lundi 31 août 2015

Fargo, S1 Ep2

Fargo, S1 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Rooster Prince

So, here are the three words I've chosen to describe this episode :

Suspicion : The investigation from the policewoman keeps going as she finds the link between the killer who has an injured head and his talk with Lester before his wife is killed. A man killing someone before leaving the car, kills Sam Hess after he talked about him with Lester, and then, Lester's wife dies ? That's not a coincidence for the policewoman who was supposed to be promoted chief of the police before another man is instead of her. And she won't give up on him that soon after her friend died because of the serial killer...

High-school : In such a little town that is Duluth, in Minnesota, there was a high probability that people went to the same high-school when they were younger. What saved Lester's ass is that the policeman gave up on questioning him because they were all in the same high-school together, and thus, he believes (or makes Lester believe) that he's his friend and that he won't hurt him. Maybe he wants the policewoman to give up on him to catch him easier, I don't know. We'll see that later.

Saving : Last but not least, there is a discussion between the policeman who let the killer go away and his daughter, he says that he wouldn't arrest a man if his life was in danger to keep his daughter safe. She says that's a part of his job, that he has to do it anyway, even if he had to die for that, and her father just nods in silence, because he is remembering what the killer had told him and now he's afraid for her safety. She'll see when she has kids that sometimes, between bad choices, there is still the better and the worse, after all.

Overall impression : A very great episode once again. Hadn't noticed the change of accent in Martin Freeman's voice, now, I chuckle every time he says 'ouh ya'. We should have a drinking game where we take a sip every time he does this, right ?

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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