Childhood Story #5
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here's to another Childhood Story ! That time when I remember memories from a distant past and decide to put it here for everybody to see !
So let's get started, shall we ?
That Time When I Stopped A Rollercoaster
So, I was four or five years old. Near my house, there's a stadium, and every year, there's this fair that happens in the end of June that's quite funny since I lived in a very small village (well, by small I mean between 10,000 and 15,000 people). I mean, it's a little distraction from the typical boring lifestyle I was used to. (Living near a retirement house doesn't help. Poor souls trapped there, waiting for death to come. They could do something fun but no one seems to care.)
Anyways, my mom decided to make me go with my step-dad. We went on that little rollercoaster that wasn't even that high, and it was even so small that they would make us do three laps for one setting.
But I really, really didn't like it.
After only one turn, I started to get sick and panicky, up to the point that the guy operating down there had... well, to stop the thing to let me go out before he would start again and do the two remaining laps for the people who were on the ride with us.
We went back home. I was released to not me in this nightmare anymore, but the way my mom looked at me in utter disapproval for the rest of the night before we went to bed was also very scary.
Since, my mom has been so reluctant to let me on a rollercoaster. I mean, even now, to get me on one, you have to be very convincing. It's not like I'm one of those freaks that hates fun and getting scared or anything. But I guess it's just like horror movies : getting scared just for the sake of getting scared isn't really my cup of tea.
Related stories that I think you'll like :
When I was eight or nine, we went to another park (with some other kids, not my family) and me & a bunch of other girls also stopped a rollercoaster after only one turn out of three. Man, the monitor getting there with is wasn't pleased at all.
A couple of years after the first incident (by that I mean more like ten years, when I was 15), while in holidays in Canada, we went in this park in Montréal and there was a gigantic wood rollercoaster with a "soft" mode and a "hard" mode. My little brother & step-dad did both, my mom & me did just the soft one. Even with that, I got more scared than my mom (which is unusual since she's very jumpy) and I couldn't breathe. My whole family called me a "sissy" and mocked me, but I was dead serious. I couldn't breathe.
Anyways, that's it for today, I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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