mercredi 24 février 2016

The Root Of All Evil

The Root Of All Evil

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, I had this little illumination, the other day... so I was like, why not share it with other people to spread the news ?

Because I think I found... the root of all evil.

And what is it, you ask ?

Well, I believe it's judgment.

When you think about it, people judge others all the time ; for their appearence, for their behaviour, for their taste, for their orientation, for their identity, for their hobbies, for their lifestyle, for everything that they are.

And judgment often brings hatred, you know, the one that creates all the stereotypes, all the clichés, and the misrepresentation of a certain category of the population because of a commen aspect that they have. Judgment breeds ignorance, and the unwillingness (does that word even exist ?) to learn about those people and what makes them who they are.

Hatred breeds violence. The discrimination, the harassement, the slurs thrown at everyone, everyday, just because of some aspect of our personalities or our identities that makes us different from the rest of the crowd, from the rest of the world, so normal, but oh so boring.

(Otherwise they would have something else to do with their lives other than just bully you just because of the way you are.)

Violence brings all the evil in the world, the inequal rights, and sometimes makes your actual existence something illegal. Wars are declared this way, because things are being judged, whether it's a language, a religion, a culture, or a mix of all three. And all of this happened because right in the beginning... you just judged others, because you thought it was in your rights... when really, it wasn't. It isn't and it will never be.

Crazy how being judgmental caused such horrible things such as killing innocent people for being who they are, right ?

That's why I advocate for a lifestyle where the only thing that is judged are crimes. Not your clothing, your musical taste, your general activities, or your spirituality. Just crimes. Everything else is a personal matter, and therefore, none of your business. I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to let people live their lives as much as you live your own. Thank you.

(P.S. : I just realised that some conflicts emerge from a clash of powers, but it comes from the judgment that others should be subjected to you, right ?)

Alright, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

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