La Bohème
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here is the end to the first #TheatreWeek done last week, that will be kept going on with another... week, basically ? Anyway, here is the very last review of this #TheatreWeek with its very last review, an opéra by Giacomo Puccini called La Bohème. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?
La Bohème : A true story about love, in a world of poverty and inequalities.
The very first point that I would like to raise is the love story, that is the core of the story, between Mimì and Rodolfo. While Rodolfo is a poet, living with his artist friends, that wants to describe the beauty that is in this world, Mimì sews clothes and lives a minimalist life alone. But when they meet, there is a pure love between them as they get to know each other and fall in love for their unique traits and caracteristics. There is a difference between that love and another live portrayed on this show, Musetta and Marcello's relationship, when Musetta is a woman who "needs no man" and uses them sometimes to get to her goals, but despite all ther quarrels, they end up together because they love each other. But sadly, Mimì dies as she was too poor to get cured, and despite Rodolfo's attempt to save her with his friends, it was too late. This shows the tragedy of this couple doomed to be separated so early, and loved each other SO MUCH, even when Rodolfo pretended not to love her so she can marry someone rich to be cured.
The second point is about the camaradery between Rodolfo and his friends : Marcello the painter, Schaunard the musician and Colline the philosopher. Even if a life as an artist is very hard in Paris, especially for poor people in this era, they try to cheer up between themselves and see each little surprise and stuff like that (when they avoid paying the rent, when they have a fish for dinner (which is A LOT for them), this display of camaradery in this very poor area of Paris shows that even in the darkest of times, friends SUPPORT each other and try to get the best from all and NEVER let one behind. Even Musetta, who's shown as "the b*tchy person", is very worried about Mimì in the end and doesnt hesitate to sell her own earrings to buy her medicines.
The third and last point I will talk about is the social inequalities in Paris at that time, when people that were VERY RICH were next to people that were VERY POOR and it created many riots. When people were left to die in the streets just because they couldn't afford medicine led Mimì not to tell anyone about her illness until the very last moments, and STILL, she died because nobody could care for her early enough. Nowadays, with all the world inequalities, and EVEN in the developed countries, would YOU leave some people die just because they can't afford health care ? THINK ABOUT THIS USA. AND THE UK. I'm waiting.
Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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