mardi 11 août 2015

Sherlock, S1 Ep2

Sherlock, S1 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the first series of Sherlock, the episode called The Blind Banker. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Blind Banker

For this episode, those were the three words that I had in mind :

China : Well it's very obvious that this episode is centered around China and very precious objects from this country. But it's also the story of a gang of smugglers, The Black Lotus, who steals art pieces in China to sell it to auction in the Western world. Even in the end of the episode, when Sherlock and John dismantle the little group they were confronted to, Sherlock had to admit that it's just a little speck of the total gang and that they would never manage to catch the whole group, who will continue to smuggle. But after all, it's not their job : it's up to the police to dismantle the criminal gangs around the world.

Bank : The smugglers use rich bankers from the City to transport their valuable merchandise to be sold in the Western world. After all, as the leader says in the episode, ''in the West, everything has a price''. But then, two of them are killed because of a hair pin that has been lost, and is very important to the smugglers because its worth is nine million pounds. NINE. MILLION. POUNDS. It's later found in the hair of the secretary, and when Sherlock tells her the worth of what she had in her hair for all this time, she freaks out. I mean, imagine if you had nine million pounds on your head ?

Interrupted : Sherlock, as he does his job with Scotland Yard for free, doesn't get much money (that's why he was looking for a flatmate in the first place, like John because of his amry pension), and they have to find a job. (Seriously, getting five hundred pounds as an ''incentive'' and TWENTY THOUSANDS at the end of the job is seriously a lot of money, for them, but not for the millionnaire bankers they work for.) John tries to be a doctor downtown, but his work with Sherlock takes up all his time and he is often late or missing, which pisses off the other doctors working for him and taking his patients. Then, he tries to get a date, but he is interrupted by the circus, and Sherlock, then he is captured with his date, and he's mistaken for Sherlock Holmes. I think this young woman won't be coming back...

Overall impression : A very great episode, once again, a great story with a lot of action, and I can't wait to re-watch more of it !

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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