mercredi 24 février 2016

Freedom of speech vs « Freedom » to be an asshole (Me vs My Step-Dad #1)

Freedom of speech vs « Freedom » to be an asshole (Me vs My Step-Dad #1)

Hi everybody, Mary here.

And here comes a little speech that will be a part of a series of a new series called Me vs My Step-Dad™ (because we have so many crazy arguments that I thought, why not entertain the Internet about this ???)

The other day (more like, months ago), we were talking about our freedom of speech. And my step-dad was insulting a certain group (I don't even remember if it was gays or immigrants lolol but he was pretty nasty if you want my honest opinion), and he was saying that he can say whatever he wants, because of his so-called « freedom of speech ».

I told him while staring at him in the eye, « Your freedom of speech is not a freedom to be an asshole. It doesn't grant you the right to diss others because of who they are. So you can't use your so-called freedom of speech when all you want to say are nasty things. If you have nothing nice to say, then you stay quiet and don't hurt anyone else. ».

And then, he said, « Well, freedom of speech gives me the right to be an asshole. But it also gives the freedom of kicking someone for being nasty. » (At this moment, I just wanted to taked his words for granted and kick him in the balls, but I forced myself not to.) !!!

I still firmly believe that hatred isn't needed and it's a crime to be homophobic, transphobic, generally queerphobic, sexist, racist, and many other things. Your freedom of speech is the right given by the government, saying that they can't emprison you for expressing you. It protects the citizens from censorship, which is illegal in many countries in the world. It means you can't be sent to jail, tortured, or killed for your personal beliefs, thoughts and words.

But when these « beliefs », « thoughts » and « words » are directed towards another person or group of people, just to be plain nasty and hateful, it's my right to protect the potential victims of these hateful messages and shut you up before innocent people are triggered, taken down, ridiculed, harassed and dragged into the dirt because you wanted to be an asshole. You should be sent to jail for your repeated hatred and aggressions towards innocent people, because they don't need to be hated by such a shitty person as you.

So, one last time, repeat after me :
Your freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to be an asshole.
Your freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to be an asshole !

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this little post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

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