Broadchurch, S2 Ep3
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, as #TwoWeeksOfBroadchruch keeps going, here is the review for the third episode in the second series. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?
Episode 3
"I keep thinking of Joe, my husband, sitting there on the dock. It's just a nightmare, it won't stop."
As the trial keeps going, we can see that miss Fisher (defending Joe Miller), now accuses Ellie Miller of Danny's murder, because she must have known something, and then she twists the truth to free Joe as soon as possible ! She even claims that Ellie would have had an affair with Alec Hardy... Even if the beating was explained by the fact that she's an upset wife and that it was not related to her career, she's accused of using the computer that sent the mails (family computer without any password), and that confirms Beth's suspicion of Ellie knowing stuff... But will be Joe Miller finally be convicted ?
"Hello. Any names yet ?
- Elisabeth. Lizzie. For mum."
Finally, Beth's child is born ! I was a little bit worried that it would be a boy (which would remind her of Danny so much), but apparently, it's a girl. She's very cute ! Anyway, she still goes to the trial even if she's on painkillers (I don't even know if that's possible, anyway). Ellie helped her so much through the pain when she was born, and yet, Beth still hates her even if Ellie tries to convince her that it's not her fault if what happened... well, happened ? Anyway, Beth still talks to Paul Coates, the vicar (I forgot to say that he has an affait with Becca Fisher). Beth agrees with him having a little religious sign over Lizzie's head while Mark refuses any kind of religious stuff in his life. Talking about Mark, why does he play video-games with Tom in secret ? We still don't know if Ellie's son is in danger, now...
"Where were you the night those girls disappeared ?
- He drugged me. I woke up at 5.00 am. He was cleaning. He was cleaning the whole house."
Last but not least in the Ashworth/Hardy confrontation : Ashworth makes Hardy apoligise in front of a police officer because of the recording of his meeting with his wife (when he literally ran away with her without her consent), he keeps strolling arount town, and Claire tells us more about the night when the two girls disappeared and got murdered. Apparently, she had gotten drugged and thus couldn't do anything or remember anything. She lied to the police to protect herself in case her husband would be released (and because he had told her to). Ashworth must be trained in hiding evidence from the police... Will be convicted like Joe Miller ? We will know soon...
Overall impression : Great episode, got really sad when Jocelyn (my precious cinnamon roll Charlotte Rampling) got a car accident... Great time otherwise !
Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word... KIDNEYS !
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