jeudi 15 décembre 2016

Advent Calendar #15 : Santa Claus' Vanishing, Part 1

Advent Calendar #15 : Santa Claus' Vanishing, Part 1

One morning as the Factory was starting,
And the Elves and the Reindeers and all the other animals
Were working on training or preparing gifts for all children
Across the world, something happened.

An Elf, supposedly Santa's Little Helper,
Was doing their controlling around when suddenly
They recieved a message from Mrs Claus
Telling them to come immediately in her office.

"Is something wrong, madam ? the elf enquired.
You usually don't call me that often. Is something wrong ?
Something about the production, the Elves, or the Reindeers ?
Something I can fix myself, perhaps ?"

"The production is good and the Reindeers are training,
So there's nothing to complain about that. Your work is brilliant.
However, my husband, for some reason, wasn't there this morning,
And I can't find him anywhere. I'm afraid to tell you... that he mysteriously disappeared."

142 words.

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