dimanche 7 février 2016

What Is Love ? (7/14)

What Is Love ?

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the seventh post in my Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge ! Let's ask ourselves a little rhetoric question : what is love ?

I read a Tumblr post the other day (well, a very long time ago, and I had even reblogged it and added my personal commentary, but I don't seem to find it back...) about the fact that love isn't just a feeling, but it's a promise. A promise that you make everyday, that you'll stay no matter what, in the best like in the worst.

(Because what you liked the most in one person ends up being the thing you hate the most about them in the long run.)

And that people who chose to speak when facing problems stayed married, even if the spark of love has faded for a very long time already. In the other hand, people who didn't want to talk ended up divorcing.

Basically, when things are going for the best, you gotta stay aware of the worst, and when it's the worst, you gotta find back the little spark that made you fall in love with the other person. And if you don't find it back, it's not bad to cut the links that you think are not working.

In the end, what is love ? It's the simple company of the other person, staying with you no matter what, and that finds the best in the worst. Otherwise, it's not good to stay in an unhealthy relationship that's draining your emotions, your efforts, your time, and your overall patience.

It's the little moments, not necessarily the big romantic gestures, when you appreciate the presence of the other person ; helping the other person grow up and accept to recieve lessons so you can grow up too ; mutual teaching and learning, sharing the good bits in your life, and supporting each other in the bad times.

It's way more simple than what people make it seem to be, and and obviously, if people understood this, love would be more easily found. But I guess that people love making simple things complicated because their life is so *boring* that they need to be fueled by the drama and heartbreal of others around them. (what a bunch of bast*rds, me says.)


Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you with the next one in the series tomorrow !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

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