mercredi 24 février 2016

The Root Of All Evil

The Root Of All Evil

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, I had this little illumination, the other day... so I was like, why not share it with other people to spread the news ?

Because I think I found... the root of all evil.

And what is it, you ask ?

Well, I believe it's judgment.

When you think about it, people judge others all the time ; for their appearence, for their behaviour, for their taste, for their orientation, for their identity, for their hobbies, for their lifestyle, for everything that they are.

And judgment often brings hatred, you know, the one that creates all the stereotypes, all the clichés, and the misrepresentation of a certain category of the population because of a commen aspect that they have. Judgment breeds ignorance, and the unwillingness (does that word even exist ?) to learn about those people and what makes them who they are.

Hatred breeds violence. The discrimination, the harassement, the slurs thrown at everyone, everyday, just because of some aspect of our personalities or our identities that makes us different from the rest of the crowd, from the rest of the world, so normal, but oh so boring.

(Otherwise they would have something else to do with their lives other than just bully you just because of the way you are.)

Violence brings all the evil in the world, the inequal rights, and sometimes makes your actual existence something illegal. Wars are declared this way, because things are being judged, whether it's a language, a religion, a culture, or a mix of all three. And all of this happened because right in the beginning... you just judged others, because you thought it was in your rights... when really, it wasn't. It isn't and it will never be.

Crazy how being judgmental caused such horrible things such as killing innocent people for being who they are, right ?

That's why I advocate for a lifestyle where the only thing that is judged are crimes. Not your clothing, your musical taste, your general activities, or your spirituality. Just crimes. Everything else is a personal matter, and therefore, none of your business. I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to let people live their lives as much as you live your own. Thank you.

(P.S. : I just realised that some conflicts emerge from a clash of powers, but it comes from the judgment that others should be subjected to you, right ?)

Alright, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

The Gender Imbalance Is Caused By Women Themselves !!! (Me vs My Step-Dad #2)

The Gender Imbalance Is Caused By Women Themselves !!! (Me vs My Step-Dad #2)

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's another Me vs My Step-Dad™ post because seriously what he says sometimes is so ridiculous it's almost embarassing...

Anyways. Here's another of our rants about gender imbalance, and gender equality ! (while watching a movie where a female cop panics in front of a male criminal...)

Him : hahaha it's so funny. Like, it's such a woman-y thing to do.
Me : why do you say this ? It's just one woman, not all women. There are some badass ones.
Him : yeah, but I'm an ex-Marine. In real life, they are all like this. They all want to be as badass as men and then they are given less tasks and less exercise.
Me : You can't expect the same results from two differently built bodies !
Him : then don't expect equality ! Because even in P.E. at school, they give you less running than boys, right ?
Me : because you can't expect young ladies and young men to have the same results !
Him : they should only have one grid for all. 20 laps means 20/20, and so on.
Me : but it's unfair ! Girls will never run as much as men ! You don't understand what is equality, right ?
Him : yes, I know, it's mathematical. Everyone gives the same effort or else it's not equal.
Me : no. Equality is each gender giving their maximum ability. Sexes are differently built, and that's why everyone should be given a fair shot.
Him : yeah, and then there are these women, these piss-babies, who want to be in the army with men, and then they ask for personal favours and less work than men ! And then they aren't as efficient as men on the field !
Me : at the very least they tried. You can't dismiss their work because of their gender.

And another discussion while reading off an article on my mom's Twitter :

Me : yeah, have you seen that the qualities required to be a leader are more stereotypically masculine and that's why most leaders are men and not women !!!
Him : it's because women aren't trying to do enough !!!
Me : there's a litteral proof that says right here that society in general prefers men as leaders over women and you're saying we're not « trying enough » ? Bullshit. Besides, it's the same in politics.
Him : then why aren't there more female candidates ?
Me : because people don't vote for them and they are pressured not to be candidates !
Him : yeah, but there are more women than men. Why don't they all vote for women ? It's women's fault if there is a gender imbalance. They just have to vote for women !

(He also said : The gender-pay gap exists because women don't ask for equal pay in regards to men's pay !!!!! which is honestly so fucking stupid I didn't even bother to answer to this one.)

So, basically, for my step-dad, gender imbalance exists because :
  1. it's women's fault
  2. women should be treated equally as men therefore do as much even if it's physically impossible
  3. it's women's fault
  4. women are stupid and should be candidates and vote for their own gender if they want to be the next generation of leaders (by the way DO THIS WOMEN LET'S FUCK THESE SEXIST PIGS !!!!!)
  5. it's women's fault
  6. women should ask for equality themselves (as if we were not doing it RIGHT NOW YOU FUCKING TWAT) !!!!!
  7. IT'S WOMEN'S FAULT !!!!!

But then, he says, oh no, I'm not sexist. I treat everyone equally. (which he uses to « explain » the fact that he could be hitting anyone as much as he wants, and that women can be hurt as much as men, as if they were not the victims of harassers everyday of their lives just because they are females !!!!!)

No ! Gender imbalance exists because of patriarchy. Because of sexist men like you who demean women's work like you. Because of assholes like you.

Not. Because. Of. Women.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

Freedom of speech vs « Freedom » to be an asshole (Me vs My Step-Dad #1)

Freedom of speech vs « Freedom » to be an asshole (Me vs My Step-Dad #1)

Hi everybody, Mary here.

And here comes a little speech that will be a part of a series of a new series called Me vs My Step-Dad™ (because we have so many crazy arguments that I thought, why not entertain the Internet about this ???)

