mardi 11 octobre 2016

This National Coming-Out Day : Don't Queerbait

This National Coming-Out Day : Don't Queerbait

Hi everybody, Mary here.

Today, October 11th, is National Coming-Out Day... and as you probably already know if you're reading my blog or following me on social media, but I am a pan demi-romantic asexual non-binary person, who also identifies as bigender (demiboy & demigirl).

Now that it's said, I'd like to have a little message : cis & straight people ? DON'T COME OUT !!!!!

As someone who's still, outside of social media, closeted to everyone, it really disgusts me to see that there will be cis & straight people who will use this day to queerbait people and trick them into believing that they might be LGBTQ+, when in reality, they aren't.

I've seen so many videos, regardless of the day and the content creator, called "Coming Out", "I Have A Secret", and so many other titles that are disgusting.

Let's go straight to the point : if you're cis and straight, don't use this day to make "a joke" about coming out. Don't do any pranks where you pretend to "come out" and then go around and say "hahaha it's totally fake, who would think I'm gay/trans ?"

Today, there are thousands, millions of LGBTQ+ kids who will be pondering to come out or not. It happens everyday, but especially today. There are kids like me who would love to be out and proud, and who look up to all these people who have faced homelessness, poverty, a family giving up on them, just so they can express themselves freely and love the people they want to.

Everyday, there are thousands of kids who are kicked out or coming out. Who are sent to conversion therapy for coming out. Who are shunned, disowned, for coming out. Who lose friendships, financial support, and so much more.

Why would you make fun of such situations and pretend it's EASY to come out when it isn't ?

Why would you otherise us so much, make our experiences "funny", make a joke out of a very dire and stressful situation that literally puts us in danger ?


Our experiences aren't "up for grabs". You shouldn't be making money off our backs, over our pain and suffering, over the history of dying and poverty and homelessness. Making fun of experiences that are very real and that can be traumatizing

If you truly respect LGBTQ+ people and their struggles when coming out, let them do it. Listen to them, don't pretend that coming out is "easy" because it isn't, it's a personal, concious choice with consequences in this homophobic, transphobic world.

While I'm at it, DON'T OUT OTHER PEOPLE !!!!! Unless you have their personal consent, don't talk about someone else's queerness with anyone else !!!!!

I think that's pretty much it... I'll see you around with a new post.

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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