mardi 8 décembre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep9

Fargo, S2 Ep9

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the ninth episode in the second series of Fargo ! Next week will be the last episode, so be prepared for the end of this chapter !

Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Castle

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Revenge : So, the Native Indian guy has finally decided to betray his employers, kill the grandma and let the other guys be killed by the police. He also killed the police and all that jazz and the people who came for back-ups were really late, because the police were stupid and they had turned the radio off, so Solverson (who had tried to warn them) couldn't do anyhing, and he got harmed himself. I'm just prayig for the grandpa (Ms. Solverson's dad) who got badly injured, but I don't think he'll make it anyways.

- Prejudice : In this episode, we're trying to understand why the Native decided to kill all those white people and why he has turned against his employers. Was it because he had enough of the treatment he had recieved by the oldest son ? Or because of the racism in the bar where he shot the owner and some racist clients ? Or was it the same thing since he was a kid and had been hired by the North Dakota family ? We will probably never know.

- The UFOs : Seriously, what the f*ck are UFOs doing there in the middle of what seemed to be a pretty normal story ? Like, seriously ? No matter what it is, is seems to be quite present during the season (multiple mentions during the past episodes) and seems to be a deus ex-machina process in order to give enough time for the couple (the butcher and his wife) to run away, and the Native to run after them, and the black guy with his never-talking bodyguard are leaving, knowing that he won't have his prize, but the game he's playing with his employers in Kansas City will probably be dangerous for him... We'll see all of that in the next and last episode of the season anyways.

Overall impression : Another great episode that starts the conclusion of the season, with Solverson's wife having a deteriorating state and she's about to die as mentioned during season 1 by the older Solverson. We just have to wait for the last episode next week !

Okay, that's it for today, I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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