The other day (more like, months ago), we were talking about our freedom of speech. And my step-dad was insulting a certain group (I don't even remember if it was gays or immigrants lolol but he was pretty nasty if you want my honest opinion), and he was saying that he can say whatever he wants, because of his so-called « freedom of speech ».

I told him while staring at him in the eye, « Your freedom of speech is not a freedom to be an asshole. It doesn't grant you the right to diss others because of who they are. So you can't use your so-called freedom of speech when all you want to say are nasty things. If you have nothing nice to say, then you stay quiet and don't hurt anyone else. ».

And then, he said, « Well, freedom of speech gives me the right to be an asshole. But it also gives the freedom of kicking someone for being nasty. » (At this moment, I just wanted to taked his words for granted and kick him in the balls, but I forced myself not to.) !!!

I still firmly believe that hatred isn't needed and it's a crime to be homophobic, transphobic, generally queerphobic, sexist, racist, and many other things. Your freedom of speech is the right given by the government, saying that they can't emprison you for expressing you. It protects the citizens from censorship, which is illegal in many countries in the world. It means you can't be sent to jail, tortured, or killed for your personal beliefs, thoughts and words.

But when these « beliefs », « thoughts » and « words » are directed towards another person or group of people, just to be plain nasty and hateful, it's my right to protect the potential victims of these hateful messages and shut you up before innocent people are triggered, taken down, ridiculed, harassed and dragged into the dirt because you wanted to be an asshole. You should be sent to jail for your repeated hatred and aggressions towards innocent people, because they don't need to be hated by such a shitty person as you.

So, one last time, repeat after me :
Your freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to be an asshole.
Your freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to be an asshole !

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this little post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

Asexuality Isn't Real !!! (Stop The Stereotypes About Asexuality)

Asexuality Isn't Real !!! (Stop The Stereotypes About Asexuality)

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, I just stumbled across this video... and I was quite a little worried right there. Asexuality, linked to mental illness ? I don't think so.

Here are the few points that p*ssed me off quite nicely :

  1. The fact that asexuality is considered as « low libido », when in reality, it's more like « lack of sexual attraction, regardless of gender ». But yeah. I thought you knew better, Arielle (and that you had learnt enough while making your asexual week).
  2. The fact that asexuality is considered to be « too busy » or « not in the mood for sex ». It is completely wrong, many people are busy or not in the mood for sex and still experience sexual attraction, while some asexuals are not busy or can be in the mood for sex. They just don't experience sexual attraction.
  3. Sexual attraction isn't libido. And asexuals can have low or high libido. Otherwise, we wouldn't see all these people going to therapy to get their libido back when they experience sexual attraction. This is seriously ridiculous.
  4. Arielle, I'm going to stop you here when you said that you thought you « were asexual » because you didn't (and still don't, I suppose) want to have sex with men, untl you realised you wanted to have sex with women, and therefore realised you were a lesbian. This really hit close to home as I'm going to defend my hetero-romantic asexuals out there who are thought to be gay and in the closet when they come out as asexual. You can watch two videos about a hetero-romantic asexual right here : link.
  5. Because you basically compared asexuality, which is a valid sexual orientation, to a mental illness. Which, by definition, is not only acephobic but also shows great erasure of mentally ill people (like me). So, if you're an asexual and are also mentally ill, you get, like... twice as much hurt as anyone by this video.
  6. The fact that you just talked with a friend instead of asking actual asexuals, like you did in your asexual week videos, or even took the time to look up things or word it differently so it doesn't touch a subject you know NOTHING about (asexuality). I believe that the video you wanted to make was « is a low libido correlated to mental illnesses ? » which would have been less problematic in asexual regards, even though it still erases mentally ill people with a high libido or neuro-typicals who have a low libido. I still don't see the link between the two by the way... so, if anyone could explain, it'd be great. Thanks.
  7. Your videos, Arielle, have a big impact on people, how they view themselves, and how they view others. You are a sort-of Internet teacher, and I'm glad that, just like your dear friend Ashley Mardell, you let people talk about their own experiences, during special weeks. These videos are educational, non-biased and give a voice to under-represented identities. Why did you do this, I do not understand. But many people in the comment section have expressed their concern about the video, telling you that it made them feel erased, misunderstood, or wrong when they are just asexual babes looking for a representative voice. Hopefully people will see Ashley's ace&aro trilogy which explains in depth asexuality and aromanticism and feel better about themselves. (By the way, the « It's A-Okay ! » anthem is so good and empowering of the ace/aro community and I love it SOOOOO MUCH !!!!!)
  8. If you want a clearer expression of how bad people felt, I'm going to talk about another experience of mine. I identify as a pan demi-romantic asexual, and I have a preference for the ladies. When I watch videos like « lesbians reacting to bisexuals » (only the answer made by the bisexual women could fix my broken heart), or any lesbians expressing their negative thoughts on bisexual women, I feel like they are attacking all multi-sexual women. I feel like people disregard us as a part of the LGBTQ+ community, they don't want to include us because we are attracted to other genders, and therefore we are « straight ». (Unless they have a crush on a « straight girl », because in this case these lesbians will have this fetish of this straight girl actually being bi for them. But just for them though, which show their fetish of straight girls turning gay for them. Remember the videos « lesbians sleeping with straight girls » and « straight girls sleeping with lesbians » ? Yeah, exactly this.) Now, I'm weary of lesbians as much as I am of straight men, as they will believe I'm gay just because I said I'm pan. (That or the « I cured you from your queerness » speech. Please don't do this men. Unless you want your balls ripped off or something.) Do I have a reason for being weary ? Yes. Do these words hurt me ? Yes, they do. Is it going to dictate my life, segregating those people ? No. Because humans are humans and they can't choose their own identity.

