dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Our Common Nature #9 : Gender Roles

Our Common Nature #9 : Gender Roles

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the very last post in my Our Common Nature series, with a little talk (very brief though) about gender roles.

First of all, I'd like to talk about how harmful gender roles are, for all genders. Not only they enforce certain stereotypes on children from the youngest age, but it also ensures that the same children don't go beyond the little boxes made by their education, upbringing and society in order to make everything and everyone look and sound exactly the same.

Girls have to like pink, princesses, house chores, and princesses.
Boys have to like blue, trucks, outside activities, and superheroes.

There's not enough representation in the media for badass girl superheroes.
Boys obviously can't play with female characters, even from action movies.
Those action movies display males more than females.

Stereotypes go with personality stereotypes.
Girls have to be pretty, gentle, nurturing and submissive.
Boys have to be handsome, destroying everything, not nurturing and dominant.
Girls can't curse, boys can't cry.

Stereotypes are harming all genders. When I'm talking about feminism, I'm not only talking about all the missed opportunities and sexism towards women. I'm also talking about hyper-masculinity, fathers getting less opportunities to gain custody of their children when filing a divorce, them being left out many times of parenthood with less parental leave.

When I'm talking about feminism, I'm not a misandrist. I don't hate men. I actually hate women who think their gender is better than men, because it's not true. All genders should be raised equally and considered as equals.

The only reason for which it's called feminism and not egalitarianism, is that feminine traits are the ones that people (from ALL GENDERS) are bashed for. Masculine is the dominant and feminine, the submissive.

It's time to understand that everything is equal no matter what.

So, this concludes my Our Common Nature series ! As usual, please tell me if there are any mistakes or inaccuracies and I'll see you soon with something different !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

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