samedi 15 août 2015

Sherlock, S2 Ep3

Sherlock, S2 Ep3

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the final episode in the second series ! Who's ready for the feels ? I AM ! So let's get started, shall we ?

The Reichenbach Falls

So, here are the three words I have chosen for this episode :

Reichenbach : Or, as Moriarty's alibi, Richard Brooks. In this episode, everything is related to Reichenbach, as the case of the painting is the first one that got Sherlock noticed (even if he had a little publicity before with the picture while he was wearing a deer-stalker). He then starts a little game with Sherlock and does his own little advertising by breaching the security in three of the most secure places in the country. He quickly gets out of the trial by threatening the jury and hurting their families if they don't acquit him, and then, gets with his job.

Fairy Tale : In this episode, we have multiple references to farity tales, including Hansel and Gretel, or an Arthurian myth of the knight who was so breave that people started doubting his prowesses and got him out of the Round Table. The bread, the book, and the story told in the cab are just a way to ''play a little game'', once again, to discredit Sherlock and make everyone believe he's just a fraud, a fake, who invented the crimes just to impress people by solving them. And many people believed it, to the point where they went to arrest him. He just had the time to run away with John before they could get caught.

Suicide : In the end of the episode, as Moriarty had promised in The Great Game and in the beginning of the episode, he made Sherlock ''burn'', and indeed, the Fall happened, quite to the word, since he jumped off a building. But, as we can see in the end of the episode, he's still alive, so how ? Unless you have seen series three, just like me already, I won't tell you. But just one fact that was in the episode : it's related to Molly Hooper and the hospital being the spot where Sherlock decided to ''die'' is not an accident.

Overall impression : A great finale for a very action-y series, and we'll see more of it quite soon, in the next series !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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