mardi 15 décembre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep10

Fargo, S2 Ep10

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, finally ! Here's the review for the season finale of Fargo ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?


So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Who lived and who died ? : Let's cut the chase and just count those who died and those who lived... so, the butcher died, his wife lived, the Indian lived, the grandpa lived, Solverson and wife lived (now they have to explain when she actually died and how he got shot like he said in 2006 in season one, because seriously, I thought this mystery would be solved by the end of this episode, goddammit !). Now, the family is entirely dead, the Kansas City has left Minnesota, and everything's going back to normal again !

- Illusions and visions : In this episode, there are two visions. The first one is from Solverson's wife who mysteriously sees the future of his husband and her daughter (season one, when she's married with the other policeman and they have a child and stuff like that), but I'd like to point out, she isn't in this vision, because 1) it's the shots from season one and she wasn't included because she died before 2006, and 2) well, because somehow, she knew she wouldn't be included in it. It's like a sort of realisation, how she has realised that her time is up, and she says, that she's ready to face death and the Lord as she's a believer, and she's against Camus' nihilism (which I also hate by the way, like it used to give me anxiety in French litterature classes in high-school *heavy cringes*), because she's against Norine, and she believes life is amazing and there's so much to do, even if you have a limited time on Earth.

Then, there was the vision from the butcher's wife, in the end of the episode, the parallel to the movie, and how the thought she and her husband were about to be killed by the Native guy, but in the end, was saved by Solverson and his colleague. Maybe she was hallucinating and hoping that her husband, Ed, could be saved, like in the movie, but she learnt that in reality, nothing happens like in the movies. And she learnt that the hard way. And now she's alone and will probably have a life sentence for her murder, and be confronted to the consequences of her actions.

- Being a woman in the 70's : Last but not least, I believe that overall, during this season, we learnt a lot about feminism and the struggles of being a woman during the 70's. While she's about to go to jail, Peggy claims "you can't be a wife, and a mother, and have an amazing career. I just wanted to live to my full potential and have this amazing career, and you can't to that, unless there were 37 hours in a day, because otherwise, it's your fault, you're faulty."

Faulty of what ? Of  realising that men can't do a single house chore because "it's for women" and women have to stay housewives while the men work because women can't have a proper job and their independence and their own proper career ? Faulty of realising how discrimination against women was so present back then and the mentalities aren't going to change ever unless we are properly taught to raise all the genders the same way ? With the struggles of the family grandma who held her head strong against her sons who wanted to take her place on the throne (especially the oldest one, what a piece if sh*t, I'm glad he's dead for good) and her granddaughter who also was strong but was killed in the end, it shows amazing, strong women who took no sh*t and who were probably against the only women who could be proudly called feminists at the time.

Overall episode : What a great finale. What a great final feminist message. Wow, lots of strong women in the 70's. It was such a pleasure to see these strong women and their fight for equality. It shows how "vintage" (even if it's not "that" vintage) women could be as strong as modern women and I absolutely ADORE it.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with something new !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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