mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep2

Fargo, S2 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the second season of Fargo ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Before The Law

So, here are the three words I've picked up for this episode !

- Lying : So, the couple who killed the killer and decided to hide it from everyone has decided to go back to work as normal and try to hide things from the world. The woman works in a hair salon and has lots of friends in front of whom she has to keep a front for them not to suspect anything... (Also who has that feeling or hope that the brunette friend is actually queer ? Like this little scene where she brushed the woman's shoulder... man that was so gay...) Anyway, how long will the couple hold on before they are discovered ? We'll see...

- Family : Man, that family, the Solverson, they are so cute together. The dad, grandfather, mom and daughter. Anyway, we can see that the mother is quite, you know, strong and all of that. On the other side, there's the family owning the company that these Kansas boys want to buy, and apprently, the oldest son is just a misogynistic asshole (pardon my French). Who said that a woman can't be Boss ? Since the mother is the closest related person to the founder, it's her turn to be boss. And I found her extremely indulgent since she'll leave the place to her son as soon as the crisis is over.

- Hiding : The investigation is still going strong, a gun has been found, and the husband is griding the corpse of the killer ??? Like, he could have burnt it or something. Is he going to transform it and sell it as meat ??? Like in Hannibal ? (Man I have too many cannibal thoughts in my head since I watched this TV show, even as a vegan...) Anyway, can't wait to see an innocent customer buying human meat and eat it while thinking it was some delicious pork. Argh, these butchers, you can't really trust them.

Overall impression : Anwesome episode, loads of family moments & gore, really impressive. Loads of suspense and I can't wait to see more !

Okay, that's it for today ! Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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