Broadchurch, S2 Ep1
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here comes the second week of #TwoWeeksOfBroadchurch, with the review for the first episode in the second series ! So, without any further ado, here it comes !
Episode 1
"DI Hardy, you must be anticipating the relief today's court date'll bring.
- It's the plea and case management hearing."
In this episode, we can see that the story revolving around Danny's murder is not finished : indeed, there is a trial, a lot of procedures. When Joe Miller (who called the police to surrender) pleads non-guilty, there is an uprising across the room, not only from the Latimers who know that he killed their son, but also from Ellie Miller, who gets a lot of hatred (especially from Beth) because according to her, Ellie was a bad cop, was oblivious to the situation, or knew, one way or another, what was happening with her family. She now feels guilty about her supposed failure, and the entire town is in shock to see Joe plead non-guilty because he could have been sentenced and the procedures would have been way shorter, but now they have to face a full trial...
"Promise me I'm safe, Alec.
- I've told you. Everything's OK."
We also learn more things about Sandbrooke in this episode : the killer's wife, named Claire, is protected by Hardy even if he know that she lied to the police to give him an alibi (probably to defend herself and save her life, as she is threatened by him), and now, Alec wants Ellie to be involved in this affair (what for ? To give her some work to do ?), and that had been the reason for which he had taken the case at Broadchurch ; not only because he used to go there as a kid, but because he thought it could be a good place for her. Now, how will Miller react, is another story...
"Joe Miller had to be convicted. We're not leaving that to chance.
- I'm not practising. I haven't tried a criminal case in three years and I'm NOT taking your case."
In order to win the trial and get Joe Miller convicted, the Latimers are reaching to a really good lawyer, named Jocelyn Knight (God when I saw Charlotte Rampling I was so excited ! I didn't know that such a great actress would actually join this show !). Her own student (I don't remember her name, sorry) is defending Joe Miller, and Jocelyn accepted the case, in my opinion, just to win against her student ? Sounds like a competition to me, since the student is brilliant and the teacher may not want her place stolen in the public space... Anyway, the trial has changed many lives, many secrets are about to come out, the family is outraged to see investigators digging in Danny's grave for another autopsy (to be honest, this GROSS lack of respect for the grieving family is F*CKING DISGUSTING, and I would have reacted just like the Latimers), Alec gets his medical appointment letters (among other personal letters) stolen, and maybe there will be complications for his very delicate heart...
Overall impression : EXCELLENT opening fot this new series, hope the rest will be as great as this episode ! VERY NICE to see Charlotte Rampling and I hope to see more of her soon !
Okay, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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