dimanche 4 octobre 2015

Writing Fiction As A Therapy

Writing Fiction As A Therapy

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, if you follow me on Tumblr, you probably already know about the fact that I'm currently writing my very first long-length fiction novel. (Actually, it's been almost a year now, since I started last December and I'm not EVEN close to see the end for now...) And actually, while writing this, I realised something about my novel. Or more precisely, about my characters, and about me.

« Most of the time, the inspiration you get for a fiction is just around yourself. »
  • theuncannymary, while waiting for a hot chocolate to cool down

And by saying this, I'm not just talking about your surroundings, your culture, your country, your language, and all of that. I'm pretty sure that you already know that these factors do change the writer's perspective, and thus, their work in the end.

I'm talking about YOU. Yes, YOU, the person reading this and wondering how you got there.
Maybe you're just a lambda person who doesn't want to write a novel.
Or maybe you are one of these writers who want to get published one day.

For the latter, you'll realise, one day, that when you're editing your novel before sending it to a publishing house for the umpteenth time. Or maybe, just like me, you'll notice that while writing the novel. Maybe you'll want to change your characters, or even your story, the events that are about to happen, just to make sure that this doesn't happen. The characters that look like you. Not even physically. Maybe they don't have the same background, the same gender, the same age, the same sexual orientation, the same hobbies. Maybe they look NOTHING like you in the first place. But (and it's seen more obviously in first-person novels), when you look into their psychés, you'll see that they are JUST like you.

I've realised that a couple of months ago about some of my characters. Even if their story is VERY different from mine, their country, background, hobbies, and personalities, differ from me, their basic essence forms... me. In whole. Me, my family, our harsh relationships, the troubles we've been into. Sometimes, the little joys that life brings to us. And I actually liked it. I appreciate this « super-relatable » side in them that makes them comfortable to write. And in the end, it's like a threapy, for me, since I can release my very intense and deep emotions inside my work.

About the rest of the characters in my novel that aren't « me » ? Or the examples picked « around me » ? Well, they are the fillers : the people you wish were there in your life but aren't. The story you wish you could live but you can't. It's that something you're all longing for, something you heart desires but can't get. The little thing to fill the hole in your soul. I mean, even if you have NEVER written original fiction, maybe you have some ships. And do you know what I say about OTPs ?

« Somebody's OTP very often, if not always, says A LOT about what they desire in a relationship. »
  • theuncannymary, after finishing her hot chocolate

And that's why I say. Fiction writers, fanfiction writers, or non-writers. I believe (and maybe it's JUST because I'm an INFP with a type 4 – wing 5 Enneagram), that creative writing is a very powerful therapy that can be used by litterally anyone. I don't know about you, non-writer who's probably asking themselves what this post means. But you'll see, one day, that if you need a therapy...

A fiction is one of the most powerful ones.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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