Sherlock : The Abominable Bride
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, since I'm finally feeling a little productive today, I just watched the seasonal special of Sherlock, The Abominable Bride, and I was quite... surprised.
I thought this would be an actual stand-alone, a special episode that isn't linked to the actual modern series, but if you wish to comprehend series 4 which will arrive next year (seriously why do I have to wait for so long ???), you should probably watch this episode as it's really important.
So, there is a parallel between Moriarty faking his death and a case that happened in the 19th century, and Sherlock just decides to over-dose to prove a point and make sure that Moriarty is actually dead.
I mean, if you shoot yourself right in the face, you're dead, you can't come back. And there comes the parallel ; first of all, we see similar characters in the Victorian era and in the modern one.
I especially appreciate the tiny dash/very big exposure of feminism that is included in this episode.
Molly Hooper who has to disguise as a man just to exercise her regular job as a doctor without being thrown out by the misogynistic, sexist men of this era.
Mary Morstan/Watson who is a suffragette and who probably led them to the sect of women playing the abominable bride to scare these men they seem to hate so much.
Lestrade who's a nice man in the modern era blatantly asking the same Mary if she's "for or against women's vote" when she says she's in a campaign for women's votes. I mean, who'd be against equal right, especially when you're on the less priviledge side of the balance ?
"Oh yeah, I'm a woman and I can't vote. But only men can vote ! So I'm gonna shoot myself in the foot and not ask for equal rights, I'm even going against them so the patriarchy and blatant sexism can keep ruling evrywhere, thanks for asking !"
Such a strong woman as Mary wouldn't say that in the entire world.
So, there's this parallel between the modern and Victorian eras, and they are linked to solve how Moriarty is back. In the end, Sherlock declares him dead, but just like the bride had friends and people to play her after her death, Moriarty has sbires who will keep playing him after his death, just to bother Sherlock Holmes until he dies.
(Or we'll have Moffat pulling a Doctor Who-esque rabbit trick and Moriarty will still be alive, I know yes what a shock you just have to watch Doctor Who to see how mad of a man he is...)
In more positive notes, there was lots and lots of gay in this episode, Victorian and fat Mycroft just playing with his own life while eating while modern Mycroft tries to hide his weight gain and to exercise to lose that gain made me laugh for ten straight minutes (even if I'm not), and this episode was quite a good experience, in the end.
Anyways, good times that shorten the wait a little bit. But now we have to wait another year to see series 4 coming on our screens, so I'll be there for anyone who needs support. I'll see you soon with another post.
And as usual, our lasr word : KIDNEYS !
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