(Okay maybe the last point was a little bit off-subject, but confession : as you're a lesbian and also participated in the « lesbians react to bisexuals » video, if I'm correct, it took me a very long time before I really trusted you and started watching your videos. Even now, some people still believe your channel is not really a safe place and there are some hateful/ignorant messages sometimes.)

Okay... this was a little rant and you probably apologised about it by now, but I wanted to ass my two cents in here. I hope you don't mind it !!!

Your fellow queer girl (loving to the moon and back),

Anyways, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

The X-Files Revival #6

The X-Files Revival #6

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the very last review from the X-Files revival, the last episode of this revival, I'll miss it dearly, now let's go.

My Struggle II

So, it's the epic finale... and not only it has an open ending (which drives up my hope of getting more of The X-Files !!!) but also it didn't include what I REALLY wanted : William.

Yes, that's right, they made the five first episodes all about him (or with very huge references about hum), and in the end, we still don't know where he is, whether he is still with his adoptive family, or if he ran away (he probably did because otherwise Scully would have found him where she dropped him fourteen years ago), unless the family has moved out (what happened to THEM by the way ? I guess we'll never know...).

And now, there's this sort-of cliffhanger with the entire genome that has been changed to eradicate the immune system, making eveyone sick at the same time, Reyes is working for the Cigarette Man in order to have her own basic survival and recieve the cure, Mulder refused it, MULDER IS DYING F*CKING HELL, Scully is trying to do a cure, she gave it to Mulder, Einstein probably got the cure in the hospital and Miller will use it too as soon as Mulder forces him to do so...

(all of this are my hopes now !!!)

And also the aliens are about to abduct Scully so that she can't keep saving the world or something. Hopefully Einstein remembers the formula and can keep making it.

I guess that, if there's a sequel to this (because some people working on the show have asked to), there will be the Evil Men™ who will try to eradicate the cure before the human kind is cured, and there will be a fight between them and the humans who want to survive...

(By the way, Cigarette Man using "ecologist arguments" to prove his plans made me think about Albert Wesker in Resident Evil. But Cigarette Man is older and uglier.)

Anyways, a grande finale, popping up the champagne, ending up in foreworks... it just makes me hungry for more now.


Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

mercredi 17 février 2016

The X-Files Revival #5

The X-Files Revival #5

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the fifth episode in The X-Files Revival ! I can't believe that the next episode will already be the last one.

Anyways, without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?


First things first : the typical insertion of Muslim terrorists is so "Fox" I can't believe these racist assholes didn't do it earlier.

Because at the beginning of the episode, we only see a good person, praying and going on with his life, picking up his friend, being a good citizen (and even recieving the insults of f*cking Texan sh*theads), and going to a place (a car shop ??? It's very fancy anyways).

And then, bang ! A bomb. I thought that maybe, he was just a victim, someone who explodes as soon as he speaks or makes a mistake (I mean, we litterally have an X-Man whose ability is to explode and then reconstitute his body. If anyone can remind me of his name it'd be great thanks) ??? Like this would have been more paranormal than just the talking to a man who's almost dead ??? Whatever I'm pretty sure they just didn't have the idea or the rights... *deep sigh*

But no ??? It has to be a terrorist somehow ???

And then we have this TV show where the black woman is more hateful towards Muslims and the white guy is more tolerant ??? What the ever-f*cking f*ck this isn't remotely acceptable to put all the negative comments on a black woman and praising the white dude as more tolerant, because if it were reality (not f*cking Fox), it'd be the opposite, the black woman who's defending the fact that not all Muslims are terrorists and the white dude categorising all Muslims in the terrorist box.

Anyways. If we go past that we actually have some good stuff a.k.a. :

1) Agents Miller & Einstein being the litteral copies of Mulder & Scully but younger, the sexual tension between those two is seriously so real you could cut it with a knife or something, especially at the end of the episode. I am seriously shipping them so hard & I am now looking for a name for their ship. (If you have any suggestions you can leave them in the comments !!!)

2) Some spirituality, Mulder who's under the influence of a placebo while believeing it's the "real deal", talking to the dude even if not technically under the influence of real drugs, him dancing wih people older than him & talking to strippers (which made me think of his role in Californication, which I don't watch, actually), the Lone Gunmen making an appearence (they are my faves tbh, my polyamorous gay men *blows a kiss for each of them*), slutty Skinner (can't blame him for having some fun times after all the "migraines" Mulder has given him with some crazy theories), MULDER YOU ALMOST GOT HIT BY A CAR YOU LIVING FLOP, Einstein spanking the hell out of him with his "woo-woo", the Smoking Man whipping him, the pietà with the Muslim man and his mother, some Arabic words, and then the hospital and the real consequences of the real world.

3) F*CKING MSR SCENE AT THE END I'M CRYING... They talk about their kid & I believe that they want to take him back everyday even more & have a good family life with a life like everyone else... They just want to be... normal... (wow is this the X-Men or what ??? *nervous laugh*)

Anyways... I think this episode was more about showing the perfect copies of Mulder & Scully and them talking about their child / Scully and her mother / f*cking God and spirituality and sh*t.

Okay, that is it for today, I really hope you enjoyed this episode and I'll see you very soon with something new !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

dimanche 14 février 2016

Any last advice, Mary ? (14/14)

Any last advice, Mary ?

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, today's Valentine's Day ! Are you spending you day well ?

