Doctor Who : The Husbands Of River Song
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, I'm so sorry I'm late for everything, but since I was on holidays with my family, I really wanted to treasure my time with them, so I had planned on having a social media break.
(That and having Animal Crossing : Happy Home Designer doesn't help. Seriously, this game is so repetitive and they should have a patch where we can do like, two full rooms, or even three, four, five, bigger rooms ! The best thing was definitely the public places and they should make more of those and I really hope they do. But despite that, it's very addictive and you just can't stop playing it once you've started it !!! So good recommendation if you're looking for a new game to play !!!)
But I'm back ! Isn't that a good thing, in the end ?
So, here's my little review about the 2015 Christmas Special from Doctor Who. In a few words, to say the least, I hadn't understood in the trailer why River Song doesn't recognise the Doctor. There's this little mystery : she didn't know about his new regeneration cycle, which means that probably, the Great Intelligence didn't know either. Only Clara knows.
(Does that mean that no one knows the Doctor anymore, or he's a different person to those who know about the new regeneration cycle ? What about the Sisterhood of Karn then ?)
Anyways, so that means we won't have Clara echoes in the future.
But in the end, the Doctor, after dropping ten trillion hints, sees River talking about his love for him. The thought of her being insecure and thinking that the Doctor doesn't love her back really broke my heart, as I was thinking about all the fans who don't pair the Eleventh Doctor and River because of their age difference. (I mean the actors, not the characters.)
But it seems that River just married this douchebag to kill him and steal a precious diamond in his head. She probably engaged that man to help her and they weren't serious. I mean, that banter when they were talking about all the other people they married besides each other was seriously gold.
So, the Doctor and River have one last adventure in space. As River herself said, her journal is nearly full, which means that in her timeline, we're just before The Silence In The Library where she dies. That's probably why the Doctor not only avoided her (in her timeline) to go on Durillian and have the last supper before she goes away, but also in his timeline, as we're hundreds of years after the Evelenth Doctor era in the Doctor's life.
This episode was kinda bitter-sweet, the last adventure, I definitely cried in the end where they have the last fancy dinner and they listen to the singing of the towers and they both know now that they won't see each other again. I mean, I'm not against it : the romantic relationship is quite here, and to the Whouffaldi shippers, I'd like to remind them that not every strong love is romantic. I do prefer Twelve and Clara as very best friends who loved each other, sure, but not in a romantic way.
Talking about Clara even though she isn't in this episode, just a little update about my feelings towards her : I'm still grieving her and I probably won't watch any episode with her soon, so the wound is still fresh. So, I will stop there, I think.
In the end, the episode was brilliant, full of River sass and she matches Twelve perfectly. It was nice to have a little happy episode (apart from the end), and he seems to get better over time. I really hope that he'll find someone else quite soon (and having a guy for once wouldn't be luxury, I believe).
Anyways, this it for this review, I don't have much more things to say besides the fact that I was happy to see River Song again. I'll see you soon with another review.
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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