lundi 5 octobre 2015

Why Queerbaiting Is Wrong

Why Queerbaiting Is Wrong

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, today I'm going to talk about something VERY WRONG and VERY IMPORTANT. Whether you're in the LGBTQ+ community or not, you SHOULD be reading this.

Because I WON'T repeat myself. I am SO pissed off.

Do you know what queer-baiting is ? Well, it's TWO things : the first one is implying you're queer or in a queer relationship in order to attract potential queer viewers and gain their sympathy. (And on that point, some people, I am afraid, ARE winning my compassion and sympathy, queer or not.) The second one is DENYING any "proof" or "evidence" of such queerness or queer relationship.

It's been shown in multiple shows like BBC Sherlock (2010, Moffat&Gatiss), with Moffat HEAVILY implying that John and Sherlock (Johnlock) MAY BE canon and then saying IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING INTERVIEW that "the fans made it all up". NO NO NO. (By the way I have my therory about Sherlock but that's another point.) A second example is OBVIOUSLY Dean + Castiel (Destiel) in Supernatural (2005, Kripke). (THAT scene in season 8 where Castiel was supposed to tell Dean "I love you" and ended up saying "I need you" WILL DESTROY MY GAY ASS FOREVER I'M NOT SORRY.)

If you're wondering WHY THE FUCK I'm making this, well read this post :

I'm going to tell you WHY this is SO wrong. Queerbaiting is like luring us with a treat and then spanking us for wanting it.

Listen. There are THOUSANDS of queer people (younger, more vulnerable, more likely to be in the closet, less likely to accept themselves) that are looking up to these people, admiring them. They are their IDOLS, the people they see when they need comfort, the people they relate to. They WISH that these idols could UNDERSTAND what they're going through. They are looking up to a queer role-model to make themselves feel NORMAL, NOT A FREAK.

This is WHY so many YouTubers came out as gay this year. Because they wanted to set a precedent, they wanted to tell their audience that it's OKAY to be queer, to be YOURSELF, and that despite the struggles they went through during the discovery of their sexuality, it's NORMAL to be whoever you are and to love whoever you love. They are giving HOPE to their fans, and it's WONDERFUL.

Queerbaiting is EXACTLY the opposite. People doing this are TAKING HOPE AWAY. They are ruining queer youngster's lives. They are basically EVIL. Queer people are looking up to them, hoping that like the out-of-the-closet queer YouTubers now, they WILL "come out".

But they don't. And It's frustrating, because they feel like being gay is WRONG, DISGUSTING and GROSS. Exactly the opposite of what should be done nowadays.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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