Advent Calendar #22 : Santa Claus' Vanishing, Part 8
Santa's Little Helper started their negociations
By knoching on the door of the Penguin Palace.
There, they were conducted to his Majesty, Joseph The Third,
King of the Penguin Land.
"You prompted to see me quickly, Helper, the King said.
Is there a problem ? Did we do something... wrong ?"
"We are worried, your Majesty, and are afraid to tell you
That Santa Claus disappeared, a few days ago."
"We are suspecting some Penguins to be around this affair,
As traces of one of your engines has been found near the Factory,
And this card was found on his bed. Would you have any informations
About this incident, your Majesty ? Among... your subjects, for example ?"
118 words.
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