Not knowing where to go
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, as today is Sunday, it's time for another #DoubleSunday with a topic I wanted to deal with : not knowing where to go.
Because sometimes, in life, people don't really know what they want to do. They don't want to know what they will study next year, which university they will go to, what job they will take in the future, what career thay planned for the next ten years of their lives.
However, what is not okay is these people forcing us into choosing our careers at a very young age. When you're supposed to decide fot the rest of your entire life at the age of eleven to fifteen, being pressured into proving to everybody that your choice is valid and can be proven by years of experience in the field (for f*ck sake, they are barely fifteen ! How are they supposed to be working or knowing what they will do for the rest of their lives !).
When I was a kid, I got the very lucky chance to have a mum who let me choose my own decisions in life, and she didn't pressure me into choosing a career at a very young age (I changed my mind many times before finding my idea last year). Now, I am facing entrance exams for business schools (which is terrifying to be honest), and my direct concurrents are people who have prepared something for years (many people still don't know what they will do and I am a part of the few who have a precise project in mind, but that's not the point).
And honestly, I can't get more terrified. I have to prove to people that what I want is valid, must be verified by thousands of experiences that I couldn't get because I didn't know what to do, and my teachers kept telling me that if I can't prove what I want, I would be eaten alive by people who have ten different professional experiences in the field of their dreams. What a mad man was one of them who gave to my class four C.V.s of people who can speak three languages and got ten trips around the world as well as ten different professional experiences in one field they want to work in, without counting the charity work (that I WISH I could do as soon as people if I weren't so busy all the time) and the policital involvment of some of them. I barely started to work last year ! I traveled only with school for short trips ! I am not a goddess of wealth, for f*ck's sake !
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys that it is okay if you don't know what to do or where to go. I am now preparing "my case" (many evidence of my will to work in my preferred field, which is obviously the publishing industry), and I am ready to face the business school teachers ! After all, my teachers right now won't be the ones who decide of my future career. They won't be the ones giving me the interview that will allow me, or not, to get in the business school that I want.
And let me tell you something : your middle school/high school teachers and counselors are not the ones telling you what to do. They are here to help you and guide you in times of confusion, not to pressure you into doing something that you don't want to do. As long as you have the guts to do what you want to do (and God knows that the publishing industry is saturated right now), you will always make it. Dedication and strong will can break the hardest of obstacles in life.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon for another one !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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