Broadchurch, S2 Ep4
Hi everybody, Mary here.
Sorry if this comes a little bit late, but here is the review for the fourth episode in the second series of Broadchurch. So, without any further ado, here it comes !
Episode 4
"Lee is back in the country.
- Where ?
- Nowhere near here. I'm keeping him under observation."
In this episode, we can see that Alec is going back to the town of his previous investigation, and as he talks not only to his wife and daughter (typical teenager, by the way, it undermines a little bit the importance of his call in the first series in my opinion), to tell them about the return of Ashworth in the country. However, we can see that Claire lets him in (they have sex afterwards) and that he is building a fence, as if we was about to "invade" the town ? I don't know, but I don't really like this man. Just knowing that he's suspected of murder... Even more, Oliver White, this little bastard, just released the news online, and now everybody nows about it ! Great, Ashworth won't like it that much... And everybody will ask themselves questions...
"Did you recognize the man carrying the body ?
- Yeah, I did.
- And can you name that man for the court ?
- Nigel Carter. He's my son and he's sitting over there."
We can also see the return of Susan Wright, who wanted to talk to her son because now she has a cancer and she's about to die. But Nigel doesn't want to talk to his mother, so she accuses him of the murder of Daniel Latimer as a sort of... revenge ? (I think I have already talked about this theory previously...) Anyway, we just learnt that Tom Miller and Mark Latimer used to go to Susan's caravan for their secret meetings as they thought that nobody would ever come back there. But now, Susan's back (God, I hate her, she's so full of herself and conceited, who likes her, really ???), and she's ready to piss off people again... (Personnaly, it would be good if she did something to Ashworth, I don't kno exactly why. Maybe I'm a sadist, just a little, on the inside ???)
"You all right, Jocelyn ?
- Yeah."
(Personal thought on the end of the episode : my baby Jocelyn, because of the accident she can't read the papers anymore, what if something wrong happened to her ? No, seriously, I am GENUINELY terrified for what will happen next to her. Ah, my precious child Charlotte Rampling. I can't stand it when my beautiful cinnamon rolls have to go through shit like that, even it's just for acting... *ugly sobbing ensues*) Anyway, the trial seems very complicated, as I said just above, Susan Wright accuses her son of the murder again, and it looks like an opposition between Jocelyn and her student before anything else... I seriously wish that Jocelyn could rest after her car accident, but is she does/if her medical condition is revealed, she won't be able to defend the case anymore, and in my opinion, nobody else than her could stand in front of the student's really good job (I have to admit it, she twists the truth, but she does it good, you also have to admit it when the opponent has some quite good ressources). Anyway, I hope that Jocelyn will be healed soon and will be well to go back to court ! *pfff who am I joking ? I am really sure that her condition will be revealed and she won't have the case anymore, and the Latimers will maybe lose the case...*
Overall impression : ARGH SUCH CLIFFHANGER !!! My precious bby ! *tries to calm down before serious implosion* Hum... really great episode. Can't wait to see more !
Okay, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this post, and I will see you soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word... KIDNEYS !
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