mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Why I Don't Especially Like These « Letter To My Younger Self » videos...

Why I Don't Especially Like These « Letter To My Younger Self » videos...

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, once again I'm very late in this trends thing, so I'll be brief with my whining now. This has been a trend a while ago and I totally understand the point of these, it's to make their subscribers making themselves better anout themselves by telling « their younger selves » what was wrong with them and how, in the end, it didn't really matter. By telling their younger selves that their problems could have been solved with a simple solution, by saying what could have been, basically, they are adressing their audiences by telling them that they can solve their own problems if they believe in themselves hard enough.

But this isn't what I'd like to talk about today.

No, it's more about the fact that these people talking to their younger selves are trying, in a sort of way, to « communicate » with them, to make them understand what they can change to avoid bad things happening. They are, actually, regretting stuff from their pasts. They are trying to, either, make a big joke out of it and make fun of that and try to laugh at that, or to make something very artsy-esque and very angsty and stuff like that.

And THAT's what making me very sad about this.

Because you know what ? You can NOT change the past. What's been done has been done now. You can't go in the past using time-travel with a TARDIS or talk with your younger self like in the All My Pretty Selves universe. (P.S. : it's a short story written by me that you can read right here : The only thing you can do once you've made a mistake is try to fix what can be and let go what can't. After all, in the end, we are all time-travellers. We're just bound to move forwards, one step at a time.

Stop looking at the past for once. You are NOT defined by your mistakes. What defines you, however, is how you coped with them and how you tried to solve your own problems. Or, when you can't do that, how you reached for help and comfort to make things easier. It's not that hard in the end. So, I am just asking myself a question :

Why not make a letter to your older self ? With things you would like to achieve in your life. Like a time capsule, you would put your heart in these, your dreams, your hopes, your expectations, your fears, your worries, your anxieties. Make this a promise to yourself. Promise yourself that no matter what's going to happen next, you'll be there to make the most out of it. Take your time. Breathe. Little steps sometimes lead farther than big jumps, and it's often safer.

And remember : even if you're not okay right now, I promise, you'll be okay at a certain point. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But one day, I swear, there'll be the sunlight shining on your face. The storm will be gone. And you will smile for no damn reason.

And remember : sometimes, it just takes a little blow to make the clouds go away.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this little post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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