jeudi 27 août 2015

The Uncanny Fail #3

The Uncanny Fail #3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, it's been a long time since I hadn't done this, but it's time for another Uncanny Fail ! Without any further ado, it's time to introduce another failure of mine. Well, this one is not properly a failure, but a handicap I lived with all my life without anyone knowing.

And this handicap is called dyspraxia.


No, it's not like dyslexia, when you have trouble reading. Dyspraxia is when you have problems with the coordination between the brain and the body. Most times, the neurons aren't properly affected with this, and the body isn't either ; it's the connection between the two who gets a problem. Here is the link to the Wikipedia page for more info : LINK.

In real life, it means that I can't do two things at the same time, I take more time than usual to understand things, and for a big part of my childhood, it wasn't understood, because people had no idea that I had dyspraxia. I was diagnosed at the age of eleven. Before that, people thought I was just lazy, uncapable of doing anything because of that handicap. One day, my mom, while doing some researches, found out this term and thought that I could relate to it.

So there's a test. I spend an entire morning doing some stuff. There is nothing wrong with my brain, as I said, nothing wrong with my neurons. But I have dyspraxia. The diagnosis falls. I am a handicapped person. In the same afternoon, I go back to class and people ask me where I was. I don't want to tell them, so I just awkwardly say that I was at the hospital for some tests. They don't ask for any more information. They leave me and go back to their normal lives, as if nothing had happened.

But I can't go back to my normal life. My mom, who had spent my entire childood cursing at me and yelling because I couldn't do some task with my two own hands, now feels « relieved » to know that the thing she called that was « inside of my head » now has a name. Now, she can explain my behaviour towards some physical stuff that I can't do. I mean, I almost burnt my own hand while trying to lit up the gas with a match last year (long story short, I want to cook. Mom gives me a match to light up the gaz, shows me how to turn the button, put up the match, the fire is on, I can leave the hand from the button and start cooking. I do eveything right, even if it took me four matches to light up one. But as the fire opens up, I realise I had forgotten the burning match in my hand, and I burn my fingers. Almost. I spend the next ten minutes under some cold running water while the water for the pasta is heating up. Wow I'm such a fail, right?). Anyways.

Anyways, that's it for this new Uncanny Fail ! I hope that you enjoyed it and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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