jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Advent Calendar #24 : Jingle Bells

Advent Calendar #24 : Jingle Bells

Finally, it is the last night,
The last night before Christmas.
Are you excited ? Are you worried ?
What is going through your mind right now ?

Only one sleep away, your parents would tell you as a child,
And they would tuck you in bed, telling you that Father Christmas
Would come and put your gifts under the tree. Well, they aren't wrong,
In the end. It's just that your parents are the Elves helping him do his job.

So, don't try to sneak up during the night to see Father Christmas,
Because he won't like to he disturbed during his work,
And after all don't you like having the surprise
Of opening your gifts in the morning with your loved ones ?

125 words.

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