Fargo, S2 Ep1
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here's the review for the first episode in the second season of Fargo ! I was actually SO excited for it to come that I LITERALLY squeeled in joy before watching the episode.
Anyways, here's the review. Let's go, shall we ?
Waiting For Dutch
So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :
- Past : So, HERE'S the 1979 story Solverson (now I remember his name) was talking about during season 1, with all the dead people and shit. *well, then, it won't be a spoiler to you, if you've watched season 1, that the wife will die and Molly, the little girl, will only have her father for the rest of her life, and that Solverson, the father, will be injured and retire early from the police* *sorry if you didn't remember and consider this as a spoiler* *didn't mean it sorry* THAT will be interesting. AND there is KIRSTEN MOTHERF*CKING DUNST so what could be better than THAT ???
- Lots of murders : Once again, "true story", "the living's names have been changed", and "to respect the dead, however, we'll tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". And a cray guy that shot a lot of people and then was killed by the blonde woman played by Dunst. *I may call her Dunst now because I don't even remember if her name was said in the episode or not* Anyway, some more mayhem, Fargo style : like old times. *realises pun because this story is in the past and the previous one is in the future relatively to this time and yet I'm talking about season 1 like old times. Also I watched the first season, like... two or three months ago, so that's not really old times.*
- Badass women : Let's just stop for a second for this short-haired lawyer (or something important like that) woman right before she was killed in a café where the specialty is waffles. And appreciate "vintage women" (this is in 1979, so even if this has been filmed quite recently, this is cool) being BADASS AS F*CK. Also let's booh at those men being all about their stereotyping and treating women as inferior. If you wanted accuracy, well, you got it, Fargo. But maybe it was a little exaggerated. Am I right ?
Overall impression : AWESOME premiere, ending with the story that will follow up : Dunst & Husband trying to hide the crazy guy's body (like Lester in season 1 tried to hide his wife's murder for the whole season), some guys from Fargo wanting to buy a company owned by the family of the dead crazy guy, and some illegal sh*t thrown everywhere. Mayhem, Fargo style. I. LOVE. IT.
Anyways, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !
And as usual, our lasr word : KIDNEYS !
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