(I'm doing nothing for that matter)

I just wanted to finish the 14 Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge with a little message of hope for anyone who's alone today, and I'm sending you all the <3 you need, and little pieces of hope, hoping they'll reach you.

(Damn that's a lot of hope here !!!!!)

Anyways, I hope you had a wonderful day and I'll see you soon with something new !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

samedi 13 février 2016

Last Minute Reminder (13/14)

Last Minute Reminder

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and here's my thirteenth post in my Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge !

Here is some advice for tomorrow in case you're sad/nervous/excited !

  • If you don't have a date, it's okay ! I don't have one either for that matter and I just planned to spend this Sunday like any average Sunday. Actually, I'm turning twenty this year and I've never celebrated Valentine's Day, so you shouldn't worry about you not getting a date !
  • If you do have a date, don't worry ! Everything will be fine, I'm pretty sure of it. Dating shouldn't be social torture but some fun time with a potential/confirmed partner and to get to know each other/have some great time together to build new common memories !
  • If you're alone tomorrow, why don't you call some of your friends and have some fun ?
  • Don't be worry if you have no plans for tomorrow and want to spend it alone ! Just like me, don't feel the pressure to be lovey-dovey when you don't feel like it.
  • Also indulge yourself still with something you like ! Go buy that chocolate you're craving, those muffins or cupcakes or whatever you fancy, and treat yourself. Man, if you have no one to love on Valentine's Day, you gotta love yourself, that's all I'm saying.
  • Also give some love to your family and friends, too. I'm pretty damn sure they deserve it.

Okay, that's pretty much it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you tomorrow with the next post (and last already !!!) in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

vendredi 12 février 2016

Valentine's Day : Single Friends Edition (12/14)

Valentine's Day : Single Friends Edition

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, you don't have a date for Valentine's Day and you just happen to have friends who are available as well ?

Then why don't you just throw a party to celebrate your group of friends and the love you have for each other !!!

(Because if you don't love each other, platonically I mean, then what is the purpose of friendship itself, huh ?)

Anyways, here are a few ideas to do between friends that will make you feel less alone and a little bit better on Valentine's Day.

  • play some cardboard games ! It may ruin your friendships, but at the very least you'll have some fun !
  • Play video-games ! Because you just wanted to be nerdy as hell.
  • Do a gigantic movie marathon for the entire day (and since this year, Valentine's Day is Sunday, it'll be perfect !)
  • Bake some stuff and eat it ??? What is wrong with that ???
  • Just go outside and stare at couples ??? I don't even know anymore man this is waaaaay too hard... *cries of loneliness*

Okay, that's pretty much it for today ! If you have any other suggestions, please send them to me ! And I'll see you tomorrow with the next post in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

jeudi 11 février 2016

Some Good Movies (11/14)

Some Good Movies

Hi everybody, Mary here.

Here's the eleventh post in my Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge.

I had a pretty sh*tty day (I had to go to a meeting when I just wanted to go home, I finished my day late, I tried to find a book to read in Italian *btw if you have any Italian LGBTQ+ books, now is your time to shine lolol !!!!!* and then my computer got hacked by a virus and I don't even know if there are traces of it, like I probably deleted 99 % of it but at the same time maybe there is still 1% of it somewhere because it's making an awful noise sometimes), so I won't be talking a lot.

Here are a few cute gay movies to watch on Valentine's Day.
  • Carol. Because it's lesbians.
  • Le mine vaganti. An italian movie, two gay brothers tying to come out at the same time, a little cute funny movie that's not too focused on the romance, so it's perfect.
  • Jongens (Boys). Cute gay boys, why don't you watch it already ?

I'll add more movies later lol. If you have other movies, please tell me.

Okay, that's it for today ! I'll go out to bed now. I hope you still like this post and I'll see you tomorrow with the next post in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mercredi 10 février 2016

Epic Ways To Propose (10/14)

Epic Ways To Propose

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, since Valentine's Day is coming by pretty quickly, the tenth post of my Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge will be all about ways to ask someone out.

(Ensue the screams of everyone around me because I never asked someone out in the first place. Hahaha I love being ironic af)

Anyways, here are a few cute ideas that I'd love happening to me, but that actually requires efforts.

(Oh, by the way, before asking someone out, a few details : please make sure you and the person you've been trying to go out with have talked a little to each other, to make sure that you have a little bit of compatibility and that they know you, and you know them, and that there's an actual chance of you two love-birds to be in a couple !!!)

But here are my few cute ideas :
  • a little letter / cute note inserted in their bag or something (v v v cute)
  • a little private video on youtube w/ the link sent via mail (oh my GOD please do this for me for the love of God hahaha)
  • dedicating them their favourite song/a v v v cute feelsy song before asking them out
  • flowers (not necessarily roses but other flowers with a deeper meaning or something)
  • their favourite food in a jar w/ the proposal in the bottom of the jar or something

Okay the last one was a little bit stressing but you got the message. No matter how difficult and scary it might be, it's still better to ask them out and be rejected, before moving on with your life and finally finding the one that loves you as much as you love them, rather than not asking and wasting your time on what if's and I'll never know's because you don't deserve this mental torture. You deserve love (no matter what type !!!) and courage is sometimes needed to get what you want.

But in the end, isn't that SO MUCH WORTH IT when you finally find the one ?

Alright, this is it for today's post ! I really hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you tomorrow with the next one in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

mardi 9 février 2016

The X-Files Revival #4

The X-Files Revival #4

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the fourth review for the X-Files Revival ! I can't even believe that we're already two-thirds of the way through the revival ! It's gonna end so soon and aaaaargh I don't know what I'll do after that.

