrupted by John basically saving his life by killing the serial killer. He just has the time to tell the name of his sponsor, Moriarty, before he dies. (Which leads me to saying : why the fucking hell would a man save someone he just met the day before and is very concerned about him, to the point where he asks Mycroft if he's that concerned about Sherlock ? Silly Moffat, you'll kill us with your innuendos and subtext, URGH !!!)

Overall impression : Just the first episode and already a master-piece, but seriously, all the gay subtext will KILL me one day. Make it happen or not, but make your mind, Moffat !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one, I hope !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !