dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep1

Doctor Who, S9 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the beginning of the long awaited ninth series of Doctor Who ! Here's the review for the first episode ! Let's get started, shall we ?

The Magician's Apprentice

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Rock and Roll : I found that quite funny to see the Doctor doing a rock concert right in the Middle Ages, so let's talk about that. Actually, this is quite different from the casual "Time Lord ceremonial before death" thingy where they are supposed to be silent and meditate on the absence of their existence and stuff. Also talking with "futuristic" words for this time, like "dude", was very funny. But it's only to show that he's about to die. Maybe it's from his rebel side, he doesn't want to show his emotions so he's making a lot of noise to avoid thinking about it. Even when he says "There's still today !", he's denying the fact that he's about to die. Or so he thinks.

- Shame : As we can see, the Doctor is quite ashamed of something in this episode, and it's letting Davros survive a war against dead hands in the ground with eyes that kill people and stuff (it may sound funny right now but they do NOT look funny in the episode, believe me). And that led Davros to create the Daleks, him to believe that he's going to die, and everything that happened in this episode (like Clara and Missy dying too). So, he decides to go and kill Davros when he was a kid, but will he make it ??? (supposedly not since the Daleks must continue existing, will of the original creator. I think it was just some bluff and then he'll save the day with a miracle and everything will go back to normal !!!)

- Confession : What makes Clara very angry is that the Doctor sent his will to Missy and not to her. Just like in the series 8 finale, when Missy said she's the Doctor's friend, and that despite all the fights they had aginst each other, it was just "friendship stuff" (well I don't know what she means by that but it's not a casual friendship), and Clara, who thought she was the Doctor's best friend as much as he's her best friend, is quite upset about that. Anyways, now we know how the Time Lords prepare themselves to die ! *I wanted to be funny about death but it looks like it's a fail hahaha*

Overall impression : It was a brilliant episode, a great opening and it's bugging me SO MUCH that we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how this story will be concluded ! ARGH !!!

Anyways, that's it for today, I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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