(Probably start working on my actual lesbian stories, but that's another story, hahaha...)

Anyways, without any further ado, here's the review ! Enjoy !

Home Again

Sad points : they didn't actually solve the case (but do they ever do this ?), Scully's mom is dead, Scully is lost, Mulder is trying to help her as much as he can.

Good points : the parallel between the "band-aid man" and William. Scully believes that she's responsible for leaving her son behind, and she feels very guilty, and (while I hope that these events will bring her back closer to Mulder and they'll end up as a happy family raising their son the way he should have been raised since the beginning).

The thing about their son is that these homeless people are treated like trash, abandonned in places in which they don't want to be, and they are usually forgotten about and never remembered since they were placed in this place.

And Scully feels like she treated her son like trash, abandoning him in a place where he didn't want to be, instead of recieving the care he deserved. She and Mulder are trying to talk about these feelings of creating something, being responsible for it (just like Scully's mother tried to reminder her while calling Charlie, "the son who ran away" but that she still considered her responsibility and she wanted him to know he'll be okay). And now, just like Scully's mother and her son William, Scully wants her own son, also called William, to be okay, even if he can't hear her.

The thing was, Scully's mother thought she would never hear from Charlie again, and when she does, she can finally find peace again. Scully also needs to know her son will be okay, even if he can't see or hear her.

The irony lies in the title of the episode, "Home Again". In the beginning of the episode, Scully begs her mother "not to go home yet". And when she does, it's the end of the story. And she also wants to go home, with her son, and Mulder probably.

And then, finally she will find peace and be home. (Also the parallel about Scully being in the coma herself and then being rescued by Mulder was super cute.)

Anyways, I think that now, Scully wants her son more than ever before, and with the help of Mulder, they'll maybe start looking for him... and in the end, find him ? Being chased by aliens and the government ? The truth will emerge after years of it being buried in lies ?

(Argh if it doesn't happen I will kill a b*tch, seriously.)

Anyways, that's it for this episode ! I really hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next week for the next review of this amazing revival !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

Not-So-Romantic Day (9/14)

Not-So-Romantic Day

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the ninth episode in the Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge, with another little cute message, for my fellow aro-spec friends.

It's about not understanding Valentine's Day.

When you're in the aro-spectrum, and feeling variant to no romantic attraction, you might think that this day is completely pointless and that it's just a marketing ploy concieved by chocolate and roses sellers in order to have a peak of sales during the month of February.

And while you might be right to a certain extent, I just wanted to tell you that it's okay not to understand this day, even if it seems very important to other people.

Some people feel the need to celebrate a day of love during which people exchange love presents, such as chocolate and roses. But here are a few things that you should consider while complaining about Valentine's Day :

  1. For Ghana, Valentine's Day is also National Chocolate Day. Since they are the biggest exportator in chocolate, they celebrate with chocolate.
  2. In Japan, gender roles are reversed for the day, and women are supposed to give men chocolate boxes. Men could then reverse the thing on May 14th, with white chocolate, on a day called « White Day »
  3. In the Philippines, many marriages are celebrated on this day.
  4. In South Africa, people pin the name of their lover on their shoulder.

And not every country celebrates Valentine's Day romantically ! Here are a few countries who do it differently :

  1. In Guatemala, they call the day El Dìa Del Cariño, where affection for family and friends is as important as romantic love.
  2. In Estonia, Valentine's Day is called « Friend's Day », so that single people aren't singled out of the festivities. But if you still want romance, there are « love buses » for the day !

Please tell me how you celebrate Valentine's Day across the world ! In France, it's the classic chocolate & roses, but please tell me if you celebrate it differently ! I'll add a little post-scriptum here !

*Speaking of which, there was the « rose-giving time » yesterday in class and I seriously wanted to puke. What a bunch of over-romantic losers, buying roses for silly messages to give to friends according to popularity in the class...*

And remember... you can still celebrate platonic love for your friends, family and other loved ones on Valentine's Day ! After all, it's the day of love, of ALL love ! So don't beat yourself up if you don't understand the Westernised, romanticised, overall glammy version of the day !

(try hosting a friendly version with your other single/aro friends hahaha !!!)

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you tomorrow for the next post in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

lundi 8 février 2016

Understanding Love When You're Ace/Aro (8/14)

Understanding Love When You're Ace/Aro

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the eighth post in the Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge ! As a pan demi-romantic asexual, I wanted to put up a little cute post about ace/aro love when you don't necessarily understand it.

First of all, it's okay to understand that not all love is romantic or sexual. There are other forms of love (platonic, alterous, and such) that are equally important as romantic or sexual love. People will tend to trap you in a cage of sexual love > romantic love > platonic love when it's obviously not true. Amato-normativity and the hyper-sexualisation of society over all ages has made the world this way, but it's important to remember that it's not always been this way.

First of all, if you look at Ancient Greece and Plato's era, you might just remember that the term « platonic love » has been coined by... well, Plato himself. He said that the connection between two souls, two best friends, who stay with each other no matter what, is actually as important, if not more, that sexual/romantic love, and he appreciated all of his philosopher friends (although it's notable to see that some of them were also gay and infatuated with the man).

You might see that trying to cut off sex/romance out of your life because you don't feel the attraction seems a little bit... weird to a lot of people around you. Don't worry about it, they probably are just a little bit ignorant, and just like all ignorant people on this planet, a little bit of education usually does the trick.

