lundi 31 août 2015

Fargo, S1 Ep3

Fargo, S1 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the third episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Muddy Road

So, the three words I've picked for this episode are :

Family : In this episode, the father from Duluth goes up to the policewoman in Bemidji to tell her about the car he had pulled over during his shift at night. Then, he realises that the car was attributed to Lester, which means that he used his identity to get a car and Lester never gor informed about that. Either he doesn't want to talk about it or this is identity theft. So the dad and the daughter go to have dinner with the policewoman at her dad's bar before they go back to Duluth. I hope that these families will stay together for very long.

Money : Sam's widowed wife is only interested in the money as she was a stripper who left Las Vegas to marry a rich man, Sam Hess. She doesn't even actually care about her children who are beating up all the other kids and even adults around them, since their dad was a big bully and so are the kids. Anyways, I HATE this Hess family, but apparently, we'll get more of them in this season. We even get the policewoman going to see Lester (officially for an insurance, unofficially to show him the picture of the killer, and since Lester had a reaction when he saw that, she knows he knows him and she will keep talking to him even if the chief of the police doesn't want her do to that) for money problems about her and her dad, since she's his only family and she's a policewoman.

Crime : The killer keeps committing crimes and being scary all over the place, asking for mail without showing up his ID and such. But as his face got caught on tape from a security camera, he'll probably got recognised as soon as the news are told about this and people will start looking for the man. But I feel like the police between the citites in this country aren't very communicative with each other and the informations aren't very fast to go from a place to another... If they want to catch him, they'll have to be quicker, in my opinion.

Overall impression : Another great episode that shows the true nature of the human condition. Also the Bible references were plain BRILLIANT. This super-market giant will also probably die soon.

Okay, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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