samedi 25 juin 2016

YouTube's new terms of services are targeting freedom of speech ?

YouTube's new terms of services are targeting freedom of speech ?

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, very recently, YouTube has changed its terms of services in order to stop harassment, hurtful, sexualising, humiliating comments and videos, and so on.

Obviously, many people have declared that this is against freedom of speech, and while I agree that the new terms of services are very loose (and will probably cause mayhem just like the Copyrights™ mayhem and videos being pulled out very easily), I don't really believe it's against freedom of speech.

I've watched a video made by Philip de Franco (link : and the main comments were about how "SJW will rule the world !!!", that "YouTube is becoming a leftist, PC 'safespace' for butthurt people", how it's against freedom of speech and how we're just a bunch of crybabies who can't handle "the real world", I don't really believe this crap to be honest.

Phil, you wanted reactions ? Here's my reaction.

1) "freedom of speech" is obviously a concept made so that people in power (such as the government) cannot censor the press, the media, people going against propaganda, and so on. It has been created with the movement of the Lumières, in France, because of the absolute monarchy reigning and being oppressive of anti-monarchists. In no way is "freedom of speech" a way to be a jerk, to ridiculise, demonise, humiliate, doxx, or criticise other people without previous notice.

2) it's very different to call someone out on their crap, when for example, they are rapists, abusers, or pedophiles. Or criminals in general. than pulling out crap and lies and "roasting". This is just bullshit and it needs to be called out. I think this is why the "roast yourself challenge" was created ? So that people criticise themselves and realise we're all flawed instead of taking your anger on someone else who doesn't deserve this crap ? But yeah. I'm very pro-calling someone out for criminal behaviour. I'm very against judgment against others because of who they are.

3) the supposed "attack on the second amendment" is so US-centric it hurts. Like, yes, YouTube is a US-centric company, but international users are also benefitting this platform for self-expression.

4) I am deeply worried about the comments you left on your own videos, calling SJWs crybabies for wanting a safespace, being worried that the LGBTQ+ community, feminists or vegans are just gonna rule the platform, or that we just have "a bunch of hurt feelings" and "utter whining". We deserve a safespace where we can talk about our oppression, as women, people of colour, or as queer people. We deserve a safespace where people can't just take away our footage and make fun of it "in disguise of criticism" or "in fair use" (which is also a US-centric thing). I've seen many of my LGBTQ+ and feminist favourite YouTubers being attacked by people who have honestly enough time in their hands to ridicule other people for their points of views.

I am deeply worried that people cannot talk freely on YouTube about racism, ableism, classism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and so on, without being targeted by others with their hate speeches.

I am deeply worried about people coming to watch supportive videos about important issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, positivity for people of colour or disabled people, or poor people, and reading the comments, only to find hate, which fuels self-hatred and negative perceptions of self.

I am deeply worried that people won't find the strength to call these negative comments, or these negative videos out, because they don't want to enter into conflicts because of who they are.

I am deeply worried that whenever I enter a comment section, or even the YouTube frontpage, hateful messages and videos are the ones that are spread the most, that criticising rude videos have more views and more likes than the ones criticising our cishetero patriarchy, and that these videos are hated and pushed away when they're trying to educate people.

I am worried for the future of this platform, because I thought that it would be very eye-opening to watch channels with beautiful opinionated people who are hated because of who they are.

I am worried that the classic sexist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, classist "jokes" will still be ruling in my favourite YouTubers' videos, without fearing any backlash or critiques, because I want a safespace where I can avoid the already hurtful world, without being hurt a second time.

I am worried about the next generations coming for hope in the media in general and not finding any.

I am worried about you, Phil. Will your videos be taken down because of your critiques too ?

I am just wondering.

TL;DR : While YouTube's new terms of services may be "too loose" and will probably cause many problems, freedom of speech is freedom against censorship from people in power (such as governments), but isn't "the freedom of being an asshole". It's different to call out a criminal and deliberately hating someone for who they are. The Second Amendment is US-centric & YouTube needs to acknowledge international users. I want YouTube to be a safespace to express our opinions, talk about oppression & discrimination, and find positivity for minorities without people hating and belittling us. Thank you.

I hope (for Phil and anyone else reading this) that it's clear and concise, and I'm willing to answer any questions or remarks about this post.

I will see you soon with another post.

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

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