But when you are facing actual people who keep constantly telling you that « you can't stay single forever, come on », or « you'll end up marrying the dog at this rate, that's the only person you actually love », or « oh my god sex is the best feeling in the whole world, and you just don't understand it because you've never tried it, and you just should stay quiet because you're just plain ignorant », it's not that simple to just tell them to stay quiet while you explain them what's the real deal about love.

Because they're just too dumb to listen anyways. (By the way, all the sentences mentioned above, included the dog one, are all coming from my lovely step-dad, who actually told them in real life. Urgh I just wish he understood sometimes. *also I love my dog very very very extremely much please don't hate me okay love you bye*)

In the end, wanting love, even just friends, platonic love and affection, makes all of us humans. It's completely okay if you want love but in a non-romantic, non-sexual way. I wish I could just come up to someone and tell them that I love them, but in a platonic way, you know ? Just in a I care about you way. But I'm pretty damn sure they'll think it's sexual or romantic, and they'll think I want to be in a relationship with them and bang them, and then either dump me or pressure me into romantic/sexual things when I'm not ready at all for a romantic relationship.

(And let's not even talk about sex. I'm prude af, I don't even want to be seen naked, even less touched in my private parts, so before I have sex, the world needs to end and all humans must have been destroyed. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'm really sex-repulsed and absolutely frightened by sex/sexual activities.)

And it's normal to be scared of either telling someone you love them, but in a platonic way, or wanting platonic love, because it's seen as inferior by society, and that no one will understand you anyways. And it's normal to have, just like me, this fear of spending your whole life all alone and dying alone as well.

In general, it's perfectly okay to ask for platonic love. Because it's as important and as intense as sexual/romantic love, and people need to understand that.

We are all humans in the end, and we all deserve much love.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you tomorrow for the next post in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

dimanche 7 février 2016

What Is Love ? (7/14)

What Is Love ?

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the seventh post in my Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge ! Let's ask ourselves a little rhetoric question : what is love ?

I read a Tumblr post the other day (well, a very long time ago, and I had even reblogged it and added my personal commentary, but I don't seem to find it back...) about the fact that love isn't just a feeling, but it's a promise. A promise that you make everyday, that you'll stay no matter what, in the best like in the worst.

(Because what you liked the most in one person ends up being the thing you hate the most about them in the long run.)

And that people who chose to speak when facing problems stayed married, even if the spark of love has faded for a very long time already. In the other hand, people who didn't want to talk ended up divorcing.

Basically, when things are going for the best, you gotta stay aware of the worst, and when it's the worst, you gotta find back the little spark that made you fall in love with the other person. And if you don't find it back, it's not bad to cut the links that you think are not working.

In the end, what is love ? It's the simple company of the other person, staying with you no matter what, and that finds the best in the worst. Otherwise, it's not good to stay in an unhealthy relationship that's draining your emotions, your efforts, your time, and your overall patience.

It's the little moments, not necessarily the big romantic gestures, when you appreciate the presence of the other person ; helping the other person grow up and accept to recieve lessons so you can grow up too ; mutual teaching and learning, sharing the good bits in your life, and supporting each other in the bad times.

It's way more simple than what people make it seem to be, and and obviously, if people understood this, love would be more easily found. But I guess that people love making simple things complicated because their life is so *boring* that they need to be fueled by the drama and heartbreal of others around them. (what a bunch of bast*rds, me says.)


Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you with the next one in the series tomorrow !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

samedi 6 février 2016

Why I'd Be The Worst Girlfriend Ever (6/14)

Why I'd Be The Worst Girlfriend Ever

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the sixth post in The Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge, and I'll be talking about how I'd be the *worst* girlfriend ever.

Let's get started, shall we ?

So, here are my few reasons :

  1. Because I'm a clingy person who wants constant validation and appreciation from her partner (but in secret).
  2. Because I hate PDA. Unless you don't like me (and agree with my opinion), we won't be serving romantic feels all over the place. Sorry.
  3. Don't even expect me to do your chores. It's 50/50 or nothing.
  4. I will talk about what's going on in my mind for ages. If you don't want to listen to me, don't expect me to listen to you when it's your turn to speak.
  5. I will call you out on your bullsh*t if you ever do anything that I find morally wrong. You have the right to do that on me as well. It's important to keep the conversation in place for a healthy relationship.
  6. I hate big romantic gestures. I'd rather have a date at our place, with a video-game and some pizza (vegan please), rather than going outside and be in an uncomfortable social situation.
  7. Actually, can I have some cute pictures of my favourite moments ? Some people dislike that but I would love to have some cute pics to look as memories in a few years' time. You know, just innocent, « off-guard » pics that everyone is secretly jealous of. Yeah, a ton of those please.

So, basically, I seem to be a very complicated person, and that's the reason for which it'd be actually difficult to date me ! (no seriously I'm such a meme goodbye)

Okay, so that's it for today, I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you tomorrow with the next one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

vendredi 5 février 2016

Forever Alone ? (5/14)

Forever Alone ?

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's something that I can relate to (since I've never been in a relationship in my entire life)...

And it's my utter and extreme fear of staying « forever alone ».

Especially when Valentine's Day is rolling around, showing up its litte pointy nose, all I can see around me is PDA, PDA here, PDA there, people being lovey-dovey everywhere, unable to control themselves.

And I get the fact that many people (myself included), can get jealous of these « selected few », who have « the luck to be in a relationship », who are the Chosen Ones™ to feel « the miracle of love », and all of that romantic bullsh*t about how special it is to meet your « soulmate » who has « one out of a trillion chances to ever appear in front of you » (which is even more ironic when you know that many people will have multiple relationships in their lifetime, which is perfectly okay btw).

