vendredi 11 décembre 2015

Advent Calendar #11 : Mandarin

Advent Calendar #11 : Mandarin

Do you know that in the earliest Christmas traditions,
The only gifts given from one another during the festive season were mandarins ?
They seem to be very cheap nowadays,
But back then, they were the most expansive fruit on the market.

At the time, the main goal of Christmas, wasn't to buy the most expansive gift ever,
But just to spend a little time around a meal prepared for hours with your loved ones.
The purpose of the gift wasn't its monetary value,
But just the sentimental one, and the feeling of being gifted.

So, next time you feel like your present doesn't have any value,
Whether you recieve it or are about to give it,
Please remember the meaning of the gift rather than the money spent on it,
And the good intentions rather than the supposed lack of means to buy it.

145 words.

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