samedi 15 août 2015

Sherlock, S2 Ep1

Sherlock, S2 Ep1

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the first episode in the second series of Sherlock. So, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Scandal In Belgravia

Here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

Woman : Obviously, this episode is all about Irene Adler, or professionnaly known as The Woman. She also calls herself and offers some intimate services to her clients. She also identifies as gay, which I think is more leaning towards the pan side. After all, she's having an affair with her maid, am I right ? She also has some compromising pictures of herself and a young woman in the royal family, and a ton of other top-secret things she keeps for her own protection. Her only weakness was on the password leaning to her phone, which revealed her attraction for Sherlock. Then, she is said to be killed, before we see Sherlock « save her ». The only thing is, is this in her mind and Sherlock is laughing because he thinks she's in America or is it because he actually saved her ? We won't know for now !

Government : Sherlock, in this episode, is called by Mycroft to do this little job for the British government, and the royal family, and goes to the royal palace to get the job. After all, they lost these compromising files and want to get them back as soon as possible, without any problems. They end up trusting Sherlock to the maximum to get the code to Irene's phone, and when they learn about the missile being discovered and a bomb in the plane transporting it, they have to blow it up before they get to the said missile, which is why not only the British were involved, but also the Americans.

Caring : In this episode, Sherlock talks about love as « a chemical defect found in the losing side », and even Mycroft comments about a mourning family with these words : « All people die. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage, Sherlock. », which for me, is a little bit sad. When John asks Ms. Hudson if Sherlock had ever gotten in a relationship, she answers that no, she's never seen in a couple. After all, it was love who put Irene in danger and blew up her only protection, her phone, since she didn't have doubles of the said pictures and informations. In the end, all ends well, for Mycroft and the British government. But for how long before Moriarty, who had learnt about the missile, goes back in the front of the stage ?

Overall impression : Another very great episode, I realised that the funny ringtone was in the beginning of this episode, and I'm excited to see more about it soon !

Okay, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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