And so, here some (and I'm coming with them) the wave of butthurt singles who are just wishing to be in a relationship. You know, at this point, it's not even to be in love or anything. It's because amato-normativity has tried, again and again, to prove them that if they aren't in a relationship by age x, they are worthless, they are « lesser human beings » than those who are in a relationship, that they are doomed to loneliness, and that they'll never find « the one ». (Or that being a virgin past a certain age shows your failure at life in general.)

And I totally understand the fact that sometimes, it's getting on your nerves to know that just because you're single, then you're not « a whole person », but just « a half waiting for another half »...

Which is very destructive and acephobic and arophobic.

And then, you have the other people. I get the fact that they're trying to be supportive and cheering us up and trying to make us see the good side of things instead of the bad one, and they say things along the lines of « but you know, one day, you'll find the one ».

But you know what ? « one day » is NOT on my calendar. It has never been and it will never be.

Because this is such an abstract concept, right ? One day, the one... one day, you will be in a relationship... one day, you'll be happy...

But this doesn't change the current situation, the current sadness, the current loneliness. My perception of reality, as I've learnt in Organisational Behaviour at my business school, is as important as reality itself, for any given individual.

Which means, that even if objectively, I'll end up meeting a partner I'm happy with and in a happy, fulfulling relationship, this doesn't change my current perception of reality, which tells me that I'm just a f*cked up human being that doesn't know any better and who will never find « the shoe to fit her feet ».

In the end, let's appreciate single people as much as people in a relationship, and all humans, equally, even if Valentine's Day is supposed to celebrate love. (or romance & sex, should I say, tbh.)

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you tomorrow with the next post in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

jeudi 4 février 2016

Dear Future Partner... (4/14)

Dear Future Partner...

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the fourth post in my Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge... with a little message for my future partner (if I ever get one lolol).

Here we go...

To anyone who'd like to be my partner, this is very simple. You just have to maintain a little bit of compatibility towards me, me towards you, you like me, I like you, this is the best story ever created under the Sun, and love happens.

People love making simple things complicated. And yet, I'm not very fond of big romantic gestures. I'd rather like a constant reminder that I'm yours, and you're mine, and no matter what happens, you'll stay truthful, honest, and humble in all situations.

These are the three only qualities I'm asking for. Someone with morals, values, ethics. Someone who cares, about themselves, but also me, and us.

I'm not thinking about love as this big adventure where you need to be filled with angst, tortured souls, secrets and mind games. I seriously don't have the time for that.

I just think that my relationship should be simple, something natural, as if it had always existed but never discovered. Something that exists in our daily lives, that isn't a big scenario, but just something a little bit special, that in the end, makes sparkles in our lives, and makes us very happy and nothing else.

Of course fights will happen. But as long as communication exists and a solution can be found, I'm not the type of person to stay mad at someone for a very long time. And in the end, I'll always be the one trying to make it up, even if I'm not the one at fault ; don't let me do that if I'm actually innocent. I tend to be over-apologetic and I need to be told the truth, period.

In the end, I'm not looking for someone very complicated or anything. Just a person who cares about me, and lets me care about them, with some common ground and differences, that enhances each other's lives, and makes the other person happy.

Is that too much to ask for ?

Okay, that's it for today, I really hope you liked this post, and I'll see you tomorrow with the next post !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

mercredi 3 février 2016

I've Never Been In A Relationship !!! (3/14)

I've Never Been In A Relationship !!!

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, there are a lot of people, especially when Valentine's Day is rolling around, that are a little bit complaining about the fact that they've never been in a relationship, and that they are jealous of people who are in a relationship...

Let's be honest, I hate PDA as well, and nothing irritates me more than a lovey-dovey couple shoving their « love » down my throat just for the pure sake of making me jealous of them.

But let's be honest right there : I've never been in a relationship either. And it's perfectly okay !

In a world where love (and by that, I'm talking about the sexual and romantic components of love, since amato-normativity has placed romantic love above platonic love at all costs) is shoved down everyone's throats all the time, regardless of whether you like it or not, it's very important that you understand that sometimes, it's better to wait a little bit before you go in a relationship that's doomed to fail anyways.

When we're young, and/or inexperienced, we tend to believe that without love, we are incomplete. We are only whole when we find « our significant other », or when we find « our other half ». Let's be honest. No matter whether you believe in soulmates, love at first sight, or any of these myths (or not)...

Nothing's gonna change the fact that you're a whole person, whose value isn't measured by your relationship status. You are not better because you are in a relationship.

(And you're not better because you're stubbornly single, mind you.)

I just wanted to tell you, it's better to wait a little bit longer and find a person you're truly happy with, whether your love is platonic or romantic, rather than just have your heart broken because your need to be validated by society as « a functional dating human » is prioritised over your own personal health.

Let's end up this amato-normative bullsh*t, don't you agree ?

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you liked this post and I'll see you tomorrow with the next one in the series !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

mardi 2 février 2016

The X-Files Revival #3

The X-Files Revival #3

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the third episode in the revival ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Mulder And Scully Meet The Were-Man

So, basically, this is the story of a lizard that can transform into a man, and not the opposite.

This lizard was bit by a human and then started transforming into a human and behaving like one, and he's got an existential crisis or something.

I literally only noticed three things during this episode : the first one is, obviously, the were-man that basically gave me an existential crisis during the graveyard scene, and who's a confused lizard who doesn't know why humans behave like humans, and how boring and unsignificant their lives must be. The act of having his first thought, the concept of death itself, and other things made me question my life, a little bit. But I know I'm happy and going where I want, so I'm not stressed out too much.

