mardi 22 septembre 2015

How to explain asexuality : the apple pie case

How to explain asexuality : the apple pie case

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's a new post about me rambling about the fact that there's still SO MUCH ignorance about asexuality and stuff. Anyways, since people don't really understand the concept of asexuality, I'm going to explain it to you with something else : an apple pie. Yes, a MOTHER-F*CKING apple pie. Don't care about whether you like this sh*t or not, this is our case today.

So, you see people going into a bakery selling different shapes of apple pies. The allosexual person has money and likes apple pie, so they buy some and leave to eat them at home with their partner, who has also brought some apple pie.

The demi-sexual will be like : yes, I have money, but... I want THIS type of apple pie since that's the one I'm used to. And then they only take the apple pies they've smelt and trust the most before buying them and eating them with their partner as well.

And then, there's the asexual. Unfortunately, they don't have money, so they can't buy the apple pie. BUT, there's a catch : there are THREE kinds of asexual (well, to generalise a little bit).

The first one is the sex-positive one : the one who doesn't experience sexual attraction but likes sex, watches porn, and masturbates. Even if they don't have money and doesn't buy the apple pie at the bakery, they go back home and see that their partner has bought some apple pie for them. So, since they LOVE the apple pie, made for two, and they and their partner share and have fun eating that apple pie, am I right ?

The second one is the sex-neutral one : the one who doesn't experience sexual attraction but doesn't matter if their partner asked for sex. They would please their partner. So, these ones don't have the money, they don't buy at the bakery, and when they go home to their partner bringing an apple pie for two, they are like « alright, if that makes you happy »... and then both of them share this apple pie and, even if the asexual doesn't really like the apple pie, it makes their partner happy, so in the end... why not ?

And then, there's the sex-repulsed one : the one who is completely and utterly DISGUSTED by sex or even the idea of if. They don't have the money, they don't buy at the bakery, and when they come home to their partner and their GIGANTIC apple pie made for two, they are like « but you know I HATE apple pies !!! Ewwwww !!! Get that sh*t off me !!! ». Either they are angry about it, or they are afraid of their partner shoving apple pie down their throats.

P.S. : this is my case and I'm still thinking about this EVERY SINGLE DAY, about the fact that one day, if I get along with a non-asexual, they WILL ask for sex, and that scares the SH*T out of me.

And so, their partner is left alone with the apple pie made for two. They'll have to eat alone/ have a sex life on their own without their asexual partner. They'll have to find a way to cope with that, by masturbating, watching pornos alone, and stuff like that. And sometimes, it can be hard. I mean, man, eating an apple pie for two on your own ? You're going to be SO sick and throw up, man !!! And usually, THAT'S when sh*t happens. Either the partner agrees with eating more apple pie than they possibly can, or they leave.

And oh, man, I won't eat that apple pie. Don't make me. Forcing someone to eat something they don't like/forcing sex on sex-repulsed asexuals is called ACEPHOBIA. Also, RAPE, obviously.

So, what I meant is that this big cliché about asexual = sex-repulsed is totally and utterly WRONG. I mean, there are some allosexual/demi-sexual people who ARE sex-repulsed. In the apple pie case, they have the money, but they HATE the apple pie. They won't buy it at the bakery, and they won't eat it with their partner at home. That's IT. It's not complicated, ffs.

Anyways... That's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this little post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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