Gender Imbalance Is Caused By Women Themselves !!! (Me vs My
Step-Dad #2)
everybody, Mary here !
here's another Me vs My Step-Dad™ post because seriously what he
says sometimes is so ridiculous it's almost embarassing...
Here's another of our rants about gender imbalance, and gender
equality ! (while watching a movie where a female cop panics in
front of a male criminal...)
Him :
hahaha it's so funny. Like, it's such a woman-y thing to do.
Me :
why do you say this ? It's just one woman, not all women. There
are some badass ones.
Him :
yeah, but I'm an ex-Marine. In real life, they are all like this.
They all want to be as badass as men and then they are given less
tasks and less exercise.
Me :
You can't expect the same results from two differently built bodies !
Him :
then don't expect equality ! Because even in P.E. at school,
they give you less running than boys, right ?
Me :
because you can't expect young ladies and young men to have the same
results !
Him :
they should only have one grid for all. 20 laps means 20/20, and so
Me :
but it's unfair ! Girls will never run as much as men ! You
don't understand what is equality, right ?
Him :
yes, I know, it's mathematical. Everyone gives the same effort or
else it's not equal.
Me :
no. Equality is each gender giving their maximum ability. Sexes are
differently built, and that's why everyone should be given a fair
Him :
yeah, and then there are these women, these piss-babies, who want to
be in the army with men, and then they ask for personal favours and
less work than men ! And then they aren't as efficient as men on
the field !
Me :
at the very least they tried. You can't dismiss their work because of
their gender.
another discussion while reading off an article on my mom's Twitter :
Me :
yeah, have you seen that the qualities required to be a leader are
more stereotypically masculine and that's why most leaders are men
and not women !!!
Him :
it's because women aren't trying to do enough !!!
Me :
there's a litteral proof that says right here that society in general
prefers men as leaders over women and you're saying we're not
« trying enough » ? Bullshit. Besides, it's the same
in politics.
Him :
then why aren't there more female candidates ?
Me :
because people don't vote for them and they are pressured not to be
candidates !
Him :
yeah, but there are more women than men. Why don't they all vote for
women ? It's women's fault if there is a gender imbalance. They
just have to vote for women !
also said : The
gender-pay gap exists because women don't ask for equal pay in
regards to men's pay !!!!!
which is honestly so fucking stupid I didn't even bother to answer to
this one.)
basically, for my step-dad, gender imbalance exists because :
- it's women's fault
- women should be treated equally as men therefore do as much even if it's physically impossible
- it's women's fault
- women are stupid and should be candidates and vote for their own gender if they want to be the next generation of leaders (by the way DO THIS WOMEN LET'S FUCK THESE SEXIST PIGS !!!!!)
- it's women's fault
- women should ask for equality themselves (as if we were not doing it RIGHT NOW YOU FUCKING TWAT) !!!!!
then, he says, oh
no, I'm not sexist. I treat everyone equally.
(which he uses to « explain » the fact that he could be
hitting anyone as much as he wants, and that women can be hurt as
much as men, as if they were not the victims of harassers everyday of
their lives just because they are females !!!!!)
No !
Gender imbalance exists because of patriarchy. Because of sexist men
like you who demean women's work like you. Because of assholes like
Because. Of. Women.
that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and
I'll see you very soon with a new one !
as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!
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