Broadchurch, S2 Ep6
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, as #TwoWeeksOfBroadchurch keeps going, here is the review for the sixth episode in the second series of Broadchurch. So, without any further ado, here it comes !
Episode 6
"Has every word you've said here been 100% true ? Did Mark Latimer say he 'was' guilty ?
- No. I'm sorry.
- Thank you, Tom."
As Tom goes in the witness box, he tries to accuse Mark Latimer of Danny's murder and reveals to the court that he's been seeing Mark in Susan Wright's caravan to play video-games in secret. Not only Beth (who, in my opinion, is quite oblivious to what her husband's doing and she ends up yelling at him because he keeps so many secrets from her, and that's not an healthy relationship) didn't know about it, but even more, she just learnt that Mark wanted to write a letter to tell her that it was over, that he had found someone else. That's the reason for which Beth is now asking herself if Mark only stayed because of Danny's death... However, if Mark doesn't know how to communicate with his wife with other means than a letter, then it shows that maybe, their couple is dysfunctional and shoud try to have a clear and transparent communication, especially that now, they have another child to take care of. (And I personally know how it's difficult to talk with your loved ones when you have nothing else but letters to get heard and clearly understood.)
"My sight's failing. I'm going blind.
- What ?
- I have macular degeneration."
(Personal reaction to the fact : Oh, my poor child... It's really worse than I thought, GOD DAMMIT !) Anyway... hum... let's stick to the facts, shall we ? Jocelyn is going blind. It has nothing to do with her accident, and it's been going on like that for years. She has a treatment (thank God), but that won't help much. I've read a couple of articles about macular degeneration (they also have desensibilisation campaigns that are quite scary, to be honest), and apparently, it can't really be cured, so... Argh, why do they do this to me ??? Even more, she's in debt and her mom passed away (wouldn't be surprised if they euthanised her because Jocelyn couldn't pay for her stay at the retired people's house anymore), and she's really sad. She doesn't really have a family (never married, no children)... Hopefully, some inhabitants at Broadchurch and her colleagues take care of her. Awww, my poor child... (and poor Charlotte Rampling ! She's an excellent actress, though)
"It's over, Claire. OK ?
- Oh shit. Oh shit." [throws a tantrum in the kitchen while repeating the word "Shit"]
And, last but not least, we learn more about Claire and Ashworth in this episode. First of all, Claire keeps changing her story and lying to Alec, which is really bad because Hardy is still working on the case with Ellie and his wife when it has been abandoned by everybody else. Secondly, as Ellie goes through the Claire's pictures about her hairstylings (and Claire does Ellie's hair quite nicely, actually), she sees a picture of her wearing the pendent. She tells Alec, but Claire has burnt the picture (GOD DAMMIT) now, so unless the digital transcript is found again, there is no evidence of her wearing the pendent. Then, we learn that she actually has a plan wih Ashworth, and tries to cover herself by saying that she's afraid of him and the sex was just a drug to her. I wouldn't be suprised if we learn quite soon that she actually helped Ashworth doing his murders... And finally, she is the one who stole the pendent from Alec's wife's car... She's not that innocent in the case and I think we'll learn more about it soon...
Overall impression : Really good episode, the conclusion is near, but what will happen ? The trial is ajourned (almost abandoned), but will we learn things soon ? We'll see... Great time though !
Okay, that's it for today, I hoped you enjoyed this post, and I will see you very soon with another one, I hope !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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