mardi 11 août 2015

Sherlock, S1 Ep3

Sherlock, S1 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the third and last episode in the first series of Sherlock. Then, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Great Game

The three words I've picked for this episode are :

Game : In this episode, Sherlock is confronted to a game where he has to solve crimes in a very short amount of time before someone in the city is killed by a bomb. Once he solved the crimes, he can free the hostage from the bomb they are linked to, and go on with their lives (with a lifelong trauma, that is). Sherlock then realises that there must be a man, as bored as him, who just wants to play with him and watch him ''dance around'' to see his reactions, and see the disappointment in his eyes when the bomb exploses and kills 12 people, even if he had solved the crime.

Police : First of all, I hate this lady called Sally who keeps calling Sherlock ''Freak'', I just want to punch her in the face for that. Secondly, the policemen don't really like Sherlock, even if he's doing most work at Scotland Yard and basically, Lestrade owes him a lot of the solved crimes recently. For someone who works for free and helps the police without asking for anything in return, he should get some credit for his hard work, and yet, people really hate his power of deduction and just keep telling him to ''piss off'', as he said himself in the first episode.

Moriarty : Finally, we meet the great villain, Jim Moriarty. (By the way, I watched another version than the first I had seen because I don't remember having seen the first time around. The gay scene and the reminder of it in the end of the episode is quite funny, actually. But I just wanted to say that Sherlock shouldn't have said that Jim is gay just because he acts feminine, but just because he left his phone number to be called back, which is what people do when they want to be ''hit up''. Don't assume, Sherlock ! You have a brain, use it wisely...) And then, he talks, a lot. (The version I watched didn't have the funny ringtone, what a pity...) And then, he claims to be a criminal consultant, just like Sherlock is a detective consultant, just before leaving us... on a cliffhanger.

Overall impression : Another very fast-paced episode, full of action, which is what I appreciate in this kind of detective show. We'll see more in the next series !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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