samedi 13 juin 2015

In The Flesh, S1 Ep3

In The Flesh, S1 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the third and final episode of the first series of In The Flesh. And, without any further ado, here it is !

Episode 3

"You were there when Lisa was killed.
- When you killed her."
     We now learn that Jem was in the grocery store where Kieren (and possibly Amy or another girl) attacked and killed Lisa. Jem didn't have the courage to tell everybody about their encounter and the fact that she had let them run away instead of killing them. Thus, they both go to see Jessica's family to explain the situation. While Jessica's parents are still hoping for her return, there are two problems : the first one being that Jessica is probably dead, ad the second one is that we still don't know where the virus is coming from, how it spreads and how people are coming back to life. However, they still didn't say that Kieren killed Jessica...

"You're not going on a day trip without me, are you ?
- Isn't a day trip this time, partner."
     So, yes, Amy is leaving this town. She is going to see the "undead prophet" from the website she had visited earlier in this episode (Kieren had also visited it, even if he doesn't want to follow him and his gang). Will we see that prophet and his followers in the second series ? What will happen to Amy ? Many questions are asked, now. Also, where the virus comes from ? How did it start and resurrect the dead ? Can it be contagious, seeing that the guy who had been bitten in the end of the second episode is now in quarantine and hated by the entire village and now seen as one of the monstrers ? (Seriously, even one of the ladies spat on him in disgust. What wouldn't have I done to be there and slap her f*cking face.) I hope that we will see more of that in the second series...

" You killed Rick." [multiple times]
"Our boy ! You killed our boy !"
     And, that's it. Bill kills his own son, Rick, because according to him (and the vicar), there will be a second Rising, and only the noble ones and the innocent ones will return. So he believed that he had been in front of an impostor and he killed him while waiting for his "true son's" return. But he really killed Rick, now, there's no coming back, and his intolerance for PDS sufferers also got him killed by Maggie's husband (not saying that he didn't deserve it. What a sh*tty character). But now, we can ask ourselved : will there be a second Rising ? And so, when and how ? Will the people who died (the brave and innocent described by the vicar, and that's how Bill should have taken the message, in my opinion) come back to life ? How many ? I think we'll see more in series two...

Overall impression : Great finale, also excellent line from Kieren's dad about his suicide. It's great to see the perspective of someone losing a family member to suicide and depression, and it shows that suicide IS real and not just "urgh, I'm giving up because I'm a pussy" (I said this because this is usually what people say to mental illness sufferers who are suicidal). Great episode anyway.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one, I hope !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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