In The Flesh, S2 Ep1
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here is the beginning of the second part of my series about In the Flesh, with the review for the first episode in the second series ! So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?
Episode 1
"A short 18 months have passed since Partially Deceased Syndrome sufferers were resettled. However, the discovery of another Undead Liberation Army safe house will raise fears amongst the living, creating further tensions within the community."
In this episode, we learn more about the Undead Prophet and his plan, which is to release the PDS sufferers in the wild in their untreated state that they can take back with the Blue Oblivion, a drug that they take to go back to their original state. Then, Amy is given an important mission to do in Roarton with the help of Simon, another PDS sufferer and one of the twelve disciples of the Undead Prophet. Is that plan to convince other PDS sufferers to take the Blue Oblivion powder and join the Undead Liberation Army ? I'm pretty sure of this theory. With all the attacks of this underground army promotong the "original and pure undead state", I believe that the intolerance towards the community will only increase and all PDS sufferers will be amalgamed in this Army even if they are quite peaceful and they will obviously all turn back into beasts. Just like when we all treat Muslims as terrrorits even when they are a minority, am I right ? Difference leads to fear ; fear leads to disgust ; disgust leads to defiance ; defiance leads to anger ; anger leads to violence ; violence leads to war. And this will happen quite soon, in my opinion.
"Vicar Oddie ?
- Yes ?
- I am Maxine Martin. MP for Roarton Valley, newly elected."
And, here are the political consequences of the Rising : a party called Victus, advocating for only living rights and are against PDS sufferers as a whole, treating them as monsters, beasts, rotters, are now elected, and the MP for thr Roarton area is coming in the city to "see and support" the population that "have to face the rotters", basically. Not only she had delivered quite hateful messages online, but she also killed an untreated PDS sufferer without even thinking about the consequences, not because he was attacking the lodger, but, in my opinion, just because he was a PDS sufferer (because when the vicar had a heart attack, she tried to call the emergencies, but quickly gave up just because the phone wasn't working). How many other seats do they have in Parliament ? When you know that Maxine is categorizing people and listing all the PDS sufferers in the area, I feel like this will lead to a planned extermination. Another point leading to war, me says.
"Oh great, you guys have met !
- Not formally.
- Kieren Walker, this is Simon. Kieren was the one I was telling you about. Simon is one of the twelve disciples of the Undead Prophet."
And, here we can see Amy coming back with Simon for their mission, as they give a really bad time to the city by having a "night out" in the pub where the HVF is often reuniting. They both adcovate for more PDS sufferers rights when Kieren wants to look normal, act normal, and just have a normal life and be accepted by his family and everybody else. We could have a similar point when minorities like the African-Americans are whitewashed to be more acceptable in the society lead by white people and are now killed for no apparent reason, just because of the colour of their skin. *sorry if this was political and offended someone, please tell me if it did* Anyway, I believe that this show is really important to teach us things about differences, suicide, depression, and such. That's why it's an excellent show.
Overall impression : Great episode, quite amazed by this series premiere, and I can't wait to see more about it quite soon !
Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one, I hope !
An as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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