The second idea was about Mulder & Scully vs the new technologies like a fully functionng Internet & smartphones. Basically, it's very funny to see people, twenty years ago, who didn't even have any cellphones, to them getting cellphones (remember that episode where the electronics basically killed everyone or pushed people to suicide ?), and now, smartphones. Wow. So much progress in technology over the last twenty-ish last years. And it's not over yet, guys !!! (if we get more episodes in the future, let's say.)

Finally, the third idea was about the new dog, Dagoo. Years after Scully tragically lost Queequeg *rip poor soul*, she's getting another dog, named after a Moby Dick character. Coincidence ? I think not... and Scully isn't ready to give up on the Moby Dick aesthetic. Also, did she just say that she's immortal ? Is it a joke or is it real though ? I thought she didn't believe in things like this... "escaping the laws of science"... nah, it must be a joke. I hate immortal characters, I can't relate to them, and they'll probably outlive me, so I'm not very happy about it. Gives me anxiety about my own death, one day. Tragic, isn't it ? They are fictional, and yet, the pain they cause me is very real...

In the end, a very anxiety-inducing episode, not very willing to watch it again, and I hope that the next episode will be a little lighter. (When are the aliens coming back btw ???)

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you liked this episode and I'll see you very soon with something new, eventually !!!

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

Ideal First Dates (2/14)

Ideal First Dates

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, today's movie was nice... and we were there just for the movie, so nothing happened.

(The guy was sick anyways.)

So, today, for this episode of The Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge, I'll be talking about ideal first dates.

And by that, I mean, actual fun dates. I understand that cinema + restaurant may seem romantic and cool, but it's no fun at all. I mean, having to behave « like grown-ups » while eating « fancy food » and then get two hours, or even three, of awkward moments before leaving and talking about the movie a little bit before going back to home ?

A little bit cliché, me says. Here are some ways to spice things up !

  1. The bowling ! You get some fun, you get a pizza afterwards, and everyone's fine ! A little game can't hurt anyone, right ?
  2. Some ice-skating ! Why not ? And then, you'll try to pick each other up while trying to walk on ice... nice, me says.
  3. Laser Quest ! Some competition, by playing against each other, and ending up having loads of fun. Who cares if you end up behaving like five-year-olds ?
  4. Just a little movie/tv show marathon under a blanket. Because you don't need to go outside anyways... right ?
  5. Still want to get fancy ? Why not the harbour. A little pic-nic by the beach, an ice-cream with the sunset, and maybe (if you're lucky), some fireworks.
  6. Still in the extremely fancy/romantic suggestions, why not just drive and see the view from a high point ? The stars, even ? Who knows, you're just a big nerd anyways.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with the next one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!

lundi 1 février 2016

I'm friendzoning everyone !!! (1/14)

I'm friendzoning everyone !!!

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the very first post of my (long-awaited ? I don't even know what people here want anymore...) series called The Fourteen Days Before The Fourteenth Challenge ! It's a little series right before Valentine's Day, all about relationships, served right from the person who's never been in one !!!!!

(I love irony and being ironic. If you dislike this, then you can come back in two weeks when I have something else to serve.)

Anyways... I'll start with a little confession of mine.

I'm friendzoning everyone.

Even though the friendzone is a concept created by horny straight males in order to explain « their bad luck » and their complete inability to get a girlfriend, their lack of communication skills and the fact that they think they « deserve » a girl's love just because they are being nice to them, I'd like to tell you something about certain types of « friendzone » that are, according to me, acceptable.

  1. because you are not attracted to the person's gender (or not attracted at all)
  2. because you are not ready for dating
  3. because you are afraid of commitment or being in a serious relationship
  4. because you just went through a bad episode and don't want this to happen again
  5. because you just don't see that person the « romantic » or « sexual » way

Like I said, if you're uncomfortable with the idea of dating someone in particular (or anyone ever), then it shouldn't be your fault if you're sending them explicit messages that you don't want to date them, and they try to pursue you anyways. You have the rights to end the whatever relationship you had if you don't want it to continue.

My specific reason for friendzoning people is simply because of my asexuality, and my fear/disgust of sex. Like, if sex did NOT exist (or people understood that it isn't necessarily needed for a healthy, fulfilling relationship), then yes, I'd be gladly dating (only people that I know really well though. I am not pan and demi-romantic for nothing). But since this isn't the case and the world is heavily sexualised anyways...

I guess I'll have to wait until the miraculous one shows up and declares their flame for me.

Tomorrow, I'll be going to the cinema with that guy. It's simply because I had seen a very old movie that was going for on night at my local cinema (James Bond vs Dr No), and he said that it was his favourite James Bond, so we are going tomorrow evening.

Although he's probably going there just for the movie (he clearly told me he would have gone even if I wouldn't have been there), it just freaks me out to... like... going out... with a STRAIGHT DUDE... Google : how to give him hints that this is NOT a date...

And then the Straighties McHets™ tell me that I shouldn't be « friendzoning them » ? Maybe look less menacing and a little bit cooler and maybe I'll give it another try !

And maybe I won't Google « how to show him sings that I'm not interested and he should stop trying to hit on me » !

(Don't worry about me btw. This is probably my anxiety speaking. I mean, the guy is nice and all, he's a big nerd like me and we ate lunch together. I even made a joke about « getting a girl » and he didn't get offended. Did he get the hint I'm gay or... ???)

Anyways. We'll see what happens tomorrow, right ? And regardless of that, I'll see you tomorrow for the second post of this series + the review of the third episode of the revival of The X-Files !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !!!