lundi 31 août 2015

Fargo, S1 Ep9

Fargo, S1 Ep9

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the ninth episode in the first season of Fargo. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

A Fox, A Rabbit And A Cabbage

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

FBI : So, these two FBI agents who were in front of the building when the shooting happened, and then they were sent to the file room because they didn't do anything while the massacre was happening ? Well, they still are in the file room, but they want to catch the shooter, hoping that they will get to their former positions in the field. So, they decide to leave the file room, since they were bored (e.g. : the riddle with the man who owns a wolf, a goat and a cabbage that I had solved once but I don't remember the answer, or the existential question about the file room without files or the cemetery without bodies), and then they go to see the policewoman.

Right And Wrong : So, when these two FBI fellas arrive in Bemidji and see the hard-work the policewoman had done, they are quite impressed about that, right ? They even told the chief of police that he should have listened to her. In my opinion, this new chief doesn't really know how to do his job, or he just wanted to close the case as soon as possible to avoid working too much on it, and that's why he doesn't want to listen to the « conspiracy theories » that the policewoman keeps giving to him anyways. Maybe he just wanted to get rid of the case because ot was too complicated anyways. But as the case is re-opened, he'll have to do something or everything will happen without him, in the end...

Yes Or No ? : Last but not least, in this episode, Lester is, again, the witness to some murders. As he went up to see our serial killer, he asked « Is this what you want, Lester ? », and then, he kills his supposed girlfriend he had proposed to, a dentist he was supposedly working with and his wife. Apparently, it was a big contract, it had taken him six months and 100,000 dollars. Anyway, now, he's also killed Linda, Lester's wife, while they were trying to flee to Acapulco for some holidays (also to leave the country since now the police's back after him). Anyway, I think that Lester is now in BIG trouble, and we don't know how he'll get out of this (if he DOES get out of this...).

Overall impression : It was another excellent episode, the one before the finale, so the season is coming to an end ! Can't wait to see how it'll all turn up.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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