Broadchurch, S1 Ep1
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here's to the beginning of a new series of posts, #TwoWeeksOfBroadchurch ! For the next two weeks, I'll review one episode per day (two on Sundays because of #DoubleSunday), mainly because of the fact that I'm pretty busy right now (studies and stuff). Anyway, let's go for the first review, for the first episode of the first series !
Episode 1
"Have you seen Danny ? He forgot his lunch."
So, the first episode opens on the murder of Daniel Latimer, an eleven-year-old boy from Broadchurch. We can see how devastating his death is for his family, and how they will have to cope with the loss of a child. Beth running towards the beach only to discover the truth, Ellie having to cope with it because her own son was friends with Danny, and basically his entire family who has to live now that he will never come back. The first feeling when grieving is denial (followed by anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance), and Danny's dad wanted to be sure that the body found on the beach was his son's when both Beth and Ellie had recognized him on the crime scene. And the idea of having to live without him is terrifying for the entire family.
"For God's sake ! Bloody Twitter ! These people's lives have been destroyed and now our incompetence has made it worse."
And here's one of the reasons I really hate some journalists. They want the gossip, to be the first one making the frontpage and have the cover and the scoop that nobody else has. We can see Olly (a stupid character that I hate, sorry if you like him), who basically just wants to be a famous journalist and makes the most horrible mistake ever : outing the family and the murder in public... via Twitter. It is only thanks to a Google alert that Danny's sister is informed. Alec Hardy, the detective in charge on the investigation, is now obliged to explain everything to the population because nothing's private anymore. It is a sacrilege to the Latimers who just wanted to mourn Danny's loss in peace without all these greedy people asking for private information and stealing it without their consent.
"There will be no hiding place for Danny's killer. We will catch whoever did this."
Broadchurch is a small town and in this place where evedybody knows everybody, it is easy to say that a lot of people knew Danny Latimer and knew things about him. The ambiance of the show gives the impression that everybody is a suspect, everybody has something to hide, especially that lady in a caravan by the beach and the candy-seller. Even Danny's father doesn't seem to tell all the truth, especially to his own wife (sorry, I think this is spoiling a little, I've seen all series one, so...). Anyway, the investigation, as Alec Hardy said himself, is going to be very complicated...
Overall impression : Great opening to a great show (trust me, I've seen all series one and I am rewatching it to remember everything before watching series two for the first time). A must-watch !
Okay, that's it for today ! I hoped you enjoyed it, and that you'll understand that I can only watch one episode per day. See you soon !
And as usual, our last word... KIDNEYS !
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