mardi 2 février 2016

Ideal First Dates (2/14)

Ideal First Dates

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, today's movie was nice... and we were there just for the movie, so nothing happened.

(The guy was sick anyways.)

So, today, for this episode of The Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge, I'll be talking about ideal first dates.

And by that, I mean, actual fun dates. I understand that cinema + restaurant may seem romantic and cool, but it's no fun at all. I mean, having to behave « like grown-ups » while eating « fancy food » and then get two hours, or even three, of awkward moments before leaving and talking about the movie a little bit before going back to home ?

A little bit cliché, me says. Here are some ways to spice things up !

  1. The bowling ! You get some fun, you get a pizza afterwards, and everyone's fine ! A little game can't hurt anyone, right ?
  2. Some ice-skating ! Why not ? And then, you'll try to pick each other up while trying to walk on ice... nice, me says.
  3. Laser Quest ! Some competition, by playing against each other, and ending up having loads of fun. Who cares if you end up behaving like five-year-olds ?
  4. Just a little movie/tv show marathon under a blanket. Because you don't need to go outside anyways... right ?
  5. Still want to get fancy ? Why not the harbour. A little pic-nic by the beach, an ice-cream with the sunset, and maybe (if you're lucky), some fireworks.
  6. Still in the extremely fancy/romantic suggestions, why not just drive and see the view from a high point ? The stars, even ? Who knows, you're just a big nerd anyways.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with the next one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

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