The Uncanny Fails
#6, #7 and #8
Hi everybody, Mary here !
So, I just realised when
I made these Uncanny Fails a couple of months ago... that many of
them are actually a little bit related. So, I decided to group them
in just one post !
(And it just means you'll
get more that usual ! Great deal, huh ?)
Anyways, let's get
started, shall we ?
Highly Sarcastic
So, this is one of the
very first traits I'd give myself to give an accurate description to
those who don't know me yet... sarcasm.
Whether it's to bitch
about something I find unfair or to moan about the injustices of this
world, I'm always sarcastic about something that makes me bitter.
I usually don't go all
crazy over the place, I'm just like « Hey ! That proves my
point, b*tch ! Get rekt ! ». But in a more
condescending tone, like...
« As it's been
proven by a scientific study right there, here's the point that will
drag you in the pit of shame. Shame on you and your sh*tty priviledge
that I haven't been granted by birth. Also f*ck you if you disagree
with me because here's another study that proves how wrong you are...
b*tch. »
(that is still not subtle
enough is it ?)
Anyways. I still love
burning people on a stake with my sarcasm... and I'm proud of it.
People see me as a very
nasty person who's looking for the best argument in this world...
well I guess that my life will be a constant fight against inequality
since people don't even understand the meaning of injustice.
And I'll do it with my
Radically Honest
First of all : the
difference between radical honesty (what I'm going to talk about) and
brutal honesty (which isn't even honesty) : radical honesty is
f*cking up social roles and pretentious people who want to keep
having « white lies » to use people for their own
advantage or to avoid hurting them because « it's a social
situation, Mary, you gotta be nice (a.k.a. a mother-f*cking
Hypocrite™) towards these people ». Brutal honesty is when
you hurt someone on purpose for the sake of your « honesty »
which is just plain rudeness.
(And let's be honest, if
you don't have anything nice to say, then sh*t the f*ck up. I don't
need your negativity in my life, thanks.)
Well, people don't see
the difference because... truth hurts, am I right ? When I'm
told I lack tact and empathy towards strangers, I always think about
how wrong it must be since I'm always nice to people, right ?
Wrong. I'm just nice to
my loved ones. All the others, in my eyes, haven't done anything for
me, so I don't feel the pressure to be nice towards them since they
aren't towards me.
(which makes me think
about the Ent – what's their name ? – in the Lord of the
Rings who says that they aren't on anyone's side since nobody's on
their side...)
But then I realise that I
should be nice to everyone and this truth keeps me grounded, even if
it hurts everytime I hear it.
People, I get it, can be
hurt by the truth. That's why, when you're trying to be honest with
someone (which many people, including me, aren't), you should be
Tell them the way you'd
tell a friend. Explain very carefully the reasons. Tell them why what
they're doing is wrong, and how not only it affects others, but in
the end, it'll affect themselves. Also, try to give them some
solutions to solve these problems, and end up telling them that if
they need help to improve themselves, you'll always be there to help
Don't just yell at people
without explaining yourself and then expect them to understand your
way of thinking when they probably think in a different way.
Honesty doesn't give you
the right to be an asshole. However, honesty does give you the right
to explain things to others, and also, in the end, you'll improve
yourself, since people won't be afraid to tell you what's already
perfect and what can be improved.
And while helping each
other out, you'll improve, together, instead of having petty fights
that have no reason to exist.
But I guess that people
don't understand that.
Ironically Speaking
Last but not least, the
latest addition to my problems : if I ever meet, you, please
don't take me seriously. I don't even take myself seriously.
Irony is one of my worst
traits, as you never know whether what I'm saying is what I mean or
if it's just a little joke that I'm trying to spread across.
(I guess that I don't
have a sense of humour anyways, since everytime someone tries to make
a joke of me, I just take it the wrong way and I get offended by
everything. But that's a different story that I'll explain another
Basically, I'm joking all
the time. But when I'm not joking, it means that things are getting
serious. Oh man, you don't want me to be all serious around you,
trust me.
Sometimes, my supposed
humour is very crude and corrosive, but trust me, I mean no harm.
Otherwise, I'd use my trust-worthy sarcasm.
I guess my humour is seen
as something always offensive... and people are still not ready to
hear me...
Anyways, that's it for
today ! I really hope you enjoyed this extended post and I'll
see you very soon with a new one !
And as usual, our last
word : KIDNEYS !