Broadchurch, S1 Ep3
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, as #TwoWeeksOfBroadchurch keeps going, here's the review for the third episode of the first series. Without any further ado, here it is !
Episode 3
"Mark Latimer, I'm arresting you for obstructing a murder inquiry."
In this episode, as Mark Latimer has no alibi (the lodger denied the fact that he has repaired the plumbing when he said he was, he didn't want to say with whom he was on the night of the murder, Danny's boat was found on his boat, he admitted it), he is the number one suspect and was only discharged when the woman working at the hotel told the police that she had been with him for sex (because Danny's sister told her to say something, even to her and only her). Mark told the police that he was ashamed, but in fact he really isn't, which shows that his couple must have problems if he has to resort to cheating instead of dealing with their problems. And now, with Danny's murder, everything has been made worse...
"I have a message for you. It's from Danny."
Here comes the psychic again ! He says he has some information about Danny and his murder and wants to talk to Beth, who refuses it. After all, she's mourning her own son and it must be really difficult to hear any speech coming from anybody. After the second stage of mourning, here comes the third one, the bargaining. In this case, she just wants a message from Danny, to tell her and reassure her about the fact that he's safe, wherever he is. There are heavy connotations to religion as, in my opinion, the area is quite religious or at the very least influenced by the local church. After all, Broadchurch is a quite small and rural village, and possibly quite conservative.
"Look at your community from the outside.
- I can't be outside and I don't want to be."
Here again, we can see the different points of view from Ellie and Alec as their methids of working are different. After all, as I previously said, Ellie lives in the community and has a subjective point of view. I'm not saying that Alec does a better job by trying to be objective as much as he can (he too has demons from his past, a previous case that even the psychic reminds him), but we can have quite big surprises from now as everybody is a suspect once again. After all, the lodger might have lied about something. She has Danny's skateboard. Mark's friend and colleague knew about the night when Dannys was killed (when he was cheating on his wife in a parking). Tom (Ellie's son and Danny's best friend) deleted messages and texts that could have been used as evidence for something. And maybe there are more people who know about Danny's murder. After all, everybody know everybody in this town, am I right ?
Overall impression : Another really great episode which shows (and I haven't seen that in many detective/cops' show) the grief of the family when it comes to a loss and the difficulty of leading a proper investigation. It's not like in these American shows where everything is solved in 45 minutes...
Okay, that's it for today, I hoped you enjoyed this post ! See you very soon for another one !
And as usual, our last word... KIDNEYS !
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