samedi 31 octobre 2015

Three Spooky Poems !!!

Three Spooky Poems !!!

Hi everybody, Mary here !

And HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you, cute ghosties, witches, vampires, and other magical creatures of the dark and spoopyness !

So, to celebrate Halloween, here are three spooky poems for you to enjoy ! Here they come !

The last two days

When you end up at the hospital,
For some paper formalities and an appointment for your mother,
You didn't expect, my dear,
To end up where you didn't want to stay.
The nurse takes your ID silently and gives you a room for two days.
You say, « But it's not for me ! I'm just here for five minutes !
Don't you understand what I'm trying to say ? »
You only see your name on the wall for the rooms,
« Fifth floor », she says in a monotonous voice.
You want to leave, your mother is still waiting
For you in the hallway of the building.
You leave.You ask your mother if you can drive the way home,
You say, « It will be faster this way. ». She refuses.
You go back home and wait.

The second day, a doctor comes to your house,
You tell him, « Are you here for my mother ? »
He says, « No, it's for you. That's why you have a room,
At the hospital. Let's go. »
And there you are. Fifth floor. You know your mother,
At home, is still agonising. The appointment you wanted,
For her, it was for her cancer. Too late.
Now you just have to wait until you are allowed
To express yourself. But no one comes for you,
No one listens, and you go to bed. You sleep,
Hoping that tomorrow, you'l be out of here.

But it's not the end ! When you wake up again,
Unsure of where you are, or what you've done,
You realise you are back at home with your dear mom.
You must have escaped, somehow, since you have
Dirt and blood on your hands.
So you go back to the hospital, since after all,
Your mother is still dying.

And so you go back to the hospital, give your ID,
The nurse says, « Fifth floor », and you realise,
That you are trapped inside this loop, the last two days
Of your life, that will never change. And once again,
You go to bed, and if you pay attention, you will hear
The doctor, silently, tell your mother,
« It's been two years since she goes back and forth
From the house to the hospital, and she hasn't realised
That her home, is on campus, my fellow doctor,
And that her mom never was sick. She's simply DEAD. »

405 words.


Sometimes, in the middle of a conversation,
A name will pass by your mind, trying to tell you something ;
But you never understood quite what.
So you keep hearing these names, and even sometimes,
You catch yourself tellink those names
Out loud. Your friends have already started
To ask themselves, why you are doing this.

Once you've heard lots of names, going through
Your poor and desolated mind, you end up saying out loud
All the names that go through your name.
You find yourself interrupting your own sentences,
Or at times, other people, your own friends, parents, family,
And any other person of importance,
And they believe, that in the end, you are crazy.

Now it's not enough for you, my dear,
To say those names out loud. You need, to make them
Disappear, to shout them at the top of your lungs.
You still don't know what it means, but you end up
In a mental hospital, seeing the horrors
Doctors can do when they don't understand you.
After all, for your era, technology isn't advanced enough
To understand the words « mental illness ».

But one day, you find yourself, shouting only one name,
« SOPHIE ! », you yell, while banging at the door.
It isn't before the end of the day that a nurse passes by,
With your dinner, and tells you the news.
« Sophie, my dear, is dead. You best friend, the only one
You ever had, sadly passed away in a car crash. »
Now you understand what the names mean, and for once,
Your mind is silent again. You don't hear a name,
Until it speaks again.

Just to repeat your name, again and again. Now, it's your turn,
To join the souls trapped in this parallel dimension
That only you could hear from afar.
But this time, you are not afraid, you don't shout,
You just accept your fate, and you go away.

324 words.

Under your skin

Have you realised, darling, that ghosts
Are called spirits for a reason ?
Just like your spirit, they are unvisible forces,
Untangible, and yet, they can make you
Do things you thought you weren't capable of before.

Have you ever thought about
The shapes of the ghosts haunting your mind everyday ?
Do you think they have
The classic shape of a ghost ?
Or something more... original ?

Look under your skin, as you may or may not believe
The spirits going through your mind, they are
Cockroaches, really, crawling their way out
And if you don't find a way to let them out,
They will break the fragile shell
That is your skin, and destroy you.

You wanted to be a perfect human, and have
All the qualities ? You asked for your demons, or should I say,
your daimons, the spirits of the soul, the controllers of the mind,
The muses guiding you and telling you your strengths and your weaknesses
You should have asked for education and counseling, my dear,
Since you wanted to follow Faust's path, and you will pay the price.

And the cockroaches going through your skin will never leave you,
Not until you die. Or maybe,
Are you dead ALREADY ?

209 words.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this little treat for Halloween and hope you'll be having a nice day/evening of spoopyness !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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