Childhood Story #2
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, for this #DoubleSunday, here is my second Childhood Story, that is a very old one and will be, probably, be very cringy. But yeah... I am a 90's kind and my point is to prove it, hahaha ! (Even if I was born in 1996 lol !)
Those Times When I Had VHS Tapes
(and was OBSESSED with this summer show)
So, yeah, you guessed it : I was born early enough to have VHS tapes. Yes, only 90's kids and people born before this MAGNIFICENT era will remember this (unless you were raised in a family that refused the most modernd technologies, but I don't think that there are that many of them in the world when DVD's and Blue-Rays are way more convenient nowadays).
So, here is my story about tapes. When I was around three or four years old, we had tapes that could only record four hours of programs (after that, it would record on the previous recording. When I see that now, televisions can do that themselves and record thousands of hours of stuff, I can admit that we are pretty lucky), you could NOT turn off the TV, or change the channel (now you can), so your TV was stuck on what you wanted to record, that you had to figure out when the program was beginning and ending to have the ENTIRE show and not miss a bit (usually, shows started AND ended late, now, you just have to press record on your remote and the entire show is recorded without you doing anything else), and you had to program that sh*t the day when you leave (if you did), when now, you can record something weeks in advance, and last but not least, when your recorder menu was a f*cking mess and was practically ILLISIBLE whereas nowadays, you just have to press one button and it's DONE.
Aaaah, the wonders of technology. When I was a kid, ALL of my favourite cartoons were on tape (especially my favourite, Pokémon), and at the end of them all, I HAD TO rewind the tapes, and since I didn't want to, I would either complain to death until my dad would rewind them for me, or I would run away in my bedroom hoping for him to do it for me. But sometimes, he would make me do that, and it would feel like hell, an eternity, the entire f*cking thing in reverse, so SLOW, whatever. Nostalgia, me says. NONE of my younger siblings (one brother and two sisters) had to do it, so I'm kind of happy for them.
Anyway, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post, and I will see you very soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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